Not sure where else to put this.

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by local troublemaker, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. ASPD Anon

    ASPD Anon Vagitarian

    Okay. I don't want people quoting or capping my vent thread posts to use them as rhetorical jumping-off points. Should I ask for my thread to be moved to ITA? Why is this only a rule for ITA? Wouldn't equally sensitive information be discussed in Brainbent, XX/XY or the Holler Closet?
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  2. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Your vent thread is not focused on the topic of your personal abuse history, so it cannot be moved to ITA.

    If, in the future, someone does the thing you're talking about please report the post and it'll be looked at. What's done about it, if anything, is still up to the discretion of the mods though. That's all I have for you.
  3. ASPD Anon

    ASPD Anon Vagitarian

    Arguably, everything I do is informed by my personal abuse history, but I won't split hairs.

    You're one of the mods. The fact that you can't give me a concrete answer means there's no consensus between mods regarding what to do in this case. Does that mean, depending on what mod is online, different actions could be taken? Or will whatever harassment is being leveled towards me just have to sit there and wait until everybody wakes up?
  4. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I cannot give you a concrete answer to what I'd do in a hypothetical situation when the response to things that happen will always be particular to the situation.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
  5. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Thank you for that clarification. I think that still leaves a bit too much to the personal discretion of the mods; at what point is a post highly personal, and why are the mods in charge of deciding what's personal instead of the person making the post? Is it a rule that ITA is for abuse talk only (because if someone violates as guideline and that causes a mod to take action because it's not allowed, that's pretty undeniably a rule.) Why is ITA the only forum people aren't allowed to screencap (which is another rule; if you violate it, mods take action) when equally sensitive information is in practically every other advice forum?
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  6. Xavius

    Xavius Suit Monkey

    I'm worried that I'll catch flak for this, but...Here I go proving the "Mods are divided" point. That said, I'm honestly pretty sure I'm the only divided thing-even-vaguely-resembling-a-mod about the guidelines point in particular.

    Regarding my own difference, I don't inherently think it's bad to come to a different conclusion - putting people with different perspectives together is how you arrive at a consensus between parties, and I think two heads or more are always better than one - but I do, personally, think there's a problem with our definitions of guidelines.

    A "guideline" that winds up equating to "It's not okay to do this unless explicit permission is given to circumvent it" is, in my opinion, a rule. The uniqueness with which certain threads are handled - ITA is not meant to be quoted beyond their thread unless there's permission, responding to a vent thread is only proper to do in AI if you want to hash something out unless people are fine with discussion and state as much - those, to me, look like rules.

    Beyond that, they look to me like harmless, sensible rules aimed at general protection of public sanity and stability - not controversial policies, but standard fare.
    "If you want to hash out your differences, take it to AI, not the thread in question unless you're sure it can be kept to less than a page and non-hostile" has, at least to my understanding, been the idea of how we do things.

    I don't think this is bad. I don't even really think it's an especially controversial rule - as a hypothetical, even if you disagreed with someone's vent thread comments, nothing obligates them to respond to you should you post there, just as they wouldn't be obliged elsewhere, and you probably would just look all the worse for stirring up things even if posts in a vent were about you - an argument island thread has, to me, read as an official extended invitation of discourse, be it pleasant disagreement or not.

    What I'm trying to get at here is that I don't get why we're so adverse to just saying "X is a rule" when X is perfectly harmless. If it were a broad, sweeping policy that could completely change peoples' methods of interacting with each other and threatened them with a ban/kick/some-kind-of-actual-action-besides "This fighty derail got moved" or something along those lines, I would understand the "No, we're not doing that" response, but it isn't. It's just tiny things. Instating basic rules doesn't equal tyranny; in my opinion, it's the difference between discordant anarchy and civilization.

    The only conclusion I can derive is that staff don't want to enact anything for fear of being seen imposing undue regulation, and if regulation or action is taken then people see potential for tyranny, but I think that inaction is hurting us more than going "Listen, what are the thoughts on just making this forum policy?" would at this point.

    There's always going to be some judgment involved in anything like this, but I don't think it needs to be as much of a guessing game as it is right now where nobody even knows what the rules of the game are.

    I don't want to derail the thread, but thought it prudent to weigh in on this issue while it's still here. Feel totally free to ignore me if you'd rather move things along.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
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  7. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    (Hope it's ok to respond to this.)

    Thank you for this. I'm pretty sure I agree. As far as I can tell, the reason we don't have Official rules is because Seebs doesn't want official rules. The rules still exist, they just aren't clearly stated, which I think does more harm than good, because newcomers or people who haven't been following this drama are gonna get pounced on for breaking a rule they didn't know existed.
    I understand the desire to not overregulate things with rules like many forums would have (like no doubleposting, no dragging up old threads, no shittalking, no meanness, etc.) but I can't see anything damaging about having a clearly stated procedure for conflict.
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  8. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    I've written really extensive rules for forums in the past. It's something of a fool's errand for two reasons.

    First, rules will never be able to prevent objectionable behavior on forums. So if anyone is looking for rules that will prevent , say capping posts, it just will not work. If you post it on the internet, it is going to be out there and read and used, probably by people you don't like.

    Second, moderators and administrators will always be able to circumvent or hamper the rules. Or, even if they are perfect, will implement the rules according to their personal interpretation, which will sometimes not match up with yours. The rules will do nothing to stop this.

    So, in the end, good forum administration will always be a matter of sound discretion. It will not be a matter of good rules.
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  9. ASPD Anon

    ASPD Anon Vagitarian

    The answer, if you were wondering, is "because seebs." Seriously. They think any rules, no matter how benign, would be inevitably used to harm members of the forum.

    Also they think being asked to leave someone's vent thread to argue elsewhere is silencing, I think? I couldn't parse their last post.
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  10. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Oh, I don't think rules will magically erase conflict on the forums, and I wouldn't really want them to. I think the "no rules" (by which we mean, no clearly stated and easy to find rules) policy is currently doing more harm than good, and that it would be more helpful to plainly lay out expectations of how to deal with conflict.
    Doubtless there would still be messy situations with rules in place, but I feel I'm seeing a lot of conflict centered in one person having an expectation that someone else didn't. Unwritten rules sure as hell aren't reducing conflict or harm.
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  11. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    I can't even follow the logic of "we can't have rules because rules might hurt people." No Rules is pretty clearly hurting people as well. There is no solution in which no one is hurt ever no matter what.
    As far as I can tell, Seebs is saying my refusal to engage with her in this thread was an attempt to shut down discussion of contrary opinions...which doesn't make sense because I am engaging with people who don't like or disagree with me. It is Seebs in particular I can't engage with to talk about forum policy because it's exhausting and unproductive.
    And I'm STILL pissed off and skeptical about her assertion that, after I expressed I wasn't interested in that conversation, she chose to quote my post in my thread to criticize my wording with the expectation that other people would be able to explain my meaning, and then was apparently offended that I responded. If you want to talk to people who aren't me, do it out of my thread.
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  12. Xavius

    Xavius Suit Monkey

    @local troublemaker
    It's absolutely fine to respond to, I don't mind who does! I just fret about cluttering up your thread. I honestly agree with you on this. I don't feel like I can speculate on why Seebs doesn't want rules - I feel like they've probably elucidated on the issue beyond a general statement to that effect somewhere in their immense post catalogue, but I'd be hardpressed to pull it out - but I do feel like the rules are there, or there's at least some semblance of them. Clarity wouldn't hurt anyone.

    @rigorist , I agree with almost everything that you've said. Exhaustive writing of rules is doomed to failure.

    I don't think that rules are an effective preventative measure so much as an informative one - they let people know what the policies are, they tell of consequences (if any), and while personal interpretation factors into it, we have a whole forum for hashing out things of that nature. Right now, everyone's interpretation is being slung around because no one is even sure what the intended rule is meant to be, and when people suggest a rule, I feel it gets rebuffed with "There are no rules", regardless of how many people are following it.

    I by no means want to replace discretion with rules. Discretion is always-always-always going to factor in (until we make completely objective robot overlords). I just want there to be some clarity as to what we're even expecting to be decent conduct when we apparently do have rules - rules moderators enforce - but they're rules that no one is 100% on because they're only posted here or there.

    I swear I had more to this post, but it fell out of my noggin as it was coming across. I am far from the world's most seasoned debater.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
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  13. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    @Xavius Cool! I wasn't sure if you wanted responses or not, so thanks for clearing that up.

    I really like what you're saying about preventative vs. informative rules, btw.
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  14. AbsenteeLandLady124

    AbsenteeLandLady124 Well-Known Member

    okay but there are multiple personal insults at seebs in this thread and i do think that people have the right to respond when they're being shit-talked?
    like i absolutely understand and accept people not liking other people but that doesn't stop them being people with feelings
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  15. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Sure. But Seebs didn't engage with posts I made about Seebs, she engaged with my posts on forum culture, which I am not interested in discussing with her.
    I don't think there would be much point in discussing my personal feelings on Seebs with Seebs, because there is no way for her to prove that the way I feel about her isn't true. She's free to disagree with me, or to make a TCHGB thread to discuss my perception of her, but I don't think it would do much good, because my perception is built on my own observations and interactions and I suspect further observations and interactions are going to have the most effect in changing or confirming that.
  16. AbsenteeLandLady124

    AbsenteeLandLady124 Well-Known Member

    No I mean, the thing I quoted. I wasn't responding about the thread at large, more the idea that it was unreasonable to be upset about mean things being said
  17. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    I don't think @Ana Nimus was meaning to imply Seebs is not allowed to be upset, but since I am not a mindreader I'll let them clarify that themselves.

    (Not sure on pronouns for you btw Ana Nimus, let me know if I need to edit.)
  18. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    Seebs (Self-crowned Sperg King of the Internet): I don't see status and I'm impossible to insult.

    Forum users: <takes piss out of the Sperg King>

    Seebs: WALL OF TEXT
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  19. Ana Nimus

    Ana Nimus Well-Known Member

    Its not unreasonable but it is the third or fourth time in the past few days that she's framed something as being entirely something caused by other people and not at all her. See also: the repeated mentions of "other people can't communicate criticisms effectively to me" when seebs also flat out misunderstands things sometimes. It makes it sound like the communication failure lies entirely with other people and not that seebs sometimes misunderstands things as well.
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  20. AbsenteeLandLady124

    AbsenteeLandLady124 Well-Known Member

    I can understand how it's read that way but I also read it as being aware of difficulty with communication on both ends
    • Like x 1
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