Owl Blogging

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by TheOwlet, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    and that isn't even touching on how bad i expect beyond light and that season to be for her
    anyway. there are many things i have Ideas for. most of them for causing pain to lyk, and also al, because things will suck for him as well
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  2. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

  3. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Because I think I'm very funny:

    A list of NPCs Destiny!Matt has or hasn't fucked

    • Cayde: yes. several times. incredibly popular recordings. Booty calls happened
    • Ikora: no but mostly because he hasn't worked out a good approach yet
    • Zavala: no but not for lack of trying, he just keeps getting turned down. By now kind of game to him
    • Banshee: blowjobs after work hours. You gotta be grateful to your gunsmith
    • Rahool: yes. He found some golden age poetry
    • Tess: yes because she's cute
    • Shaxx: yes absolutely.
    • Drifter: No. His paranoia shouts about being stabbed too much
    • Ada: no but he's play-flirting and if she ever signals to the positive he'd be very down
    • Eris: no ('are you insane, I'm not stealing Ikora's girlfriend') but would offer massages to help with her hurts on a non-sexual basis. Let the woman have some physio please.
    • Xur: once. Deeply weird. not repeating that. not regretting it either but....not doing it again
    • Sloane: yes please break him in half
    • Asher: yes, Al started it.
    • Devrim: yes. Including his husband. Very delightful. Brings him tea sometimes because Devrim is a darling.
    • Suraya: Keeps flirting with her, so far no success. Pretty sure she's not used to being hit on. Not gonna stop trying tho, if he annoys her she's just gonna shoot him and he knows that.
    • Rasputin: yes, Zener started it
    • Ana: also play-flirting, he's pretty sure she's not into men/monogamous with someone else
    • Vance: no because he's unwilling to put on osiris cosplay
    • Saladin: yes, repeatedly. Look the guy's only in once a month, this is the ideal sort of non-commital for him.
    • Osiris: no. flirting with him however because it's entertaining to poke him (presumably, Ency faceplams plents about this)
    • Saint: oh yes in the forest, not since (because Osiris might smite him)
    • Spider: no. Common sense brain cell activated. Do not fuck the mob boss.
    • Spider's lieutenants: yes. Group event. Greatly enjoyed, repeated a few times.
    • Mithrax: oh yes (post zero hour victory fuck)
    • Calus: No. Again, the common sense activated. Been center piece to some show for Calus tho, enjoyed that.
    • Petra: no, though he'd absolutely let her step on him and has told her as much
    • Mara: no but not for lack of trying on his part. prolly two feet too short to fit her type
    • Uldren (pre-dying): no. Been tempted by the looks, been put off by the personality
    • Uldren (post-dying)Crow: Yes
    • Toland: absolutely not and he's offended you'd even ask this question
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2021
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    • Winner x 1
  4. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    I made a one-off joke in the clanscor about writing an essay about tusks in Cabal society as a symbol of status for the female Cabal and now this accursed idea will not leave me alone why is my brain like this.
    • Winner x 4
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  5. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    no dont rate this winner agdfghj

    I guess i gotta do some research on ishtar collective...
    • Winner x 3
  6. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    okay. fuck it.

    Now we don't have that many mentions of tusks in lore. Let alone Cabal ones, so let's collect the evidence:

    Aboard the Leviathan, during the Menagerie runs, one of Calus' possible lines at the Guardian is
    The other mention is from Entry V of Confessions:
    We can therefore assume that tusks themselves are a sort of status symbol, perhaps one of maturity too. The confessions line indicates that Cabal females aren't born with tusks but grow them later in life, and that getting them is something to be excited about. It also indicates that the tusks regrow or otherwise change, hence the use of 'first tusks'.

    The quote from Calus himself as implications, too. For one, that adorning the tusks is common practice, or at least common enough - though then again, Calus likes to gild everything he gets his hands on - but also that this is some sort of courting practice, as the line is clearly meant to be suggestive or flirting, as many of his lines are. This does, in my opinion, again hint at the tusks being a marker of maturity or adulthood.

    The only male Cabal we've actually seen the proper face of without masks are Calus and The Consul. Both of them are adults, and both are tuskless, further solidifying that the tusks are a sexual dimorphism.

    Another thing is that the Cabal enemy models we have in game do NOT have tusks. Now, could this be because Bungie just didn't want to make another enemy model? Sure. But. Listen that's boring and I don't wanna go Doylist on this. So, let us assume this was a purposeful choice made by the dev team, not one of practicality.

    The Cabal we have indicated as female as a number of Colossi encountered in the EAZ, designated as 'Vrag Sister of Tluam' and 'Tluam, Sister of Varg'. These Colossi are as mentioned identical to their male counterparts.
    Now, there could be a number of reasons for this:
    • Trans Cabal, for one, tho Who Knows how gender works for them.
    • Another might be that the Colossi, like the Psions are another species that the Cabal from Torobatl. The Cabal Empire spans many worlds and 'client species', and it's entirely possible that if Colossi are part of such a client species, they'd be showing entirely sifferent sex dimorphisms, or none at all. Colossi are considerably larger than the regular Cabal Legionaires and also serve as a sort of elite group (so fortunately there are never many of them) and as such I wouldn't rule it out at all
    • Removal of tusks for the sake of the armour and rebreather masks that Cabal wear most of the time.
    Now, two of those three options don't (necessarily) involve tusks, so we can't necessarily draw many conclusions from that. However, based on the appearances of the Colossi sisters, and the Psion Flayer Sisters (Niruul, Ozletec and Tazaroc) we can assume that there's no strict sex/gender restriction about being part of the Cabal armed forces. This is further compounded by the fact that Caiatl, the heir apparent of the Cabal Empire is female and clearly in charge of the armed forces at home. Now, her being a literal princess does of course impact this, but still, one assumes that if female Cabal were blocked from the military one way or the other, she'd face more difficulties than she seems to have had. We can therefore assume that even among the forces from Torobatl, we'd find female ones. And that in turn necessitates the removal of the tusks, or at least a shortening, to fit them under the masks they're wearing in combat.

    If the tusks themselves do have an important role as a marker of status and/or maturity among the Cabal as the few quotes we have indicate, having to remove them for military service would of course have impacts there, at least until the tusks are regrown, as they would be a visible sign for being part of these armed forces. Depending on how large a role they actually play in courting, it might also support a 'no fraternization damn it' rule and among the more general populace even be a marker of status in another way: the rank/money/skills to not need to put yourself in harms way on the front lines.

    Now how the rest of Cabal society sees its military we never really know. The point of views we have are from Calus, post coup, who bemoans that Ghaul has turned his Empire into a war machine instead of the opulence and relative peace he himself had always favoured. Other lore entries we have are also from the point of view of various members of the court, not people in the street, making it hard to extrapolate if swanking around with huge, gold tipped tusks is the Cabal equivalent to a huge powdered wig or an engagement ring with a diamond large enough to brain someone with, or if perhaps they are a point of particular prized beauty.

    Perhaps in the future, should we receive more lore entries for the Cabal (unlikely, the next season will be all Fallen and Hive from what we can see) we can make a verdict on the tusks as social signifiers or beauty standards.
    • Winner x 3
    • Informative x 2
  7. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    in another universe, Matt in all his five foot glory is hitting on a 8'6'' robot and it's working

    dreaming big and living his dreams, that's him.
    • Winner x 8
  8. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    I finished one craft project and immediately i am launching myself into another

    A seamstress is me i guess
    • Winner x 8
  9. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Okay note to self: throw baste together a really quick mockup out of the blze fleece i have, to see if the fabric behaves like i think it will

    If not: back to the drawing board and we make a more complicated shape out of singular segments, rather than use the pillowcaseapproavch of 'it's gonna be 3d once tge stuffing is in'
    • Winner x 2
  10. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    migraine. migraine with nausea. where can i cancel this??
    • Witnessed x 6
    • Agree x 1
  11. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Plan for tomorrow:

    Pick up car (newly shoed)
    Drive home, check for pakige
    -> if no pakige, drive to post office
    -> if yes pakige, drive to town for groceries and more supplies
    Mailorder whatever other supplies the local store was missing
    Cut parts
    • Winner x 3
  12. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Brain: make thing!
    Me: i physically can't, i don't have the supplies yet
    Brain, no banging pots together: MAKE! THING! MAKE! THING!
    • Witnessed x 4
  13. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    to do tomorrow:

    Get up early to get enveloppes
    take out trash
    do part of the dishes
    cook (filled turkey hearts w/ pomegranate risotto)

    Rest of the weekend:

    remaining dishes
    • Winner x 2
  14. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    I am currently experiencing reverse 'pakige?!?!'
    Where instead of waiting for my own mail, i am waiting eagerly for people to recieve their mail from me, vibrating with excitement.
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  15. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Also: i realized that i do enjoy letterwriting.

    I got like good letter paper and enveloppes and it's just. Nice. I have a drawer full if cards and letters other people wrote me, too.
    I should buy a new fountainpen maybe?
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  16. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster




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  17. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    I have my old fountain pen from sxhool but...what if i buy a new one....a nicer one....
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  18. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    first ghostie has arrived and been unpacked! Ivy did an unboxing vid for me and it was so good. I was wiggling in my seat the entire time watching it.

    I'm so glad Ghostie (and extras) was well received, I'm still wiggling, I love making stuff for people.
    • Winner x 5
  19. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    second ghostie also arrived but not unboxed ye and i am....excite also....

    also still suffereing reverse 'pakige!' about the other three. At least the oversea's one is now finally tracking so I know that went right
    • Like x 2
  20. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    All European ghosties have arrived safely!!! Incredibly happy about everyone's reactions.

    Now to stare sadly at cross Atlantic shipping...
    • Winner x 7
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