Physiological coping mechanisms

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by advicepls, May 22, 2018.

  1. advicepls

    advicepls New Member

    My therapist gave me a few coping mechanisms based on calming the body on the physiological level (measured breathing, splashing my body with water) but I am having a very difficult week and they aren’t working as well as I would like. My emotions are very physical, so the concept behind them is attractive and I was wondering if anyone here had other body based coping mechanisms they would recommend?
  2. Artemis

    Artemis i, an asexual moron

    I don't know how much this is in line with what you're wanting, but one of the reasons I tend to listen to heavy music (dubstep or metal) through my earphones/headphones when upset is because physically feeling the lower vibrations gives me some sort of... vibration, to repeat myself, to latch onto to steady myself? If that makes sense? Really light 'soothing' music just grates but something with a deep pulse tends to ground my body.

    If you have the time to lay down, piling blankets on myself (since I can't afford a weighted one) also tends to help (I assume for similarly feeling grounded and secure reasons), but if you are out and about that is unlikely to be a possibility, alas. If anyone knows some 'real' suggestions I would also be interested in hearing more about this.
  3. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    You mentioned splashing water on yourself, have you ever gone the whole nine yards and just ducked your whole head in the sink? submerging your face in cold water will lower your heart rate by reflex. it’s good for kicking you out of intense emotions really fast.

    if you can’t stick your head in the water, you can try lowering your heart rate with the Valsalva maneuver: close your mouth, pinch your nose shut, and breathe against your closed airway, as if you were trying to pop your ears. I haven’t tried this one personally, but it works physiologically speaking

    do not submerge your face or do the Valsalva maneuver if you have heart problems, take opioid painkillers, or are intoxicated at the time, you can mess your heart up

    Conversely, if you’re already having strong emotions and your heart rate is up, sometimes it’s best to roll with it. exercise can be really good for tiring yourself out until you’re not freaking out. it doesn’t have to be super intense, just get moving, take a lap around the block or do a couple pushups or something. I like to press against the wall with my whole strength, like I was trying to push it down, until my muscles feel tired.

    Good luck.
    • Useful x 2
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