if it wasn't clear by the way that is a lie, Elena is like the least subtle lesbian ever. She's gonna ask Miriam on a date-type-thing-help-eep the next time she sees her, barring like... I dunno, one of them getting knocked out or not having a human mouth.
[7/14/16, 3:17:42 PM] Zin Karyuu: Elena, what you do [7/14/16, 3:17:44 PM] Zin Karyuu: What you do [7/14/16, 3:17:48 PM] Zin Karyuu: Is punch her in the nose [7/14/16, 3:17:51 PM] Zin Karyuu: Then ask her out [7/14/16, 3:17:56 PM] Zin Karyuu: Fool proof plan
we were actually on a call late one night and we were talking about miri and evan just sort of said "by the way, elena is gay" or something like that and that was it
Uh. Yep. I believe the corollary was "and she's going to immediately crush on pretty girls near her age."