Spoiler im glad youre okay cause jesus christ. but yeah there's just a level of People Are Things, Except The Ones I Approve Of For As Long As I Appove Of Them going on and im just like
Spoiler +1 on the "People Are Things, Except the Ones I Approve of for as Long as I Approve of Them". It's honestly disturbing, and half the reason why I really can't believe that all of this "I just couldn't understand or tell". When I was a working psychologist, this was one of the absolute hardest things to try to address with my more entrenched-NPD clients, and the most heartbreaking.
tap out for now athol. the ways in which your posts are cruel have been explained to you myriad times. i offered resources for dealing with these things like a page or two ago. take a break and start writing things down when you have your spoons back.
bolding mine. i'm not doing your homework for you. or explaining how you could have Possibly Been Cruel. you have been cruel, period, full stop. you started cruel and you've kept that energy this whole exhausting uphill battle. edit for grammar and missed words.
I don't like seeing other people suffer. I'm just tired. I spent so much of my life just worrying about other people instead of myself only to get yelled at for how horrible I was. If you're going to get a zero on the assignment anyway, are you going to sprain your wrist by spending every spare moment on it, or are you going to slap something together in 10 minutes and then go watch tv? I expected you to stop after the first page, maybe pull out some of the older stuff randomly... I think that if it got un-wiggled the responses might have been lost? I'm sorry that I didn't say "stop" sooner, or just asked you to only put in an hour. I would have gotten frustrated at about that point, or maybe dared to ask for feedback before continuing.
Did I say "duh" or did I say "I was trying to type sucking" and then later "I was trying to type hippocrate."
Okay, I guess it wasn't Beautiful Mind. He would tear things out of magazines to piece together some sort of Russian code... and then hallucinate that he had to drop it in a mailbox. I was trying to show the image I had in my head and remembered that it was on Sherlock Holmes too. Then again, the guy cracked up and ripped everything down after something that Sherlock told him. Well, I'm not trying to hurt you anymore, and really I just wanted you to stop triggering me... do you want me to continue this for your amusement?
I don't think the voice thing would help at all, because the problem isn't that people aren't aware that you're hearing things very negatively, the problem is that you persistently interpret anything even slightly critical of you as "very angry", and interpret anything you say as being not a big deal and probably fine and anyway they deserved it.
It's pretty consistent. It's possible, sure, that you merely sound like a raving bigot by pure accident, but you are too consistently awful for it to be chance.
It really is. You consistently hear criticism as very angry and negative. We know this. You keep pointing it out. No. Not when you've got this much of a track record of offering "apologies" for the wrong things, or offering "apologies" and then retracting them, and so on. At some point, it's pretty clear that the tone people are picking up is accurate.
Jesus fucking Christ. Glad to see that this thread is All About Athol and How Hard It Is To Be Athol now.
That's because there are a lot of times where somehow what I mean doesn't line up with what people read.
I won't argue that it likely is hard being her, considering she's in pain, but the sentiment is still a Big Mood.
If absolutely everyone you ever meet seems to consistently misunderstand what you try to say... Consider that you are the common element in all these misunderstandings.