I will use her Mom Strength wisely! (once I have the materials to level her, since I'm also trying to level her niece. one ten pull for horse girl!!!! hell yeah!!!!!)
And now, a record of my conversations with the Random Number God re: the Arknights Forget-Me-Not banner: anyway that's why I don't have any gachabucks left. Thank you Random Number God, you've been very helpful.
Started playing fate grand order recently, and some of the character designs make me cringe, especially the young girls. I think Kiyohime is the only one I can stand out of the young girl characters I've gotten so far because at least she's wearing clothes?!?! *Stares at Jack the ripper in horror* Some of the men aren't any better... Looking at you Mephistopheles. It's still a fun game though, even though I'm not very good at it lmao. I pick characters because I think they look cool or because I like their personality instead of picking ones based on which servant classes they're good against. I think Jeanne might be my favorite servant so far.
Jack's character design is a nightmare and I have long made a policy of unfriending anyone who has her set to anything but first ascension (which is the one where as little of it is visible as possible) and covering her portrait with my thumb whenever she's onscreen. I'm currently hoarding my pile of SQ like a dragon while I wait for when Caster Artoria comes out at the anniversary, for three reasons: she's broken as hell, she's got all those good good original-flavor VN Saber faces that we have been cruelly and inexplicably denied on every single one of the mountain of Artorias up to now, like and , and, last but not least I've heard from people who read the spoilers for the most recently released main story on the Japanese server that in lore, most of her magic training is in fact closer to "petty crime," her primary combat method is throwing home-cooked pipe bombs, and she uses Shirou's analysis spell to case houses for robbery, which makes me instantly adore her.
HAT! SABER! HAT! SABER! Anyway they also gave us some more friend slots so if you want to use my shiny new Touhou or some level 100 berserkers my ID is 344,115,525.
OH YEAH I had some ridiculously good pulls I got castoria in two ten pulls and then I got a melt copy on the other banner. AND i got someone I actually wanted on the gssr. AND i still have 520 quartz. >:3
I totally would have pulled for Melt by now if she would just put on some pants. I was very glad I got her penguin suit version.
I desperately wish she wore pants but at least her outfit (like everyone else from CCC) is Less Horrible here. still uhhhhhh pantless.
Downloaded Arknights, and it's going great so far: I'm Keltena#8344 if anyone wants to be friends! I have no idea what I'm doing, it's great.
Haven't played genshin in a while but came back for nilou's banner and didn't even get her. :(( Stop giving me doubles of characters I already own! I got two Barbara and then two Xiangling!
Gave up on getting Nilou and did the standard banner instead and got Heizou! My boy! Now I'm just running around looking for onikabuto.
I've never read the books I've bought from bookstores in genshin until today and the Inazuma ones are funny. I bet Yae wrote Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji. I wish there was more to some of these.
Finally assembled a set of furniture in the sereniteapot so I could invite characters over only for the game to tell me I had too much in the room and I had to remove something. Can you really only have one character in the room with their favored set? I wanted to put Xiangling and Childe in the cottage kitchen, but I can't seem to without breaking up the furniture set.
I want to start completing some of the achievements for co-op in genshin on ps4. If anyone wants to help me out my username is oozeclues and the user id is 615671593.
Why is it even if I spend money I never get the damn character I want?! Ningguang isn't even on the damn banner????