Also I couldn't read these three so I just agreed with them for some reason but I dont know what they say because they are very dense, or perhaps I am dense, and need a summary because I cant pay attention long enough to finish a paragraph. It goes in one eye out the other even if I read them 10 times
Letting you know that I'm not ignoring you, but I do work a 9-5 so this might take a while. I'll spread it across multiple posts for you. Do you prefer shorter posts as a whole, or just shorter sentences?
Starting with Rigel's post cause he and I have similar communication styles: TLDR: We are speaking english, it feels like you're deliberately taking (collective) our posts in bad faith, and Kintsugi doesn't have clear cut rules because that's just how we do it. If you posted what you post on Kintsugi anywhere else, you'd be banned.
By signing up for this forum, you agreed that the mods' word is law and act as "rules" where there otherwise aren't any. Until you listen to the mods' request, some of your posts will remain hidden until you comply with the request, no exceptions.
The meat of this post isn't really relevant right now and is already quite short taken a paragraph at a time, but the gist is the same as above. Mods' word is law: add spoiler tags to content that calls for death of another person or mentions rape, abuse, bigotry, or other serious topics, or have the post hidden. No exceptions.
In reality, there are exceptions, but right now since you have repeatedly stated you are unable to comprehend those exceptions, they effectively do not exist.
@Xavius @rigel Do you agree with the following summaries of your posts? If so I would like to respond to each of them. I disagree. This was not stated anywhere prior to this post. I did not sign up agreeing to this statement, and it is disingenuous to claim otherwise. If this is the actual rule, it should be plastered somewhere visible because otherwise we get very frustrated users unfamiliar with this situation. If the only rule is "mods make up and apply rules as they go along" then say so. So there are more forbidden topics than before? Why is there still no list of them somewhere if there are indeed punishable topics? I don't care that the punishment is reversible. If mod actions occur when these landmines are stepped on then I want to know where they are. What is a "serious topic"?
Okay, here's the meat of things. First image is seen as you register for the site. Second and third image are from the pinned 'read this first' thread in this subforum and provide more detail. The fundamental premise is that nothing anyone can say or do makes it okay to treat them like trash. I think that wishing death on drug addicts because they are drug addicts qualifies. I will still argue for your right to say that behind spoiler tags. You saw this before you signed up. This post is excerpted for length. [...] There's more over there about moderation, etc if you want to read it. That last point is the key here. "There is nothing anybody can do or say or be that will make it okay to treat them like trash. This includes treating other people like trash." You aren't going to make good headway trying to argue against that, and you won't have much luck trying to convince others that wishing death on drug addicts doesn't count. Fortunately, the solution is very simple. If you want to talk about how drug addicts should die, you can use spoiler tags.
There are not more than before and I created the list based on what the rest of us usually spoiler tag. There is no list because again, there are no concrete rules. Posts being wiggled is not a punishment. Even the admin gets his posts wiggled. Almost all of us have had a post wiggled at some point.
Sometimes people even make posts in the Pear Wiggler themselves because they want to say something but know it would hurt someone or start a fight. That's also why the "Memory Hole," "Howling into the Caring Void," and "Kintsugijin Diaries" subforums exist.
fwiw, for the sake of clarity, i don't seem to be able to post in the pear wiggler on my own! i'm not sure if that's because i haven't been wiggled before or if there's some other criteria but just noting that
Users can not create pear wiggler threads. I have absolutely used an existing thread (which was wiggled with love) to snark loudly though
None of my questions were answered so I will restate them. @Xavius @rigel Do you agree with the following summaries of your posts? If so I would like to respond to each of them. I disagree. This was not stated anywhere prior to this post. I did not sign up agreeing to this statement, and it is disingenuous to claim otherwise. If this is the actual rule, it should be plastered somewhere visible because otherwise we get very frustrated users unfamiliar with this situation. If the only rule is "mods make up and apply rules as they go along" then say so. So there are more forbidden topics than before? Why is there still no list of them somewhere if there are indeed punishable topics? I don't care that the punishment is reversible. If mod actions occur when these landmines are stepped on then I want to know where they are. What is a "serious topic"?