Reporting the mods

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by Athol Magarac, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    You don't qualify who you are talking about quite often.
    You also could have just said "I am sorry for my miscommunications. I did not intend to lie about your actions. I will avoid talking about you further here and would ask that you do the same for me if possible" or something of that ilk.
    • Agree x 9
  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I could have stopped talking to you. Except, one, I'm not under any obligation to sit back and be a punching bag. Even without the times I mistakenly thought you were talking about me, you have actually talked about me fairly regularly. I could choose to back down first, yes, but I had no reason to let you get all the hits you wanted in while I sat there being completely passive. And two, once you started with the threats, etc., and made it clear you were trying to hurt me, I absolutely was not going to give you the impression you were able to coerce me in any way.
    • Winner x 8
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  3. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    You brought it on yourself. I was in meltdown mode. But I won't try to set boundaries again since that never works.
  4. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Except, I'm done. Go ahead and make jokes about how I'm an entitled brat who's getting huffy.
  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    • Agree x 10
    • Winner x 3
  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    If these are the sentiments in play, than I'm going to set aside your apology for the threats as a polite gesture, but not actually indicative of any remorse or understanding of what was wrong with those actions, which is what I had actually asked for.

    You can come back the the idea of responsibility for your own actions whenever, but this is going to be a problem that haunts your interpersonal reactions until you come to terms with it in some way.
    • Agree x 16
  7. Jove

    Jove [ destination defenestration ]

    • Agree x 16
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  8. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Responding to things that annoy you with active attempts to hurt people and damage them to make them sorry they hurt you is abusive behavior. "You brought it on yourself" is the go-to line of an unrepentant abuser.

    You can stop being that person, and become someone you aren't ashamed of, whenever you are ready. It will take time and it won't be easy, but it's the only thing that will make you happy.
    • Agree x 16
  9. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    No, she didn't. Mental illness or anger is not an excuse, Athol. It isn't a Get Out Of Trouble For Free Pass. You're also victim blaming to a fucking breathtaking degree.

    This is not a joke, you're being an entitled brat who is getting huffy.
    • Agree x 7
  10. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    You keep saying these things which are the correct conclusions and presenting them as wild out of the way things that could never possibly be true, it's like watching a hardcore incel come skating past "women are people and I should treat them with respect and basic decency rather than getting pissy about how they don't like me if I relentlessly abuse them". It's incredibly frustrating.

    You are at fault. You are not going to magically become less at fault for your past action. Accepting your past fault, understanding that You Have Fucked Up, feeling bad or at being at least logically for trying to hurt another human being is bad- regardless of whether or not it succeeds - and apologizing for harm caused is a Basic Step Of Being Able To Interact With Society.

    • Agree x 16
  11. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    [[MOD NOTE (this is spock): Starting from this point, and up to the Nov 24 post I made with a mod note, this conversation has been moved from the 'talkin 'bout wiggled pears' thread to merge with the conversation in the original TSM thread on this topic. The conversations are effectively on the same topic, and dividing things across multiple threads makes things harder for everyone involved to follow.]]


    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2018
  12. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Exactly. Don't push me down and call... trying to express my own hurt... as trying to hurt other people.

    "I'm so upset that I'm hurting myself" is viewed as a threat and a manipulation.
  13. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    ..... One, it's causing more problems than it solves right now. One of the wiggled things is literally a copy/paste of a small blurb about geology used to explain why a Steven Universe post got wiggled.

    And hey, other than me not being a people, I am a thing that struggles with emotional self-harm issues and I have trouble not-looking and am pretty badly hurt.
  14. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    I can see from a glance at preview why a good 70% of these were wiggled.
    • Agree x 4
  15. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    It was saying pretty much exactly the same thing as the post that got wiggled.
    So it got wiggled.
    This is not hard.
    • Agree x 4
  16. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    I can't read that one image and don't have a local copy.
  17. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    So what do you have against volcanoes?
  18. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    The statement there, taken on its own, is perfectly alright, albeit upsetting and probably vent-thread material.
    You. Keep. Couching. These. Statements. In. Threats. And. Manipulation.
    • Agree x 1
  19. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Miss the point this often and this obviously, and I'll be forced to conclude that you're doing it on purpose.
    • Agree x 4
  20. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Other than science tending to use slurs to describe everything, I really can't see the nuance.

    Like, slut-shaming accusations make me think that slut must be a good thing to call people now.
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