Fuck my life. I knew all the good ones were gay or married, I guess now I can add "dead" to the list.
[6:16:58 PM] Onna Stik: ...know what fucked-up thing I've just realized? [6:18:03 PM] Zin Karyuu: What? [6:18:12 PM] Onna Stik: Of the currently-extant Klussterfuck, the most psychologically healthy one is Mutt. They may be a torturing murderer, but they're actually open about what they wants. [...] [6:20:43 PM] Onna Stik: but yeah, Nul is like "welp, guess everything's my fault somehow, better go away at the first opportunity" and Arie is like "I know exactly how everything is my fault but thisisfine.jpg" [...] [6:21:58 PM] Nick: like. nul. all the damage was done before you EXISTED, please sit down and have some therapy
I just don't want anyone to be hurt by me more than they already have been. I'm not Mica. I can't be. I have to leave before I do any more harm to Arie and Ethan. They don't deserve this.
Oh yeah, speaking of that thread, I think I said at some point that mica was gay, nul doesn't know yet, and mutt just isn't interested in that kind of thing. I was wrong. Mutt's got a puppy crush.
HYPOTHESIS: characters with a Veronica Number of two or less are likely to be involved both in sex and in violence. characters with a Veronica Number of three (ala katters thru chairon) tend towards just violence. :P
Characters far enough away display inclinations toward neither. Hypothesis: Characters past Veronica will show inclinations toward sex but not violence, then neither again, and Veronica exists at a perfect point in the middle of the spectrum
Hmm. As I was brushing my teeth I realized a counter example, that is, Martin, who has a low Veronica Number but has so far only inclined towards sex and not violence. Does he fit better into your theory? :P
Hypothesis 2: Everyone's into sex and violence, but only some of them have acted on it Martin is Schroedinger's murderchild