I called in 'sick' to work so that I could go to an orientation to a work/study position and it looks v promising and much less stressful than my current job! Fingers crossed!!
the work/study position is in my field of study and I already sort of know the supervisor I am going to perish from excited anticipation
I finished season one of Veronica Mars and put something up on Redbubble! Tomorrow I have a ~scary~ interview just because I am so excited about it. I think it would be neat to make more Redbubble designs!
Lat's first day of school to-do list -Read 4.5 -Read 4.6 -Read 4.7 -Read 4.8 -Read: Editor -Read: First program -Read: Primitives -Read: Variables -Exam contract -Call Target & quit -Finish Pusheen order -quick-browse Target to see if there's anything you *need* before you quit -Fetch real bullet journal -Map out semester schedule -Write birthday present for Jen & post
Java! I'm very excited about it because it means that I can drink coffee and technically say I'm doing homework.
Java is my primary language! I love it dearly and I have private static void main of string array args memorized (Eta: which you probably will too, it’s one of the most common lines of code to have to write)
math homework notes; 4.1 - 13 problems 4.5 - 8 problems 4.6 - 10 problems 4.7 - 11 problems 4.8 - 11 problems practice quiz - 9 problems real quiz - 9 problems total: 71 problems due: september 1st, 2019 (sunday)
shopping list for target: -shampoo & conditioner -lunch box -letter board & letters -the re-wash spray stuff -body scrub -all good things are wild and free mug -get lost in what you love mug & decal -lover deluxe edition
my compsci prof won't stop saying 'invoke' and i have to assume that i am actually studying to be a witch
like "invoke the get name function"? I'm used to that being "call" -- "call get name" or "call the get name function" (styled getName() in text). Maybe I'd say invoke the exponent function with arguments base and power, but this still seems quirky to me. not wrong, mind, but quirky.
like "this is how we invoke a program, we call it up through main" like main is something we're trying to resurrect from the afterlife, idk
wh what it's been a long time since I had main explained to me (and was in python, to boot) but that sounds much more ... mystical than what I remember
module 2: 2.6: 10 problems 2.5: 7 problems 2.7: 5 problems practice quiz: 18 problems quiz: 18 problems module 3: 5.1: 7 problems 5.2: 3 problems 5.3: 10 problems 5.4: 5 problems 5.5: 6 problems practice quiz: 14 problems quiz: 14 problems module 4: 6.1: 14 problems 6.2: 13 problems 6.3: 8 problems 6.4: 5 problems 6.5: 11 problems 6.6: 9 problems 6.7: 9 problems 6.8: 12 problems practice quiz: 16 problems quiz: 16 problems module 5: 7.1: 9 problems 7.2: 9 problems 7.3: 5 problems 7.4: 7 problems 7.5: 4 problems practice quiz: 10 problems quiz: 10 problems
i did a face mask and i'm listening to some neat music so i'm going to try and knock out another hour of homework!!!