Reasons My Kintsugijin is Crying, or; The Weepy Marshmallow Brigade

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Choco, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    A little after when we moved to the city we're in now, I was gifted a small cactus. I left it outside year-round, took no precautions for weather, and every spring it would rise from seemingly it's grave, bigger and more beautiful every year without fail. I loved that cactus. It would bloom with these pretty pink flowers, you may have seen pictures in other threads over the years.

    I went out back today to see how it was doing, as Texas weather is very random and it happened to be pleasantly cool today instead of freezing. The cactus was gone. In fact, all of our plants and a bicycle was missing. My mom said when the landlord came and butchered our trees, he also decided to "clean up" our back porch area by taking all the "dead plants" to the garbage. He left the huge piles of branches he made of course, but not our clearly winter condition plants. I sobbed, I still want to sob.

    My cactus, which I've had for 7+ years now, something that always gave me hope every year without fail was thrown away without remorse. We're in a lot of trouble right now in life aside from this small thing and this? This broke me. I've tried to stay hopeful for the future, and my strong, beautiful cactus being destroyed so callously is fucking me up
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  2. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    I can't drive and lately that's meant I'm even more fucked over than usual. I feel like a burden for getting rides, and useless when I can't get one

    Had an important appointment with my psychiatrist today as well as the facility's case worker assigned to me and I couldn't make it because I couldn't get a ride. I sat outside my house waiting and waiting and I'm honestly afraid I'll be kicked out of the program. None of my calls and messages were responded to and I'm so frustrated and sad. I don't know if I'll be able to get my meds refilled either
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  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    One of the players in my longrunning pathfinder game died over the summer. The DM has been running his character as an "NPC", since it felt wrong to write him out entirely, and tonight was our big endgame boss battle for the current campaign. DM didn't tell us, but he'd scripted in a certain attack to give the "N"PC a Heroic Blaze Of Glory, for which he'd be memorialized afterwards, etc etc.
    Because we were not told, and this happened mid-combat, our bard used a reaction spell to force the baddie doing this Big Instakill Attack to instead target the big boss with it. It knocked down the boss just far enough that, with the way turns and continuing damage fell out...
    the "N"PC of our dead buddy got the ultimate kill on the campaign's villain.
    It's a different kind of hero's ending, and one I think his minmaxxer player would've appreciated. feelsgoodman.jpg
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  4. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    I could not even a little bit tell you why this video is making me sob. It's not a sad video! It's mildly interesting at most, just a dog doing really good at an obstacle course with don't stop me now playing in the background:
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