Hello here I am Hid old thread from anxiety moment or something But where else would I dump all the links I have where I want to show people stuff I'm back in school again, stumbling around online classes, fucking worried about waking up early cause my schedule for quarantine was sleep at 6am, wake up at 12pm for lunch, etc. And I have an 830 am class from tuesdays to saturdays so old schedule is no bueno Anyway, I am in the schoolwork zone so probably barely any draws from me. I have Marketing class which is a lot of readings, a history-lit-filipino culture studies class which is a lot of readings, my thesis research class which presumably is also a lot of readings but this time I have to look for those, animation class, and graphic design class Teachers are trying to figure out online classes as well, power to them. I recently rewatched this video It's pretty good
constantly making insecure tweets just like this i've kinda just been riling up thinking about the concept of masculinity and feeling out trying to be the worst man you know I want to be the fuckboy and the incel and the corporate rat
I keep forgetting about the symposium I die but here's the public vids from the PH queer studies symposium History of queer in the PH https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=350780979488321 Intersex Issues in the PH https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1031190977294163 Trans Issues in the PH https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=362488148427504