My brain is dumb.

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by Lissa Lysik'an, May 25, 2015.

  1. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    So, packing is very stressful for me cause it means change. You would think the best way to reduce the stress is just take the hour or so and do the packing, then veg out, right? Nope. Brain goes "oh, you've packed something, time to do something else now" over and over, dragging out the process over the whole night so the stress stays nice and strong. So the suitcase is still half-empty, computers are only half taken apart, and I'm browsing here and tumblr instead of putting clothes in suitcase and wrapping up wires.

    Dumb brain.
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  2. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Yeah I hate when that happens. :( Brain is always like 'oh I've written a sentence for this essay, so I should spend ten minutes or more on tumblr now'. I haven't really found a way to work this out, other that just starting at a time where I know I'll have enough time to finish even with the frequent breaks. Like stuff is usually due at midnight, so I start at like 8pm or 6pm depending on the page requirements.
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  3. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    I feel you. I spend all day packing just because it's really hard??? Like I know, logically, grabbing clothes and throwing them into a suitcase is not a difficult task. But that doesn't stop it from taking all my spoons and taking all day! It's like, "You put a shirt in! Let's go on facebook." Same with essays and cleaning my room and stuff like that. It's very frustrating!

    But like Alska said, I've figured out how much time I need to get a thing done even with my frequent procrastination, so I can start early enough that I won't stress (too much).

    I still end up stressing.

    Speaking of, I have an assignment I'm meant to be doing right now >.>;
  4. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    That happens with everything I don't want to do. Put it off, and keep stressing about it in the back of mind until I do it at the last possible minute, and it turns out that it wasn't so bad after all.

    You'd think this would give my brain datapoints for next time, right? Wrong. Happens all over again.
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  5. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    OH MY GOD ARE YOU FUCKING ME. I literally meant to make this thread like tonight and then here. It is the thing. Yes.

    Packing for me is change. Even good change is Change and Change is Not Good (thanks spergbrain). I've learned how to pack by rote for certain trips I make on a regular basis, but that doesn't stop it from feeling any less OHGODFREAKOUT, it just makes the OHGODFREAKOUT take only 30 minutes or so. Wait just kidding I have to cut up meds and pack electronics and make sure everything's bearable hahahahahahaha NOPE brain won't let it go. And forget packing things to move, jesus christ, I spent an entire day packing one 16-inch-cube box with stuff because of exfun+trauma. Fourteen hours. One box. BRAIN.

    When I lived abroad I was getting very sick in the head. Every time I went back and forth to school was a new trauma and a new layer of suck on my mental health. By the time I was packing to go home the final time, even though my parents were picking me up and we took an excellent little holiday afterwards, I basically took two days to do it and I was literally sobbing the entire time. Now I get to relive that in little bits and pieces every time I pack for things. Yay! (Not yay.)
  6. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    I fantasize about living a life where everything I have to move fits in one big suitcase.
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  7. Fish butt

    Fish butt Everything is coming together, slowly but surely.

  8. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    Yeah, my love of 70s solid state stereo equipment and New England sound speakers kind of fucks up that whole plan.
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  9. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    Back when I was twelve, I had this dream of one day being able to live out of a car
    And now I have all this useless crap and can't afford a car
    Twelve-year old me would be so pissed
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  10. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    What I really want to do is buy one of those big old school buses, the three axle ones, and turn it into a portable living space. I think with modern technology everything I need could fit in one.
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  11. Magpie

    Magpie a nest full of shiny things

    I'm in the process of packing my entire life up and moving 700 miles. I'm encountering a similar issue, except for me, every item I put in a box makes me remember all the things that are attached to it (example: a pair of earrings my mother and I bought on a day we spent together. Putting them in a jewelry box reminds me that when I am moved, I won't be able to do that with her on just a simple day off. Cue the anxiety spiral and waterworks. Get over anxiety spiral, move on to necklace my grandmother gave me. Realize I won't be able to visit her grave when I want to. Cue anxiety spiral... ad nauseam)...

    Not sure how to conquer that, but yeah it's definitely hard to cope with when your brain resists every tiny step.
  12. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Yep. I have that issue with washing dishes, actually, which is maddening. If there's more than a day's worth piled up in the sink, I'll just keep avoiding, and avoiding...

    Comes out of college, for me, when I was too agoraphobic to leave my room and wash them for... an embarrassingly long time. Like... a month or two at a time. Yes, it was fully as disgusting as that sounds. If you have to be agoraphobic, folks, don't do it in a dorm.

    Any pile of dishes gets automatically filed as Too Scary To Deal With, Avoid!!!, even though that's not true anymore.
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