im thinking that the hover text is both a current warning and an ominous hint at future events im very excited for the dozens of fight scenes that are upcoming, if only because now that allison has discovered her powers she wont just be standing off to the side panicking (as much...). probably, anyhow. im super excited to see all the groups colliding and making a big old mess
From Mottom's comments during the gala, "There's no escape for you now, not even if you leave this place." I wouldn't be surprised if that fruit of immortality creates a dependency: That once you've had it once, you have an accelerated aging and need it again and again forevermore. So that lack of compassion for Mottom's situation is shortly going to very pointedly come back and bite her. Either that or she'll soon meet Aunti Maya, and that's how her comment it's going to come back to hit her.
I don't think the "no escape" is about the fruit, it's about having the Master Key. Her choices are to keep it or have it taken; there's no giving it away. I'm pretty sure Mottom's accelerated aging is more about being super old herself, and the fruit only lasts for a short while before it wears off - so Allison returns to her own age, and Mottom returns to hers. I think the part she's going to end up regretting first is the "Get over it."
the introductions in this comic continue to be excellent "I am Mathangi ten Meti, "Murder The Gods And Topple Their Thrones". I would like to tell you I am a noodle vendor - but alas! Instead I am a student of the principle art of Cutting."
I like how they're just "We'll fire a single bullet. One bullet. Because we all know that bad things happen when a bunch of people just fire at will."
IM SO EXCITED FOR WHITE CHAIN TO KILL EVERYONE! Also glad that, by chance, I started reading this comic when the character who convinced me to read it (Meti) is getting screentime. Beautiful. Fuck it up ladies
So I just binge-read this comic and wow... it's so beautiful? It's everything my tiny shrieking edgelord of an artistic, monster-loving Inner Child ever wished for. Also, someones needs to give White Chain a hug. Like six billion hugs. (Also I am so glad that these guys are just as inhuman as their devils? I was so SICK of always humanly beautiful angels for serious... even my precious sapphire light child is clearly A Very Non Human Thing trying to look human... my heart just broke when she ripped her face off.) Even if it would burn me up to touch her true flesh I would hug her. (Also I'm DELIGHTED that 'angels are genderless but default to he' is addressed. MORE TRANS ANGELS LET LIMINAL BLOSSOM COME BACK AND BE FABULOUS.)
I have to say I don't fancy Juggernaut Star's chances in a full-on fight. Even though it's Juggernaut Star.