Reporting the mods

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by Athol Magarac, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    It sure is something.
    • Witnessed x 9
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  2. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    On one Hand i'm dying to see it, in the other i salute the noble sacrifice of the mods so that we don't have to see it.
    • Agree x 13
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  3. lex

    lex + 0.2% luck

    i am also morbidly curious, because narcs have such a..... unique way with words that referencing or paraphrasing what she says will never be as funny as the actual quotes

    forever grateful to have the phrase "ass shicking hippo" in my arsenal now
    • Agree x 12
  4. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Okay, so, a thing's been sorta gnawing at me about this, and I think it needs to be expressed. Not sure it'll help, but eh.

    Athol, you keep saying people see you as subhuman when they see you as bad. No. That is the opposite of the truth.

    You are cruel. You delight in cruelty. Every community but this that you've described wanting to be involved with has been defined entirely by cruelty, by mockery, by derision. The only thing you want from community is to express your contempt and loathing for others, and to be part of that so you can belong, by finding people who also want that. Your interactions with other people are focused entirely on getting them to say you're good, or trying to hurt them if they won't.

    You don't like it when people say that. But when people say anything else, when they talk about how nice you are, or how pleasant you are, they are not talking about you. And that is why you are so isolated, so alone, and so miserable.

    The only thing that can make you feel connected is if people know you for who you are, and you don't want that because who you are is vicious and cruel.

    And the thing about this forum is, since we don't ban people for being awful, this is the first place you have encountered people who will tell you the truth and still care what happens to you.

    I'm not saying you should embrace your fucked-up cruelty, because it's obviously utterly horrible for you and everyone else. But you have to acknowledge it, because until you do, you won't be able to connect with anyone, in any way, ever. Either they'll be lying, and not talking about you, or you won't be accepting the connection because it makes you feel bad.

    You can't get better until you know that what you are now isn't better.

    You deserve better than this. You should do better than this. Get sober, recognize that loving it when people suffer is fucked up, and start working on becoming someone you can be proud of.
    • Agree x 9
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  5. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Nothing about my sacrifice is noble.
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  6. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    As a heads up she's made me aware that she's just not gonna read anything posted in this thread for a. While? Unsure. I apologize in advance should I have to quote people to my TCHGB thread and subsequently flood with pings
    • Informative x 5
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Considering how much I've quoted you, feel absolutely free to yoink anything of mine that's helpful :p
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  8. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    God. I plan on avoiding that as much as possible honestly in the hopes of not getting bogged up in meandering thought processes and actually successfully explaining the problem with how she's treated you and. everyone. else...

    I don't really have anything else to do until the end of the month aside from watch a bunch more litcrit videos and start reading some plato for my own entertainment so I don't mind hurling words into a void x3
    • Like x 4
  9. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    *slides in with former Slenderfan knowledge*

    The exact nature and amount of information shown about Slender Man vary wildly across the mythos (as is inevitable in a crowdsourced meme mythology), but very little of it directly says or implies that he eats people. The most common things Slendy is shown definitely doing to people are:
    1. Dragging them into some sort of weird eldritch dimension/across space and time in some weird and inscrutable way, which they'll eventually be dropped back out of somewhere.
    2. Pseudo-brainwashing that leaves the victim as, essentially, his Renfield; this often involves the victim wandering around in a mask and stalking people. These people may or may not do very human sorts of violence. This is often presented as a consequence of (1).
    3. Horrible gory murder. This is more often for bystanders, not people he's been directly stalking. Traditional methods derived from the original thread are dissection and impalement on trees.
    4. Disappearing them never to be seen again.
    Just generally being in his vicinity results in hacking cough, memory loss, psychotic breaks, (understandable) paranoia, and obsession, all of which worsen with proximity and prolonged exposure. The traditional reveal is for a person to have been scribbling trees/pictures of Slendy/operator symbols (an O with an X through it)/similar thematic ranting all over.

    The original thread suggested he had a particular affinity for preying on/disappearing children, and a common theme in the mythos later was him stalking people as children, them forgetting about it, and him coming back when they were adults.

    The first edition of the Marble Hornets Season 1 DVD set (which I own, incidentally) had a joke copyright warning that said not to copy it "or else Slenderman will eat you," but it was added without the creators' knowledge or permission and they were actually pretty mad about it. :::PPP

    *slides out*
    • Informative x 18
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  10. Jove

    Jove [ destination defenestration ]

    Whoo boy, here we go, because Athol has officially pissed me off. Let's unpack this, shall we? I'm going to lay this out, and I'm going to express what I'm interpreting from these statements to offer up some perspective for Athol. (And while it might not do any good for her because she ignores everything, it might be insightful for others so they don't fall into any of her traps.) After this? I'm not likely to respond much more, because as @TheSeer has pointed out (and I'll address it more in depth at the end, because I feel it's worthwhile to do so), I'm not going to keep arguing this into the ground. I'm not Athol's therapist. I've got better shit to be doing with my life, thanks.

    As a note: The "things that look like this" is what I'm hearing from Athol's posts, not what's actually being said, and if you take issue with that, Athol, that's on you and you choosing to hurl abuse at people, in particular Spock. That said, let's get started.

    "Fine, I'm going to throw a temper tantrum and do something I think will really piss people off."

    Sorry, but the only person you're hurting with that is yourself, and I found this more than just a little hilarious, to be perfectly honest.

    "I'm mad that the thing I want to happen isn't being agreed to and that people are mad at me for my decisions, and it's everyone else's fault that whatever progress I made is now destroyed, because I won't take responsibility for myself."

    You aren't being demonized for taking care of your emotional health. If anything, you're the one that is harming yourself, considering everyone else has been encouraging you to take care of yourself first and foremost. You aren't being demonized at all. You are being critisized for being --and continuing to be-- abusive. I'm no longer calling it "shitty behavior"; that's downplaying and minimizing. You are abusive. End of.


    "Kathy is my new Savior and seems like an easier target because she sounds like she's being nice to me. I only want to deal with her and I'm warning her not to cross me at the risk of me giving up on any progress that I won't even start in the first place."

    Yes, Kathy does give good advice. Advice you won't take. So, no, she isn't getting through to you. And this comment? You're lucky she's immune to your abuse. It's an abusive comment. This is abuse. THIS IS ABUSE, JUST IN CASE YOU MISSED IT. But, honestly? I think you already know that.

    "How about we only address the stuff I want addressed so I don't have to deal with people being mad at me about things I don't want them to be mad at me about. I don't want to keep getting criticized for my abuse, and people not addressing what I want addressed it derailing. Kathy should be the only one allowed to speak because she's the one I want to target right now, since Spock and others aren't giving me the reactions and sympathy I want."

    Sorry to burst your bubble, Athol, but that shit isn't going to slide and (again) it's absolutely laughable that you think that it will in the first place. You've burned through a lot of people's sympathy for one, and no one owes you any, and for second, Kathy shouldn't have all the burden of having to control your emotions. No one should. Ever.

    "I don't want to apologize, even though I know I haven't apologized, and I refused to do it Because Reasons, and I don't understand what you want from me, because I refused to read back and look at what people are asking of me, except when I want to."


    "I'm feeling attacked and I'm just going to assume that's what you're doing because I Feel Bad."

    Real cute.

    "I'm going to make an unreasonable request of people I have been insulting and abusing and make a completely irrelevent remark that only comes across as me trying to garner sympathy, and still seeing any kind of time-out of freezing this thread as abuse towards me and silencing me, even if the mods did agree to my unreasonable request."

    Also super cute of you.

    "Any explanation as to why you're unhappy with me is a threat towards me, and any description of any kind of consequence of my abuse is a threat towards me."

    Stop with your weaseling bullshit. Others have told you what the definition of a threat is, why it was a threat, and you have agreed that you understand that is a threat. And this is why quite a few people have burned out on you, and people not wanting anything to do with you is not a threat. It's a direct consequence. People are not obligated to put up with your abuse. Ever. Nor should they. And if that means they warn you they'll do something like stop talking to you because you're abusive to them, that is a consequence. One that protects them from you. Not. A. Threat.

    "This is everyone else's fault for not doing what I want, so yeah, now I'm throwing a temper tantrum and I'm going to threaten to make it even worse, because I refuse to deal with anyone confronting me on things I don't want to be confronted with, rather than anything abusive I actually did."

    Your blame and goalpost shifting knows no bounds.

    "You deserve to be murdered for not doing what I want."

    Fuck this in particular. This is what particularly gets to me out of all of this on top of your transphobic bullshit that you still owe me an apology for. This is not okay. Ever.

    THIS IS ABUSE AND YOU NEED TO FUCKING STOP. But you won't, as far as I believe, considering your absolute refusal to even give other people the same basic human decency we've been giving you, which is entirely the thing that people are mad at you about, and why Kathy particularly commendable at this point in time for even being willing to still put herself in the path of your abuse.

    As for this-- I wanted to address this a bit more, largely because I didn't see this answered a bit more (sorry if I missed it). Honestly? I don't think anyone will keep arguing it forever. There isn't anything to argue in the first place, really. I personally think it'll devolve into people simply saying "no" as many times as it takes for Athol to back off. The only real answer I can give is that Athol will continue to push people away, and continue to suffer the consequences of people always being upset with her. If she can't apologize adequately, then she can't. She won't get the sympathy she's looking for, and there sure as hell won't be any chance of forgiveness, provided others even will in the first place, something she can't seem to even grasp. So, what do we do about it? We let her deal with the consequences, even if that means she stays on post mod and whatever else that happens as a result of Athol's abuse. None of us can control her actions, just suggest better ways to deal with it.

    It's not a hopeful answer, it's not a pretty one, but that's how the cookie crumbles.

    Case in point: I don't honestly believe I'll get an apology, but you can bet your britches if she chooses to interact with me all I'm going to give her is "not until you apologize". That's a big if considering she hasn't even acknowledged me, which doesn't hurt my feelings so much as vaguely entertains me. Like Spock, any attempt to actually hurt me over the internet (save the pronoun thing) generally just makes me laugh, because I find it funny when people try to hurt me. (I don't find it funny that Athol is trying to hurt other people, just to clarify.)

    EDIT: Noting that I changed the original "Kathy is a saint for [...]" to something more related to my opinion rather than a hard statement. And also fixing errors.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2018
    • Winner x 8
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  11. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    (ftr, referring to her like this is something kathy isnt generally fond of)
    (feel free to let me know if im out of line, i just remember being called a saint is something that kathy really didnt like)
    • Agree x 4
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  12. Jove

    Jove [ destination defenestration ]

    Whoops-- noted and I'll edit my post to reflect that.
    • Like x 8
  13. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    (Thank you I appreciate that c:)
    • Like x 5
  14. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Okay, I've been giving this some thought and I'm going to type this out so I can sleep. However, I'm burning through spoons so badly that it's going to take a while to recharge. I won't be reading this thread until I'm ready, and I'm likely to skip messages.

    It's been acknowledged that I have communication issues. Just with the example of "wiggle-bait" being mistaken for a masturbate ephemism instead of along the lines of flame-bait, people are often jumping to the wrong conclusions about what I'm saying. Then they reinforce that assumption before I even have a chance to explain or then completely ignore the explanation in favor of building up that assumption. Then they cite a pattern that's mostly made up of wrong assumptions to justify making even more wrong assumptions.

    Please stop running with those bad assumptions. Please ask me what I meant and then wait for a response before running down the wrong track.
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  15. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    That was a very good post that explains your problems and lacks cognitive distortions, good job. Thank you for explaining.
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Are you planning to continue clarifying unclear statements when they're directed at me? A number of these comments end up in the wiggler, and you do not have a good track record of responding to mod requests in general, never mind requests from me.

    And I feel like I should also clarify that a number of wiggled statements may be misunderstood, but they're still going to end up in the wiggler because the plain statements themselves communicate very harmful statements, even if follow-up questions indicate that wasn't what she meant. See: the ohjoysextoy being forced comparison (which wasn't nonconsensual consent, but still had heavy rape connotations and was about a sexual dynamic), or the sundown town comparison, where there is an ongoing wiggler conversation where we are having a hell of a time trying to communicate that no, sundown towns really are THAT SERIOUS.
    • Witnessed x 5
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The default setting for posts being moved is that it sends a notification to OP. I can't speak for every single mod, but when I wiggle a post, it sends you a notification.
    • Informative x 2
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'm going to add over here that in addition to everything else, I would also like apologies for calling me a hippo, and then comparing me to a paranoid schizophrenic.
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  19. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

  20. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    I can see posts in there that are marked as having been moved to the wiggler.
    • Agree x 1
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