OBJECTION! An Ace Attorney Games Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Rafi, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    OOOH BOY time to wrack my brain for all the crazy headcanons i've come up with over time.
    Some are based off of roleplay's I've taken part in so they have negative and a half canon evidence behind them
    • Miles and Phoenix raised Trucy together. Phoenix was often out investigating the case that got him disbarred, so Miles was just as present in her life as Phoenix was.
    • During this time up until Apollo joined the agency, Trucy took many trips to Germany with Miles, where she was able to gain cash to support her and her father easier and faster, by doing work for and with Miles (he paid her as if it were a normal chore) and her shows. As a result of these trips, she's also bilingual.
    • When cash fell short, Miles would pitch in where he could, but to avoid showering the family in money, he usually just helped Trucy get a gig or an internship or Phoenix file for government aid or grants.
    • Trucy calls Miles 'Papa' and Phoenix 'Daddy', but she doesn't call Miles anything but Mr. Edgeworth in public. (She's embarrassed)
    • Trucy gets bullied at school, but also fuck all ya'll cause she wins every talent show too.
    • Clay and Apollo would skype every night, even when Clay was busy.
    • Phoenix's father was abusive and, when Phoenix's mother entered a coma, his father was accused of foul play in having something to do with it.
    • In this case, Miles was the prosecutor per Phoenix's request, but since Phoenix was a witness, he wasn't the defense attorney.
    • Phoenix knew his father wasn't innocent, and that's why he worked with Miles to get him declared guilty.
    • Maya took some classes in college while she was Phoenix's assistant. Franziska was also taking classes in the states and was slated to be her roommate until Maya decided to stay with Phoenix during that whole time.
    • Maya was actually Phoenix's paralegal for a while, especially while he was getting back on his feet after Mia's untimely death.
    • Trucy and the rest of the Gramarye's are south korean. Apollo is half korean (through Thalassa)
    • Trucy is a surprisingly good singer, especially in German. On top of doing special effects for Lamiroir's shows, she also gets up on stage with her and sings once in a while.
    • Trucy's room is a goddamn mess and she surprisingly doesn't get it from Phoenix. She just owns a lot of shit.
    • Apollo's hair spikes are all gel. Trucy's are all natural (and he's very pissed about it).
    • Athena and Juniper dated all throughout high school. They only broke up due to Athena leaving the states, but they have the classic 'if we're not married by 30 we'll marry each other' deal between them.
    • As a kid, Athena would ride on Simon's shoulders as he did his work around the lab.
    • Athena named Taka.
    • This is pretty much canon but Metis and Aura were girlfriends. (So were Lana and Mia).
    • Adrian has dependent personality disorder.
    • Miles and Phoenix have a civil union probably because Miles hates the institution of marriage.
    • Maya and Miles are siblings.
    • Gregory took Miles from Kurain village because he didn't want Misty Fey's daughters being shunned for having a brother with 0 spiritual power.
    • Misty was not actually the one to channel Gregory - it was too hard for her. It was actually Morgan. The two were twin-like at the time, so Misty took the blame for her sister.
    • Apollo falls asleep at the office a lot, so when Trucy has a bad dream, she often goes into the living room, where he has crashed among the papers on the couch, and cuddles up with him.
    • Apollo and Trucy both have an insane amount of hours logged into Twilight Princess. Trucy is only 20% done with the game, but she has probably collected over a million rupee's to date.
    • Trucy has abandonment issues due to her father.
    • Trucy secretly knows her mother isn't dead, but she doesn't know who or where she is.
    GOD I probably have... so much more but I didn't want to bore you so there you have it LOL.
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  2. Most of those are super sweet but lol at the idea of anyone excusing themselves from legal council because of a conflict of interest in this game.
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  3. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    True hahaha. It was from one of those RP's I mentioned. Phoenix was too scared of his father to even try and defend him.
  4. Mmm now I am interested in your roleplays
  5. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    God it was so long ago I'm not even sure the thread where Phoenix's father's abuse exists anymore, if the blogs involved even do. But yeah what I said in the headcanons was what the roleplay basically was haha! I was RPing Trucy who was lowkey involved, as in just being there for her father, really. I have a few fanfics in progress based off a few of my roleplay threads.. I'll finish and post them in like 3 years

    I feel like there was supposed to be another name in there LOL. Who was experienced with abuse and survivors? ;0

    OH I also had a roleplay with an Edgeworth where Trucy was arrested for murder and low-and-behold Spirit of Justice comes along and...
    Does exactly fucking that I cried for like?? 11 years??
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  6. Oh shit yeah there was, Phoenix. I meant Phoenix. I'ma go fix that.
  7. Also I sympathize with the incomplete fics. My fandom interests tend to hop around a lot. I've started like 5 different fics since I finished AJ, most of them multi-chapter monsters, but I have yet to finish a single one.
  8. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    Did you mean: my entire writing career, fanfic and non
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  9. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    Im?? Love?? Uh... Him. Her? THEM. I LOVE THEM

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  10. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

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  11. So I got frustrate with how slow DD is on my phone and started playing Investigations instead and... Franzika and Miles are so weirly affectionate? They shout at each other about the risks they're taking and how they think of each other as better than whatever mistake you just made?? Weird siblings.
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  12. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Franziska showing up in case 4 was one of the highlights of AAI2 because Franziska is so personally insulted by
    Edgeworth quitting and handing in his badge
    and keeps insulting him about that and assorted other related questionable life decisions in an attempt to disguise how worried she is about him and it's adorable.
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  13. I have a fic idea that's bugging the heck out of me where Franzika asks Miles to be there while she executes her father's will because of course she has to and in the end she builds a wooden replica of the house they grew up in and invites him and Phoenix (who he kinda dragged along as emotional support just by saying 'please') to watch her set it on fire.
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  14. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    my inner pyromaniac says DO IT. my inner sap master says DO IT but be gentle with my heart cause it sounds like it'll be broken.
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  15. I'll fuckin try. Though the piece I seem to be the most productive with ATM is much less happy...
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  16. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    He also stares down a security camera when you play as him in 3-5 if you examine it. Apparently he has not learned.
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  17. I'm not sure why the Investigation games aren't more popular, they're hella fun.
  18. So I have a conundrum
    1. I found out I ship Franziska/Maya
    2. Everyone who ships them seems to draw them super sweet and cute and that is both 100% the opposite of their canon interactions and 90% (or less but still high) not what I want to see from this ship.
    What do.
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