r/fatlogic derail

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Athol Magarac, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I thought you said you did. Misread that. In my defence I was tired. But if you don't, then you should be worried about that!
  2. context-free anon

    context-free anon Well-Known Member

    the phrase "crab-bucketing" just makes me think of this
    • Winner x 5
  3. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    In my case, calorie-counting would keep me from over-restricting. I could just get rid of snacking as well as drinking, but I can ignore hunger and I would go a bit buggy about not-eating instead of just making it worth writing down.
  4. Grief

    Grief ...

    If you are actually drinking 2000 calories of rum and coke a night, every night, you cannot just quit drinking. You need to get professional help to stop safely.
    • Agree x 10
  5. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Waste of money and incredibly boring. I was drinking that heavily both times I went to detox and they didn't even give me anything for it. I'll keep an eye on how icky my stomach feels, but I should be fine. I could also just go on rum-rationing, which is a bit like not letting yourself eat the entire box of snack-cakes in one day.
  6. Grief

    Grief ...

    Just to be clear, how much do you regularly drink? Is it roughly the same every day?

    edit: and about how long have you been drinking that much?
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2018
  7. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    You really absolutely definitely need to be under medical surveillance when going off of so much alcohol, in case you develope seizures, or other things, because going cold turkey after heavy substance abuse can in fact kill people as well.
    • Agree x 15
  8. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    I think the last time I detoxed was the spring before last. I wanted to get my hoarding under control first, but my psyche-person said I wasn't a hoarder because it was all neatly organized. My stuff was causing me distress, so I shouldn't have been dismissed.

    I was drinking heavily since that first psych stay, maybe 10 years ago, but I was pretty-much fine if I was distracted enough with something pleasant or at least exciting. I passed out a lot about the year or so after that because my tolerance wasn't that high.

    I have days where I just don't feel like drinking much, like I can tell that "hair of the dog" isn't going to help so I don't bother. I didn't have any hard alcohol available yesterday because I had a rough night before, but I did end up drinking most of the wine I found.
  9. Grief

    Grief ...

    I agree, that was really messed up and shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry they treated you like that.

    So you drink a large amount of something everyday, and have done so for about 10 years?

    Why did you start drinking again after the detox last spring?
    • Agree x 2
  10. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Have you considered going on to further treatment after detox? A spin dry rarely works in the long term.
    • Agree x 4
  11. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    I walked into the house, it was a hoarded mess, (there were 30 bottles on the bar, where I had to walk past them because it was the only entrance,) my willpower ran out really quickly when I couldn't do any hobbies. I would come home from daycare and flop on the couch to watch tv because being social all day was hard even if they let me use autism as an excuse to be weird/myself instead of wearing a mask. Then my husband got annoyed and blocked the chromecast without telling me, even after I told him it wasn't working right. That part ended with me getting an old chromecast thrown at me because I tried to get it working again and the old one couldn't handle GoT at full-resolution. He does that. At one point he blocked my computer access during the day because I was too depressed to clean.
    • Witnessed x 1
  12. Grief

    Grief ...

    Just to clarify, your husband threw the chromecast at you? And regularly prevents you from doing things if you don't do the chores he assigns you?

    That makes sense, having easily accessible alcohol and a stressful environment would lead to drinking again.

    I agree with Beldaran, just going to detox with no follow-up won't work. Is going to therapy or an out-patient program after detox something you would consider doing?
    • Agree x 7
  13. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    I think we've been over this. I don't adult well. He gets frustrated. What is he supposed to do when I act like a dependapotomus instead of a wife? It's not chores he assigns me, but a general "try to keep the house in a proper fashion" and I'm the one who had to come up with the chores. I'm at my mom's house and "make this area roomba-ready" means from my interpretation as sweeping the floor so I see everything the stupid robot might choke on.

    I've been in an outpatient program... adult daycare. I called an autistic daycare, but they didn't return it. I don't have a diagnosis, and I can't always rely on my husband to be the caregiver to drop me off.
  14. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Going cold turkey may kill you or cause brain damage. If you say the detox people are useless, I believe you. But maybe a psychiatrist could help? Please, if you’re able, keep looking for help.

    My uncle also had a lot of trouble getting the detox people to give him the time of day. Alcoholics are not always treated well. It’s frankly awful.

    Meanwhile with my uncle, an unrelated doctor had given him a prescription for lorazepam (benzodiazepine, sometimes referred to as Ativan in U.S. hospital settings, raises the seizure threshold so it’s actually good for alcohol withdrawal as long as it’s not combined with alcohol which can cause neurotoxicity and death, also treats anxiety) without explaining the multiplier effect it has with alcohol, though it must clearly say on his charts that alcoholism is a thing. He was perfectly able to take his lorazepam responsibly as soon as someone actually told him the relevant safety information. It’s been years and he has yet to succumb to the combination overdose the detox people seemed certain he’d have. Which he damn well may have had if nobody had told him he couldn’t take his prescription with alcohol.

    I know my psychiatrist won’t diagnose alcoholic patients with many things (such as personality disorders) until they’ve been sober for some number of weeks. (I can’t remember the specifics but it was at least a month.) But he will treat alcoholics as they work to get sober because so many people have underlying mental health issues (like my uncle’s terrible anxiety) that are gonna need expert attention. It also helps to have a doctor specializing in psychiatric medication overseeing the process to make sure there isn’t a bad conflict between meds.

    (As for calorie counting, I’m with the “useful for some” crowd. A good friend of mine has had a lot of success with it. It helped her get some idea of the ballpark she was aiming for without overdoing it.)
    • Agree x 1
  15. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Damn lack of edit button... he threw the Chromecast at the couch directly behind the chair I was sitting in. He would have had to be aiming at that instead of me to hit it. He also threw some socks at me and it wasn't a fastball. He knows how to lash out without harming.
  16. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Not throw a fucking tv at you, oh my god!??


    ETA: No, throwing it in your general direction doesn't make it better!!! NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T THROW TVS WHEN N THEY'RE MAD!
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2018
    • Agree x 21
  17. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Throwing things in your direction is abusive even if they don't hit you. You were presumably scared by him doing this, yes? Then that's abusive. Did the item break? Then if it was yours that's abusive, and if it was his then it could also be abusive if he blamed you for breaking it.
    • Agree x 9
  18. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Your anecdote got a bit confusing... someone told your uncle a safe way to take anxiety meds with alcohol? (several reads later) No... Some doctor didn't warn him exactly what would happen if mixed his meds with alcohol, and someone set him straight correct. The detox people thought that he wouldn't respect that information.

    It's not that detox people are useless. Well, the facilitator said that anxiety was causing the hoarding, when I kept trying to tell him that the hoarding was causing the anxiety. I also asked to get transferred to the anxiety group; they didn't have to provide their own coloring pages. I also got assigned to a med-guy who wouldn't let me try ADHD drugs, but I could respect his reasons in the setting of treating addicts.
    • Witnessed x 1
  19. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    The chromcast I'm talking about was just slightly larger and about the same weight as a disposable lighter. The last time I looked, the newer ones could still fit in an altoid tin.
  20. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    I wasn't scared... this sort of thing has been happening all of my life and I'm used to it. What's the big deal if people throw lightweight things at you without enough force to actually leave a bruise if their aim is off and they actually hit you?

    He threw it at the couch and it could have probably tolerated being used as slingshot ammo. It's in my mom's TV now and I told her it was a malfunctioning piece of junk and she shouldn't take it personally when it just refuses to work. If it had managed to break when hubby threw it at me, nothing more would have been said unless I tried to keep it because it was garbage before that and it should have been thrown away.
    • Witnessed x 2
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