ime it's not the self damage that stops pharahs from getting up close and personal. I get off plenty of straight face shots, what kills me there is my low health pool. Removing self damage would not change this at all, and in fact would make her ult worth a damn to use. It's already shitty since she moves slow, the spread is random, and she's literally stationary with no protections. As a mercy I can take an ulting pharah out if she doesn't see me, as pharah I only use my ult if I'm willing to die. Period. Sure you could say it's supposed to be a stealth thing, but how? Pharah is LOUD. I've NEVER been surprised by a pharah ulting because she's that damn loud when she's getting into position. Oh and if you want to be ulting from anywhere above basic boost height (no additional height gained from spacebar or from higher objects)? Well, fuck you too budy because your damage spread gets so huge so fast that it's fucking useless. Even then, I've had multiple times where I have literally STOOD in pharah's ult and not gotten hit by a single rocket because it's random. Add on the fact that she can LITERALLY kill herself with it if she gets pinged by two of the rockets? Right, that's fair. Like if it was set up "Hey I lost my ult because the rein stood in front of it and died to it to save his team" sure, whatever. No, now it's "The rein lifted his sheild and the first two rockets pinged off of it and onto me because I was ulting from a doorway to sneak up on them and now I'm dead". Hell, even if the rein DOESN'T sheild you're dead and he's not. This is why it's a problem with D.VA. If her flying into a Pharah ult to kill the Pharah with her own damage was something more like "The ult's wasted and the D.VA saved the team" that'd be fine. As it is you cannot use your ult to do enough damage to a D.VA's full health mech to even knock her OUT by the time she gets to you. It's A Grade Horseshit. Also the fuck happened to 'Pharah shouldn't have to touch the ground'? Also, also London's skybox is lower now and it's infuriating.
and thirdly: fucking points. I need a fucking ceiling on the box or something because that shit is not clear. I need to know how high I can hover to help my team with the point, it needs to either have no ceiling or (preferably) have some kind of indicator for what counts as 'contesting area'. Mind, I'm aware of the vague level for most points but it's still very unintuative when I'm trying to float around desperately long enough for my team to get their asses back to the point.
My first comp outing as Symmetra. Normally I'm too worried about playing her but this time I honestly forgot I'd queued for comp and selected like I was doing QP. Got 32 elims, 20 or so objective kills, and potg ... (edit) Nepal is a great map for Symm. The points all have a whole bunch of places to hide turrets, and there are lots of ways to sneak around and get people.
I played Mystery Heroes, landed on Tracer and got a 19 player killstreak. Got off her, went through Mccree twice, and Zen and Mei once each and got not a single kill with them. All 26 kills I got that round came from Tracer. I'm so mad.
6 of the word's best Mercies facing off in a 6 vs 6 all-Mercy elimination, which is hilarious. Of course Animetic the headshots queen (EU servers #1 for headshots while playing Mercy) gets a whole bunch ...
Check out this anime ass shit. His playstyle looks fun as fuck, really fast and ability dependent. Lots of mobility. I like how all his shit moves him, and also moves enemies around in different ways. Up, away, and towards him. Neat! But Talon is really shaping up to be kinda a shit team comp, huh? Four entire DPS, one of whom is a little bit of a healer, charitably speaking. Hope their next member is a support! The person who made Widow, maybe? That'd be fun.
doomfist being mostly reliant on his abilities is v interesting because a hack from sombra can shut him down hard
I think my favorite thing about him is that his gun is mostly just for cleaning up after landing abilities, like. If you're using the gun a lot, you're doing it wrong. That's pretty fun!
man my favorite way to play is 'run up really close and hit people hard' with very little tactics and it sound like this is a good way to do that...
You know how Tracer is really aggressive at Sombra for stealing Winston's tech? I hope he's really aggressive at Doomie. I live for the Winston/Tracer BrOTP.
Did you guys see that someone here in Brazil just opened the Church of Hanzo? because someone here actually did it
And said that they get one Tuesday off a month for "religious observances." i.e., playing Overwatch. :::')))
DOOMFIST COSMETICS IN THE PTR!!! I think I like his Rare skins better than his Legendaries but all of them are pretty good. And dude looks real good in a suit in one of his sprays.
Can I say just how thoroughly sick of high ranking players deliberately deranking a smurf account to bronze so they can stomp noobs?