man i want jiangshi mei so bad but i have only 2k coins :( there will have to be so much grinding for boxes :(
Someone on Twitter photoshopped an incubus McCree and dear holy mother of Christ please pander to my interests some more
Why is Genji one of the characters in endless Junkenstein??? He's one of the worst characters in horde modes, he doesn't kill things quick enough. Genji is very good at diving vital squishy targets, and not much else. When you put him in a mode where every "vital" target is a tank x 10 then what the fuck is he supposed to do?? I have played 2 rounds as Widow and done better at clearing a room than with Genji, and I am a notably terrible Widow and a decent Genji. And also I accidentally gave myself a reticle that literally did not allow me to see where I was shooting for round #1 as Widow, so the fact that I managed as well as I did was a fucking miracle. (was fucking around with the custom settings when that option first became available and gave her a thick ass crosshair with a massive gap in the middle, because I don't play Widow, so who gives a shit? Like a Reaper kind of crosshair, it was so fucking bad you guys.)
They’re the ones that made the dragon/incubus McCree! They’ve also done Reaper and Sombra in Widowmaker’s outfit, and a ton of other edits.
(The funniest thing about McCree's Van Helsing skin, to me, is that there is actually a random Texan who talks in terrible fake cowboy slang right there in Dracula, and thus clearly it should be called "Quincey Morris." McCree's not a Dutch doctor. :::PPP)
just played attack on anubis, steamrolled the first point in 30 seconds and got NINE WHOLE MINUTES to cap the second why is that a thing? its so broken
the thing where they made if so you hardy ever get duplicates feels like it kinda fucked over my ability to get coinage. I'm getting all the shitty sprays and voice lines I missed, but none of the goodies.
Yeah I'd honestly rather just get dupes of epics and legendaries I already have just so I could get coins. Alternatively up the rate you get coins. Because I get fucking nothing.
yeeeaaaap. they need to make it, like, 50 coins per box plus whatever four drops you get, if coins are going to be this rare in them.
Was Widow in Volskaya on attack. Wasn't doing too hot but I did manage to actually kill some high profile targets and at least not be entirely dead weight. We weren't making much ground after the first point. Stuck fighting near it though. And literally the entire enemy team was there. So I got my cheeky French ass on the second point. Just hooked in, saw no one, and sat down. No one tried to stop me until it was about halfway taken. It was a single Orisa who our 76 gunned down. Him having seen my brilliant bullshit plan apparently. A D.Va tried her damnedest to ult us off the point but the timer ran out. Beyond that I did manage to get some decent practice in terms of aiming as Widow. I can actually hit things now! Now to learn what she's actually good for I guess!
tfw you're like you hate this character but you love their halloween costume and emote so you proceed to get second in deathmatch by being aggressive hell mei that picks on squishies and steals kills from the roadhogs during their roadhog on roadhog violence