Out of context quotes thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 3, 2015.

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  1. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

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  2. An Actual Bird

    An Actual Bird neverthelass, Brid persisted, ate third baggel

    • Like x 7
  3. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    quotes from 2 separate discussions:


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  4. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    ... Tell it to hold itself together?
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  5. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
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  6. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    [7/9/16, 12:58:51 AM] a: France stole our previous name
    [7/9/16, 12:59:00 AM] b: WE HAD A NAME PICKED OUT
    [7/9/16, 12:59:02 AM] a: So we need a new one
    [7/9/16, 12:59:04 AM] b: AND THEN
    [7/9/16, 12:59:09 AM] Nick: What
    [7/9/16, 12:59:09 AM] b: FRANCE
    [7/9/16, 12:59:17 AM] a: Fucking France
    [7/9/16, 12:59:42 AM] b: (Meme 2: and then FRANCE)
    [7/9/16, 1:00:10 AM] a: Haha
    [7/9/16, 1:00:16 AM] Nick: What was meme 1?
    [7/9/16, 1:00:26 AM] b: a
    [7/9/16, 1:00:28 AM] b: Tell meme 1
    [7/9/16, 1:00:47 AM] a: ...I can't remember
    [7/9/16, 1:00:52 AM] a: Fuck
    [7/9/16, 1:01:06 AM] b: (That's why I asked you)
    [7/9/16, 1:01:12 AM] a: Fuck
    [7/9/16, 1:01:26 AM] b: Meme 1/3: MEME ONE IS GONE
    • Like x 5
  7. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    slightly edited (aka i removed a couple lines that weren't relevant)
    [7/9/16, 12:22:48 AM] M: the most dangerous game
    [7/9/16, 12:23:29 AM] Nick: That was an awful short story
    [7/9/16, 12:23:52 AM] M: I've never read it
    [7/9/16, 12:24:03 AM] M: I'm just familiar with it in the social consciousness
    [7/9/16, 12:24:41 AM] albedo: It was a tad... heavy-handed, yeah.
    [7/9/16, 12:25:21 AM] albedo: the most dangerous, tamed
    [7/9/16, 12:25:25 AM] albedo: the most dangerous name
    [7/9/16, 12:25:32 AM] albedo: the most dangerous shame
    [7/9/16, 12:25:41 AM] M: the most dangerous flame
    [7/9/16, 12:25:47 AM] albedo: the most dangerous frame
    [7/9/16, 12:25:55 AM] M: the most dangerous dame
    [7/9/16, 12:25:58 AM] Nick: The most dangerous blame
    [7/9/16, 12:26:11 AM] albedo: the most dangerous came
    [7/9/16, 12:26:15 AM] M: The most dangerous came
    [7/9/16, 12:26:18 AM] M: heh
    [7/9/16, 12:26:20 AM] albedo: 8D JINX
    [7/9/16, 12:27:00 AM] Nick: The most dangerous crane
    [7/9/16, 12:27:25 AM] M: the most dangerous plane
    [7/9/16, 12:27:27 AM] albedo: The most dangerous bane
    [7/9/16, 12:27:40 AM] Nick: The most dangerous claim
    [7/9/16, 12:28:01 AM] albedo: The most dangerous drain
    [7/9/16, 12:28:08 AM] Lady Kianna: The most dangerous "I don't get it"
    [7/9/16, 12:28:16 AM] Nick: The most dangerous grain
    [7/9/16, 12:28:18 AM] albedo: RHYMES ARE FUNNY
    [7/9/16, 12:28:36 AM] albedo: the most dangerous brain
    [7/9/16, 12:28:39 AM] Nick: It just has to have an ay sound
    [7/9/16, 12:28:47 AM] albedo: P much, yeah.
    [7/9/16, 12:28:50 AM] Nick: The most dangerous Cain
    [7/9/16, 12:29:05 AM] M: slant rhymes
    [7/9/16, 12:29:07 AM] albedo: the most dangerous main(frame)?
    [7/9/16, 12:29:10 AM] albedo: :D
    [7/9/16, 12:29:28 AM] Nick: The most dangerous vein
    [7/9/16, 12:29:31 AM] albedo: is zin gonna judge us upon return?
    [7/9/16, 12:29:33 AM] Lady Kianna: I come from the net...
    from systems, cities, peoples...
    to THIS place.
    [7/9/16, 12:29:34 AM] Onna Stik: The most dangerous flame?
    [7/9/16, 12:29:43 AM] albedo: :D!
    [7/9/16, 12:29:44 AM] Nick: We had that one already
    [7/9/16, 12:29:57 AM] Nick: The most dangerous lane
    [7/9/16, 12:30:15 AM] Lady Kianna: The most dangerous danger?
    [7/9/16, 12:30:16 AM] Onna Stik: Meh. Pain, then.
    [7/9/16, 12:30:31 AM] Nick: The most dangerous thane
    [7/9/16, 12:30:35 AM] albedo: the most dangerous fane
    [7/9/16, 12:30:36 AM] M: the most dangerous aim
    [7/9/16, 12:30:56 AM] albedo: the most dangerous game: slant rhymes
    [7/9/16, 12:31:05 AM] M: la vie the most dangerous boheme
    [7/9/16, 12:31:05 AM] Nick: The most dangerous rain
    [7/9/16, 12:31:24 AM] albedo: XD should we stop?
    [7/9/16, 12:31:35 AM] albedo: as amused as I remain.
    [7/9/16, 12:31:41 AM] M: Stopping's for suckers
    [7/9/16, 12:31:48 AM] Nick: We should not stop
    [7/9/16, 12:31:50 AM] albedo: the most dangerous claim!
    [7/9/16, 12:32:01 AM] Nick: We had that already
    [7/9/16, 12:32:09 AM] albedo: well yes but it was relevant
    [7/9/16, 12:32:12 AM] Nick: The most dangerous Dane
    [7/9/16, 12:32:21 AM] M: marmaduke
    [7/9/16, 12:32:25 AM] Nick: Omg
    [7/9/16, 12:32:52 AM] Nick: The most dangerous vane
    [7/9/16, 12:33:22 AM] Zin Karyuu: Zin Karyuu applauds
    [7/9/16, 12:33:29 AM] albedo: :DDD
    [7/9/16, 12:33:33 AM] albedo: hi zin
    [7/9/16, 12:33:37 AM] M: the most dangerous: same
    [7/9/16, 12:33:38 AM] Nick: Hi Zin!
    [7/9/16, 12:34:00 AM] Nick: The most dangerous Jane
    [7/9/16, 12:34:05 AM] Onna Stik: The most dangerous cane? (Probably one of those ones with a sword in it.)
    [7/9/16, 12:34:27 AM] Nick: That's a repeat
    [7/9/16, 12:34:31 AM] M: the most dangerous aspartame
    [7/9/16, 12:34:36 AM] Onna Stik: It is not, I looked.
    [7/9/16, 12:34:44 AM] Nick: Huh
    [7/9/16, 12:34:51 AM] M: We had cain, but not cane
    [7/9/16, 12:34:56 AM] Nick: Could have sworn we had it
    [7/9/16, 12:34:59 AM] Nick: Also nice one m
    [7/9/16, 12:35:07 AM] M: thank
    [7/9/16, 12:35:41 AM] Nick: The most dangerous: vain
    [7/9/16, 12:36:51 AM] Nick: The most dangerous Yvain
    [7/9/16, 12:39:21 AM] M: drawings is hard
    [7/9/16, 12:39:26 AM] Nick: True
    [7/9/16, 12:39:30 AM] Lady Kianna: the most dangerous paper crane
    [7/9/16, 12:39:50 AM] Nick: The most dangerous masquerade
    [7/9/16, 12:40:08 AM] M: the most dangerous parade
    [7/9/16, 12:40:29 AM] Nick: The most dangerous blade (3 edgy 5 u)
    [7/9/16, 12:40:44 AM] M: holy shit a blade with three edges?
    [7/9/16, 12:40:51 AM] Nick: Yes.
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  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

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  9. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    "birb pokemon love bath and body works"
    • Like x 5
  10. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
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  11. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

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  12. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    It's the sort of job that only Jim could do, though.
    • Like x 1
  13. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

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  14. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    [7/10/16, 4:01:59 AM] Lady Kianna: waves hand these are not the droids u are looking for
    [7/10/16, 4:02:13 AM] M: I didn't even know I was looking for droids
    [7/10/16, 4:02:22 AM] Lady Kianna: You are.
    [7/10/16, 4:02:30 AM] Lady Kianna: they stole your socks
    [7/10/16, 4:02:41 AM] M: son of a
    [7/10/16, 4:03:01 AM] Lady Kianna: they live in your dryer
    [7/10/16, 4:03:40 AM] M: And here I neither knew I owned socks nor a dryer
    [7/10/16, 4:04:06 AM] Lady Kianna: the dryer is the droid
    [7/10/16, 4:04:11 AM] Lady Kianna: you own no socks becayse they stole them all
    [7/10/16, 4:04:19 AM] M: that explains some things
    • Like x 9
  15. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    • Like x 8
  16. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    • Like x 4
  17. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    [7/10/16, 4:47:49 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: yeah I wanted to see how much I could take- did I tell you- so I spent the entire 24 hour or so from California back to Boston not eating
    [7/10/16, 4:48:21 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: Mostly because there was no time on buses and the airport food was overpriced and I wouldn't buy any
    [7/10/16, 4:48:26 PM] Nick: Nick nodnod
    [7/10/16, 4:48:33 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: Which plus sleep deprivation put me into some kind of maddened trance
    [7/10/16, 4:48:36 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: Oobletops watched it
    [7/10/16, 4:48:55 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: He said I had mood swings and would go into weird reverie where I would be mean and rant about christian saints or something
    [7/10/16, 4:48:55 PM] Nick: huh
    [7/10/16, 4:49:05 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: Being starving is awful
    [7/10/16, 4:49:06 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: !!!
    [7/10/16, 4:49:45 PM] Nick: yes
    [7/10/16, 4:50:54 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: Yeah oobletops eventually got a 4 dollar egg sandwich and gave me a bite
    [7/10/16, 4:51:01 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: And I like felt everything rushing back
    [7/10/16, 4:51:38 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: And I apologized for screaming at Oobletops for breaking the hunger strike and yelling about mortification of the flesh or something
    [7/10/16, 4:51:43 PM] Nick: wow
    [7/10/16, 4:52:16 PM] Colonel Cupcakes: there was an instant where it hit me and I was like "oh my fucking god, what? I just went insane for an entire day. There's nothing wrong with food"
    • Like x 4
  18. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  19. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

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  20. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

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