Music to activism to!

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by ChelG, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Sharing a lot of special interest fandom songs here. I like to think that as a naval officer from the Liverpool docklands who wrote his first book specifically for blind kids, Mr Jacques would be happy about us using his songs as inspiration for helping poor, queer, non-white, and disabled people.

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2016
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  2. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Videos aren't loading for me here, but this one from the Hamiton Mixtape is fucking incredible.
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  3. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

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  4. Rooks

    Rooks How Lost Are You on a Scale of 1-10? ... Zoro.

    Some of my music is angry, so give it a miss if that isn't good for your brainspace.

    This one is nicer:

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  5. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

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  6. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

  7. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Two on vastly different ends of the mood spectrum.

  8. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    When you're lovers in a dangerous time
    Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime
    Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight
    Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight
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  9. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
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  10. nobodyspeak

    nobodyspeak put me to your lips

    Gossip: "Standing In The Way Of Control"

    "Standing in the way of control
    We live our lives
    Because we're standing in the way of control
    We will live our lives "

    Beth Ditto is a fat queer feminist punk musician, and you may have heard of her. This song was written specifically as a protest regarding gay people not being able to marry in the USA, but hey it's pretty applicable beyond that.

    Alexisonfire: Midnight Regulations

    "I find myself concerned
    For the common man, these days
    Evil are the minds
    That push the divide"

    "Brother! There is no charity
    For the common man
    When he is in need of relief"

    "Oh, all you common men
    You need to fight for a new way
    Old hearts, we need to mend
    It’s time to start again
    Palace walls dismantled
    Brick by brick, you will have your day"

    "They say just to hold on to your hope
    But you know
    If you swallow your pride you will choke"

    Alexisonfire (Alex'iss-on-fire) is (was) a Canadian post-hardcore band from St. Catherine's, Ontario. "Midnight Regulations" is from their 2009 album "Old Crows / Young Cardinals" and I find it very apt to a lot of stuff going on in the current political climate of the USA, and also in my home province of Alberta.
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  11. nobodyspeak

    nobodyspeak put me to your lips

    Run The Jewels: "2100"

    "Love will survive
    Run out under iridescent lights for our lives
    I will be surprised if we ever got the feeling so alive as tonight
    Wild for the night
    Look into my eyes
    I am standing at your side for the fight
    Minds over might"

    This song was unveiled by the hip-hop duo the day after the 2016 USA presidential election.
    • Winner x 1
  12. IndigoRiffRaff


    Raise your hands
    Raise your hands high
    Don't take a seat
    Don't stand aside
    This time don't assume anything
    Just go go go

    Now all the politicians
    They just squawk their mouths
    They say we'll build a wall to keep them out
    And all the poets were dying
    Of a silence disease
    So it happened quickly and with much ease
    • Winner x 1
  13. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
  14. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

  15. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

  16. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    an idealistic, hopeful song about activism

    for when that's what needed, 'cause sometimes it is, even if "love can change the world in a moment" sounds a bit silly and unrealistic
  17. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

  18. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    I listen to this song a lot when I'm in a resistance mood.

    Translations of the lyric under spoiler, also warning for some violent imagery in video and lyrics I guess, and I definitely don't agree with all the song says [the artist has some problematic history, but from what I've seen he's tried to improve and learn from his mistakes], but it's pretty powerful. Apparently the singer was inspired by Ireland's history of resistance. Note: I used "withstand' but the translation might be easier to understand if you replace it with "resist"

    [Edit: Oh I'm an idiot I could have used "endured" instead of "withstood" oh well]

    Nacimos para aguantar lo que el cuerpo sostiene | We were born to withstand what the body supports
    Aguantamos lo que vino y aguantamos lo que viene | We withstand what came and what will come
    Aguantamos aunque tengamos los segundos contados | We withstand even when we have our seconds counted
    Nuestro cuerpo aguanta hasta quince minutos ahorcado | Our body withstands being hung for up to fifteen minutes

    Aguantamos latigazos, que nos corten los dos brazos | We withstand whippings, that they cut both our arms
    Fracturas en cualquier hueso, tres semanas con un yeso | Fractures in each bone, three weeks with a cast
    Aguantamos todo el tiempo las ganas de ir al baño | We withstand all the time the need to go to the bathroom
    Pa' ver el cometa Halley, hay que aguantar 70 años | To see the Halley comet, we have to withstand 70 years

    Aguantamos la escuela, la facultad, el instituto | We withstand school, the faculty, the institution
    A la hora de cenar, nos aguantamos los eru'tos | At dinner time we withstand the desire to burp
    El pueblo de Burundi sigue aguantando la hambruna | The people of Burundo still withstand famine
    Aguantamos tres días para llegar a la luna | We withstand three days to reach the moon

    Aguantamos el frío del ártico, el calor del trópico | We withstand the cold of the artic, the heat of the tropics
    Aguantamos con anticuerpos los virus microscópicos | We withstand with our antibodies micriscopic viruses
    Aguantamos las tormentas, huracanes, el mal clima | We withstand storms, hurricanes, bad weather
    Aguantamos Nagasaki, aguantamos Hiroshima | We withstood Nagasaki, we withstand Hiroshima

    Aunque no queramos, aguantamos nuevas leyes | Even if we don't want to, we withstand new laws
    Aguantamos hoy por hoy que todavía existan reyes | We withstand that even today there are kings
    Castigamos al humilde y aguantamos al cruel | We punish the humble, and withstand the cruel
    Aguantamos ser esclavos por nuestro color de piel | We withstand being slaves due to our skin color
    Aguantamos el capitalismo, el comunismo, el socialismo | We withstand capitalism, communism, socialism
    El feudalismo, aguantamos hasta el pendejismo | We withstand feudalism, we withstand idiocy/assholeism [derived from a coloquial expression, pendejo aka idiot/asshole]
    Aguantamos al culpable cuando se hace el inocente | We withstand the guilty when they act like they're innocent
    Aguantamos cada año a nuestro puto presidente | We withstand each year our fucking president

    Por lo que fue y por lo que pudo ser | For what was and what could be
    Por lo que hay, por lo que puede faltar | For what there is, and for what might be missing
    Por lo que venga y por este instante | For what comes and for this moment
    ¡A brindar por el aguante! | Lets drink to the withstanding!

    Por lo que fue y por lo que pudo ser | For what was and what could be
    Por lo que hay, por lo que puede faltar | For what there is, and for what might be missing
    Por lo que venga y por este instante | For what comes and for this moment
    ¡Levanta el vaso y a brindar por el aguante! Raise your glass and drink to withstanding!
    ¡A brindar por el aguante! Lets drink to the withstanding!

    [Verso 2]
    Aguantamos cualquier tipo de dolor aunque nos duela | We withstand every type of pain even if it hurts us
    Aguantamos Pinochet, aguantamos a Videla | We withstood Pinochet, we withstood Videla [Note: names of many dictators]
    Franco, Mao, Ríos Montt, Mugabe, Hitler, Idi Amin | We withstood Franco, Mao, Ríos Montt, Mugabe, Hitler, Idi Ami [Note: names of many dictators]
    Stalin, Bush, Truman, Ariel Sharón y Husein | Stalin, Bush, Truman, Ariel Sharón and Husein

    Aguantamos mas de veinte campos de concentración | We've withstood more than twenty concentration camps
    Cuando nadas bajo el agua aguantas la respiración | When you swim underwater you withstand your breathing
    Pa' construir una pared aguantamos los ladrillos | To build a wall we withstand the bricks
    El que no fuma se aguanta el olor a cigarrillo | Those who do not smoke withstand the smell of cigarettes
    Aguantamos que Monsanto infecte nuestra comida | We withstand that Monsanto infects our food
    Aguantamos el agente naranja y los pesticidas | We withstand agent orange and pesticides
    Cuando navegamos, aguantamos el mareo | When we sail, we withstand dizziness
    Aguantamos el salario mínimo y el desempleo | We withstand minimum wages and unemployment

    Aguantamos las Malvinas y la invasión británica | We withstood the Malvinas and the British invasion
    En la ciudad de Pompeya aguantamos lava volcánica | In the city of Pompeii we withstood volcanic lava
    Y dentro de la lógica de nuestra humanidad | And within the logic of our humanity
    Nos creemos la mentira y nadie aguanta la verdad | We believe the lie and nobody withstands the truth

    Por lo que fue y por lo que pudo ser | For what was and what could be
    Por lo que hay, por lo que puede faltar | For what there is, and for what might be missing
    Por lo que venga y por este instante | For what comes and for this moment
    ¡Levanta el vaso y a brindar por el aguante! | Raise your glass and drink to withstanding!
    ¡A brindar por el aguante! | Lets drink to the withstanding!

    [Verso 3]
    Aguantamos al ateo, al mormón, al cristiano | We withstand the atheist, the mormon, the Christian
    Al budista, al judío, aguantamos al pagano | the buddhist, the jew, we withstand the pagan
    Aguantamos el que vende balas y el que las dispara | We withstand the guy who sells bullets and the one who shoots them
    Aguantamos la muerte de Lennon, la de Víctor Jara | We withstood Lennon's death, and Victor Jara's too [Note: Victor Jara was an important Chilean resistance singer/songwriter who was killed in the dictatorship]

    Aguantamos muchas guerras, Vietnam, la Guerra Fría | We withstood many wars, Vietnam, the Cold War
    La Guerra de los 100 años, la Guerra de los 6 días | The war of 100 years, the war of 6 days
    Que aguanten la revancha, venimos al desquite | We withstand the rematch, we come to revenge
    Hoy nuestro hígado aguanta lo que la barra invite | Today our liver withstand what the bar gives you
    For what was
    For what is
    For what will be

    Por lo que fue y por lo que pudo ser | For what was and what could be
    Por lo que hay, por lo que puede faltar | For what there is, and for what might be missing
    Por lo que venga y por este instante | For what comes and for this moment
    ¡A brindar por el aguante! | Lets drink to the withstanding!

    Por lo que fue y por lo que pudo ser | For what was and what could be
    Por lo que hay, por lo que puede faltar | For what there is, and for what might be missing
    Por lo que venga y por este instante | For what comes and for this moment
    ¡Levanta el vaso y a brindar por el aguante! | Raise your glass and drink to withstanding!
    ¡A brindar por el aguante! | Lets drink to the withstanding!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2021
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