Owl Blogging

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by TheOwlet, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    It's saturday, i'm at work, time to get dnd posting.

    After a successful bar quiz and a good night's Rest, our Party starts looking for work (well, Rahona starts lookjng for coffee because morningx chill and lizards don't mix). Luckily our inn has a notice board where we spot an add by someone named George, lookjng to have a problem fixed.
    Sounds like our line, so off we go. George Temple turns out to be a gnome artificer with a talking cat (Thelonious). He makes all sorts of mechanical/steampunkish items and his problem is that apparently there's a Basilisk wirshipping cult in the sewers, abducting people. That's totally our line of work.

    To help us not get petrified, George gives up two items: a pair of special protective goggles and a scroll of Pass Without Trace. Armed thus we get into the sewers, where Sella activates the scroll. This gives her the feeling of some thing turning its attention on us, but we're in hostile territory RN so that's gotta wait.

    Turns out there IS Basilisk worshipping cult in the sewers. We fuck them up good or rather Rahona does. She smokes a few mooks with a single thunderwave just for example.
    We make our way through and find the Basilisk. Turns out the thing can talk and wears a crown made of trash, so Hona tries to talk it around lizard to lizard. No dice. Basilisk gets fought, Basilisk gets killed, loot is had.

    We return to George who can now Mount a Basilisk head over his door and get our money, head back to the inn and have a Rest. Level Up!

    Except while we sleep we all have a dream about something large and reminuscent of the Hubble telescope choosing us. We wake up with two cantrips (charm Person, minor illusion) and a spell (friends) freshly installed in our heads, and a pentagon-shaped scar/brand on our arms.

    And that's where we cut session and are left to speculate! Though a lot of it comes down to 'shake George the fuck down for information'
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  2. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Imma let you in on a secret: i actually kinda like weekend oncall. It's usually very quiet and i get like, time to write if i wanna or think about stuff.

    Admittedly sometimes the latter turns into brain screm but still.
    • Like x 2
  3. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Onto the next sesh!!

    So after the weird dream we all meet up for breakfast. The entire party is really upset about being suddenly claimed by some entity. Well, everyone but Petric. My boy has at this point only been a Person for a short time, and he's just been given magic. He LOVES it and spends some time trying to cheer Sella up by illusionjng up a tiny horse to prance around her plate.

    The Party decides to go and shake George down for information since Sella is hella sure that the scroll we used triggered this.
    So back to the artificer shop, except we only find Thelonious there. The Kitty tells us that George is at the 'Fountain of Knowledge'. Basically imagine a magitech equivalent of the library of Alexandria. So we go there. It's giant as fuck. Rahona is offended that there's no deinosaur writing available. Sella is an heaven and has to be pried off with a crowbar.

    Turns out we're being expected and are lead to the Archivist, an ANCIENT elf with sapphires instead of eyes. George is hiding in his office.
    Rahona and Sella intimidate him to tears and they get the beans spilled: the Hubble telescope thing is called The False Moon (tfm). Tfm is the deity that the warforged all over the continent sponraously started worshipping at some point. Nobody knows where they got that idea, but they all seemd to get it at roughly the same time. Tfm isn't an evil entity and as far as George and Archivist can tell, merely wants to peotect the warforged. Party is still not thrilled, but there's currently no fixing this issue and it could be worse, so: grudging acceptance.

    While we're already there, archivist offers us a job. Turns out that the library also doubles as DR's CIA and since we kicked the basilisks ass, we're now classed as promising assests. Since we still need work and having that sort of backing and resources is cool, we accept and are given a ring that IDs us as 'librarians'.
    We spent some more time talkibg and feeling things out, and George promises us 'compensation' for landing us in this, so the next day we hit his shop again, and Yuka is given a steampowered warhammer (FaceBreaker) with extra Oomph, Hona gets a little weather prediction machine. Sella and petric reserve their choice for later.

    And with that we wrap up! Next up: our first librarian Mission(s)!
    • Like x 1
  4. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Oh yeah, evening shifts can be very pleasant for that sort of thing for me. Depending on how ill the patients are I sometimes don't have anything to do all night other than answer nurses phone calls.
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  5. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Yeah our Hospital is p tiny and now, before the xxl xmas weekend, they've emptied out the house as much as possible so it's just...calm. I can actually sit down and read!
    • Winner x 2
  6. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    No emergency ward in your hospital?

    I work in a large regional hospital that's a tertiary centre for the entire province, so no emptying out the wards for us :P

    (I do have nothing to do currently...)
  7. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    We got an ER but they're currently shortstaffed af (managment did something fucky and a load of people quit in protest) so i think the ambulances can't currdntly hit us up at night. So we're currently only doing the walk-ins who don't go to ward and the people who are already in.

    ICU has a few cases in (one came in yesterday with a Sepsis from hell, CRP of far past the 400)
  8. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Update: talked to ER nurse about the fzcky: what happens is that the Hospital boss (economics, not medicine background) decided to turn ICU and ER into one ward, because they're 'not getting that many patients' and resulting in absolutely hell shufts, so ER is now down to two fulltime and four parttime people.
    So yeah, that's why it's been calm nights recenzly. They're literally refusing to hire in and common consensus is that they might close the ER entirely because it's not profitable enough

    And frankly that is exactly the problem if your hospital management is made up entirely of economics people instead of medicine ones.
    • Witnessed x 6
    • Agree x 1
  9. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    That sounds like an excellent decision by management /s
    • Agree x 2
  10. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    *Jazz hands* economics!!
    • Witnessed x 3
  11. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    got the letter about my BaFög (student loan from the state) today. Total money i gotta pay back: 8k and change (mind you this is for like...the entirety of my study period). However, if I pay it back as a lump sum (which is the plan) the amount drops to 6k and change. Gotta get that done until July, which won't be a problem since I wanna get shit organized in March at the soonest but like, after talking to so many US friends about how expensive their uni was, the fact that i only gotta shell out a little over 6k (or even 8k...) is absolutely miraculous to me.
    • Like x 2
  12. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Yeah, that's...well, unfortunately pretty much unheard of in the States. It's absurd and horrifying here. :/

    Congrats on yours not being too bad!
  13. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    and mind you, the way it works, only half of the money I got i have to pay back (close to 17k total, so 8 and change for me), if i pay on time i never see any interest added, AND the max amount they can bill you for it capped at 10k.

    The fact that US student loans can run into the high 5 five digits and beyond is absolutely terrifying to me.
    • Informative x 1
  14. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    five hours in the car with my entire family to get home for christmas are SO MANY
    • Witnessed x 6
  15. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    also being home means no midnight snacking because food is downstairs and i don't wanna wake anyone

    though I do have some marzipan stashed so it's not like i'm gonna starve.
    • Witnessed x 3
  16. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    MERR CRIMMUS EVERYONE (or other holiday you're celebrating, if you're celebrating one)

    we're having my sister's boyfriend over, and he brought Lotte, his black labrador retriever so we're having christmas with bonus doggo
    • Winner x 6
  17. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    suffering is reading in a tiny fandom that has like five prolific authors all of which are bad at tagging

    like, i filtered out both AU and Human!AU specifically. and yet i still gotta sift through them

    also, looking for porn and one of the more prolific porn writers in the group is 1) not very good at it 2) terrible giving decent tags and/or summaries aside from sticking the E rating in there

    The ao3 gods are testing me.
    • Witnessed x 7
  18. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Because Accey just reminded me that this song exists, and it's very good

  19. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    when i was home i found that i have a lace body with poppy blossoms printed on it, an a black crop top with a little bit of turtle neck and a boob window

    and today i realized I can COMBINE those two items

    • Winner x 5
  20. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Y'all work is so slow today, the 11am delivery won't happen because the docs straight up don't got any

    Fingers crossed i can hop out at 2pm-ish
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