More Things Golde Is Determined To Eat wires mulch my ankles door hinges her leash the couch treats my hands if they smell like treats her leg the tassels on the rug (I did not let her eat any of these things except for the treats.)
Here she is adventurously army- crawling through some plants: Such brave, very determined. This morning when she came in she was so alarmed that she submission-peed on the floor. Then we went outside for half an hour. Then we came back in. Then she pooped on the floor. ??? Golde,
looking at these pictures made me change my voice completely to a kind of disturbing whine-mutter while I showed my teammates we've all agreed this dog is precious and adorable.
chewing is one of the big problems with puppies, she'll eventually grow out of it, a lot of it is due to the combination of teething/losing milk teeth and having a lot of puppy energy. goldens and pretty much most big dogs will have a lot of energy that needs to be let out, somehow. goldens also have the benefit of being highly trainable, as they are big people pleasers. teaching her tricks, even just as her pet sitter, will be a good way to get her using her brain and releasing energy. it also might be a good idea to either have toys brought over with her or just have toys at your own place that she can chew on. sturdy chew toys are a huge boon during the teething times, and then you can redirect her chewing from you and your belongings to a toy meant for it.
yeah, she has some toys but I think I need to get some that are sturdier and more designed for the task! plus if I keep giving her the same one she gets bored of it. today I was busy being frazzled about her peeing everywhere and having a tick (!!) and so on, but tomorrow I will work on training her. she's very energetic when she's energetic - that's when a lot of the biting happens, she tries to rassle me and I have none of it and she gets annoyed - but she gets tired out pretty easily and then naps for long periods.
She gets overexcited and bites me, like, actually painfully bites me repeatedly, and I don't know what to doooo Other than disengage as quickly as possible and leave her alone for a minute to calm down? Which is what I've been trying to do I guess she has too much leftover energy, but half the time she starts doing this its when I was trying to play with her to burn off her energy anywayyy
if it's happening during play, the best you can really do is 'yelp' when she hurts you, and then disengage for a short while, so she gets the idea that she hurt you and that when she hurts you, play time stops. it's a good way to teach them how to mouth instead of bite. but with puppies there will always be some biting for a while because teething.
Apparently I've been spelling it wrong all along and it's actually "Golda!" Or at least the historical person is named that.
Idk, I've never seen Fiddler on the Roof, Golda Meir is "Golda" but she IS your dog so I'm not gonna argue :P