RPG, (Guide) Vampire, Werewolf and other Creatures of the night adventure. Want to play?

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Victoria Rose, Jun 26, 2016.


What are you playing: P.C. or N.P.C?

  1. P.C. / playable character / adventurer

    0 vote(s)
  2. N.P.C. / Non Playable Character / towns people

    0 vote(s)
  1. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Note: This is a GM based game. I will start you off based on your choice of character, breed and how you became that way. Vamps and wolves ( Born or Bitten) , you need a name and what equipment you character is able to use. ( this in-tells things you yourself know how to use.) any magic properties must be stated before you enter the game I request that you PM me them so I can print them off for remembrance purposes. Any questions as to game play please put them in { this form}. What you are and how you became that way chooses your starting point for not everyone will start in the same place.

    Game typing
    : "speaking" part is well known, (details /side note of play ), quote for direct conversation. I will quote in game with directions and who is doing what. Tavern is a free play zone for any 'PCs and N PCs'. Yes I am allowing anyone who wants to just free play to join in but you must state that you are doing so that way I don't try to pull you into the adventure itself. But only in the tavern and around town as shop keeps. Please let me know what trade you are so each player knows where they can get what they want.

    Setting: Ever watch Hensel and Gretel , Van Helsing, or even Dracula, well that is the time period we are in. The out lay is a usually quiet town with a large castle to the west of it. Gives for more time to get home before the sun hits it. South are abandoned Ruins of what once was a grand theater that is all but forgotten to some.north are nothing but woods for miles that can only see the edge from the castle or the sky for those who can take to the sky.

    Side Note: My characters are all my own and only there as a npcs and the only one that will adventure is the main character. Encounters/ battles will be played as turn based which i will decide by the number of players for said fight.

    (Not ready for play yet)
  2. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Hey, why is 'N P C' an option for who you want to play? That's literally an oxymoron, a player can't be a non player character. Furthermore, how exactly is that poll going to help you at all when you can't see who's going to be playing what?
    • Like x 2
  3. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    To give the town some life besides me of one and the poll is to tell me who is adventuring and who just watching the thread and wants to place random tavern patrons and crowds in for those settings.(Not ready for play yet) I'm not finished with the intro yet.
  4. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ...so you're asking whether anyone wants to play the stage dressing? The characters that YOU should be able to provide as part of your responsibilities as GM? I thought you wanted to run a dungeon crawl.
    • Like x 1
  5. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I believe they're trying to provide an opportunity for people to hang out and not join the main campaign if they want, ala the werewolf bar gang, but that's pretty weird given that the people who want to do that are just.. in the other thread...
    • Like x 1
  6. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    you are messing up my thread these things should have been messaged to me instead of placed on a page that is not ready to post on yet. not trying to be rude but please stop and give me a chance to finish the page.
  7. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    It says "not ready for play," not "not ready for asking questions" :P Plus if Karrin messaged you I couldn't have seen and attempted to clarify?
    • Like x 1
  8. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Yes but as you can see some may want to see what happens I can give a interesting read if you allow me
  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    No one's stopping you from doing anything?
  10. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    That is one reason I have the guide page and "not ready for play means not finished yet still a work in progress "
  11. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Oh, I see! But if you're making OOC posts in here I don't see why more people making OOC posts messes it up. Also, I'm confused - what do the quotation marks around the last part of your post mean?
    • Like x 1
  12. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    the fact is I wanted this to be nothing but the game and roll play not all this other stuff. Thus the not ready post I was going to take it down once I finished. New here remember.
  13. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Simply quoting part of my setup post
  14. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Okay but the "Guide" page is more or less for the previous, now-freeplay thread, this thread will need its own so they don't get confused. Players here will still want to ask questions before the game starts.
  15. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    OK to please everyone this will be my guide on this rpg and I will start yet another page for the game in which untill i have it done and say its done PLEASE, Please I beg you don't post on it Please.
  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    so can we post on this thread then?
  17. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

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