A shuttle! The radio announcement sounds cheerful... and terrifying. Also there are NEW THINGS! From SPACE AMAZON! Or else death! Definitely one of those! Cal is definitely going to go see! ...just as soon as somebody else does, too. No way is he facing lasers and death alone! ((Posting this to watch the thread mostly))
Well. Ivy approaches the thingie at the great wall of nope with rippling cape and sunglasses. They'd look so awesome and cool if they weren't... well, tiny. "The Defense Force is on coffee break right now, so you better not be about to rain death on us or S.E.E.B.S. will be very unpleasant." The small greenblood calls out in the general direction of the shuttle, or whatever.
"I think it's probably the same thing it was the last three times," the gigantic (and slightly more imposing) pile of tentacles rumbles behind Ivy, "Also I hope they're delivering my box!"
"Well, yeah. But just in case!" Ivy tries not to snicker at their own pun. "There should be a biiiiiig box of fabric in there. I may have splurged on velvet again." The fae grins. Most of the velvet will be left over and go into the nest pile and they loooooove velvet in the nest pile.
"If it is pirates, I don't think they'll have any fabric, unless it's some sort of galactic black market commodity or something."
"My Pirates had fabric. Because we had me. Those aren't my pirates, probably. Maybe they'll become our pirates?" Ivy muses to themselves.
As the Secondary Primary Unofficial Defenders (SPUDs for short) of the rogue colony of Kintsugi approach the terrifying and alien, familiar postal/smuggling shuttle of the Infinite Leap, Snitch waves a tentacle and tunes the makeshift radio apparatus embedded into an outlying tentacle to a "Spacesuit walkie-talkie" frequency. "Hey there! Are you the mail, or are we going to have to do something violent?" an overly-cheerful, crackly voice bubbles into the aether.
Soul runs to catch up with the group. They're late, and because they're late, the ship almost certainly is a huge threat, which means more defenders are needed, which makes being late worse. Because that is just how things work. "CRAP, ARE WE DEAD YET?" they holler, hoping they aren't actually approaching a group of zombies infected with Space Plague.
"That's a very interesting question," Snitch's voice crackles over the radio, "but for now, I'm going to throw it out there and say no."
"I'm still pretty lively! Though I could go for a cupcake right around now." Ivy laughs. Briefly they wonder if they should switch their own radio-device on too and try to poke the newcomer, but ehh Snitch looks they have it under control.
"Don't worry, I'll totally protect you, Soul!" He'll try to, anyway. Snitch and Ivy seem like they're not scared, so it's probably ok, but if Soul is in danger... but what can Cal do against a dragon? Oh, right, he can turn into a dragon! That is definitely the right shape to be in right now! Dragon Cal feels a lot braver now. Maybe Soul will, too!
Raven saw the com-link icon blinking on the screen, asking if he was the mail or something else.“This is the mail, I have some deliveries from Space Amazon on board the shuttle. They’re being loaded onto a gravi-sled. Should be ready to take into the colony in thirty minutes or so, if you don’t mind me visiting.” Raven watched the group coming towards him from a camera feed in the cockpit. There appeared to be a tentacled mass creature, the ship had that one tagged as the speaker. A young humanoid with cat ears, a Fae, and another young humanoid. The ship’s sensors were having trouble pinning two of their species, and had given up completely on the tentacled mass. Neuro gave up on scanning the incoming groups when one of them turned into a dragon suddenly.
Ivy turned on their own communicator. "We like the mail. We welcome it with open arms and lowered weapons. But not too low, behind the mail could be danger!" Ivy informs the captain of the Infinite Leap.
Imo feels the shuttle land, but doesn't hear the door open. 'This could be my chance to get out of the box, and sneak out..' she tries the door she got in by, but it seems they put a box in front of it, a heavy one.
((it was snitch's two ton 3x3 inch cube, he mentioned one in the kintsugi in space thread a while back, anyways if he wants it.))
((@QuotableRaven that would make sense, since the box im in also belongs to snitch, its their big empty box for playing in))
Oh good, the mail's here. Soul relaxed slightly, but only slightly. They bounced on the balls of their feet, excited for an entirely different reason now. Maybe their carnivorous plant seed and spore mix got here. Or one of the various how-to manuals they ordered. Or maybe the Absolutely Necessary Fandom Merchandise they bought? Perhaps Soul's spending habits weren't quite frugal at times, but who could put a price on the inexplicable joy of getting mail?
Wait, it's the mail? That's all? No need to be a dragon anymore! Cal needs a human tongue now. "Is there anything there for me?" Cal doesn't know how the ship knows what to bring or who it's for but he's heard people can get things in the mail. Maybe that means there's something in there for him, too? He doesn't have anything to pay with but...