NSFW RP: consent, minors, and other boundaries

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by seebs, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    And either way, it helps us get a feel for what people are okay with, or not-okay with. If a lot of people are bothered by things that we aren't inclined to Make A Rule Against, that doesn't mean "there's no problem", that means "we need to give people better tools for controlling what they are seeing".
    • Agree x 3
  2. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    Pretty sure no one here is advocating for grownups to be cybering with kids.

    I think we went over (the top with) that last night.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2017
    • Agree x 4
  3. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    ..and also explain that there's a problem to the people doing the problem thing, that's an important part. Otherwise the above read to me as "This is a problem, yes, gonna give you tools to not see the problem rather than address the problem." Which I know is not the intent.
    This is rapidly turning into a question about wider forum culture, for the sake of @Beldaran's sanity can we please make a fresh thread for that.
    • Agree x 1
  4. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I need a break, so please don´t set the thread on fire.
    • Witnessed x 1
  5. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    *throws the thread in the fire*
    • Agree x 1
  6. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I don't think either of those was really "out of nowhere", though. I think there's definitely some influence on how people are thinking about things coming from purity culture, and the "this could happen, therefore anything that could look like it should be banned" attitude is absolutely a real thing that happens.

    I'm not saying "we should definitely ban everything because of the risk of emotional cross-contamination". I'm just pointing out that the risk is significant enough to merit caution in circumstances where it's been known to cause problems in the past. "Caution" doesn't mean "a ban on a behavior or person". But we've had some cases in the past where people have concluded that, since a thing is probably-safe or usually-safe, they've sorta run past other people's boundaries in a way that ended up being upsetting.

    Possible starting point: If someone says a thing's squicking them or upsetting them, even if you have a very good argument that it is not innately bad, maybe in that specific case you should apologize for distressing them and knock the thing off, or at least consider it? Especially if it involves emotionally-charged boundaries and RP.

    Because I think the concern here is roughly that people see the (quite valid) arguments that fade-to-black is Not Simulated Sex, and then conclude that this means that if they, who are creeped out by its use with regards to their character, mention feeling uncomfortable with that, they're just going to get told that it doesn't count and they shouldn't be bothered. And to some extent, it doesn't even matter whether that would actually happen. What matters is that the perception makes them likely to not say anything, and then we have people being distressed and unhappy for months, and other people being told suddenly that actually you've been really upsetting someone for months, they just... you know, didn't say anything. And then people are defensive and want to say things like "I couldn't have known because you didn't tell me", which may be true but does not constitute an apology for the distress-inducing behavior. And people are defensive and focus on "I was too scared to say anything, this hurt me badly" rather than saying something like "Sorry, I probably should have told you", and we end up with people angrily defending positions they don't hold and actions they regret rather than apologizing to each other for hurt feelings and miscommunications and things get better.

    And before someone jumps in and says this is a case that was already hashed out, or a case they didn't give me permission to talk about, consider that there's way more than one instance of this happening.

    Which brings us back to:

    • Agree x 4
    • Informative x 1
  7. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    In this case, I was thinking about cases where the "problem" isn't "this behavior is objectively wrong" but "some people want to avoid this content". So, for instance, it's not a problem that there's some smutty stuff in RP threads. It's a problem that some people are getting smutty stuff in RP threads when they didn't want it. And that they haven't had good tools for determining whether a thread was likely to have smutty stuff, so they couldn't easily avoid it.

    In that case, "better tools" that allow people to avoid the unwanted material does actually address the problem. There's no need to explain it to the people doing the thing, because the thing itself isn't the problem.
    • Agree x 3
  8. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Ok in that case just to make my position clear: I see nothing wrong with people who don´t want even fade-to-black with their character. I do see problems with treating it as just like a sex scene in rules/guidelines.
    Which is a thing I noted before. Difference between "Hey I personally don´t want this please" and "This is bad and you should never do it ever to anyone."
    And I´ll confess, I´ve personally been guilty of the latter myself. But it´s still a thing to take into consideration with how people react.
    • Agree x 1
  9. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    You do have good points about reading Chiomi's doc.

    Also, to be clear, I didn't think someone had proposed a "no romance" guideline. I was proposing a "be cautious about romance with minors, even when there's no sex" guideline, because I think people sometimes forget how easy it is for minors to get in over their heads with romantic-flavored interactions, even RP ones involving fictional characters. Note, not a "no romance" guideline.

    But I think in a lot of cases, we should be reminding the adults to be extra careful about minors, and (1) let them establish boundaries, but (2) be cautious even given that, because they may not know where they need boundaries to be safe. And romance is an example where I feel like people are inclined to handwave it as "not sex, therefore okay", but... It's not always okay. It's also not always not-okay. It can be really good and important for minors to get a chance to explore these themes in RP type environments... But it can be risky, and people should be alert to that possibility, I think.
  10. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    are we going to have a separate forum for 18+ / not pg stuff? Yes or no? That determines if I can keep rping here due to brain bugs.
  11. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I think we have pretty strong consensus that one would help, so yes, I think we will.

    I'm not sure how we'll decide which threads move there.
  12. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    Also ftr I included the NR suggestion not because minors will definitely want to avoid romance stuff but because I know people who are freaked out by anyone making romantic overtures at characters they're playing and tools for people to improve their own comfort on multiple vectors are rad.
    • Agree x 6
    • Useful x 1
  13. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    Probably by request. I'm betting the DT crew will want all our subs moved (mostly because they're already marked 18+)
    • Agree x 2
  14. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    • Like x 1
  15. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Ah okay, thank you for clarifying, that helps a lot. It was unclear what kind of thing you were talking about, I appreciate the clarification :)
  16. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    Also I want to double request a tabletop forum just for organization, on top of this it might be worth considering putting an 18+ subsection under it in case, unless simply marking in the title would be enough there. (This is not necessarily for sex, as an example I wouldn't let minors play the Warhammer 40k tabletop because of the violence in it.)
  17. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    i'm not sure what the distinction of "tabletop" is. are we talking games being physically played elsewhere, or...?
  18. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    Usually they're played out on roll20, all based on existing or modified rulesets for pen and paper games such as D&D, Pathfinder, D20, WH40K, and other lesser known ones (like Monsterhearts, which would have to be under an 18+ marker). Usually the planning threads are about with some stuff but most things are done on roll20, my worry is with ones like Monsterhearts that sex is... actually an important thing? Like a main function in the game, so it would be discussed in the OOC thread / planning thread.
  19. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Also officially tapping out of this again, please nobody quote me o/ if you have issues with the way i handled anything, pls use report so a mod can tell me!
  20. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Personal definition of tabletop: games being played by tabletop rulesets, either homebrew or purchased, like DnD, Magical Burst, FATE, etc. Usually have dice or some other form of random rolls for skill contests (be they combat or interpersonal) and a DM who may or may not be playing a PC as well. Most of the threads about them on here seem to be planning threads for offsite play, but I know there's a couple of the subforums that are campaigns as well?
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