So you can now play Overwatch as it was always intended - as a tennis match between Reinhardt, Widowmaker, Lucio, and Junkrat.
Yeah, she doesn't seem to have her tattoo either ETA: Also space has been made for 2 more characters on the char select screen
They just put up an announcement about the summer games thing:
Two new characters, huh? I mean we were expecting Sombra, whoever she is, but who could the other one be...
Sibling theorized that it's worse than that, and her ult is actually going to be cloaking one person on her team. Not necessarily her.
I wonder if that hilarious data-mined voice clip of Reaper being smug about basketball is in the game properly now? :::PPP So not everyone gets a new skin, if that page is accurate. Two Zarya skins, two Lucio, two Tracer, one each for Mercy, D.Va, Torbjorn, Widowmaker, McCree and Genji.
Oh god please please it's all I want let me make the jello jiggle. Not that I've ever managed to get the ball through the hoop, but ONE DAY
See, and this is why you get 5ks. I, on the other hand, once ended a ten second standoff with an enemy where neither of us could get off a shot that wasn't immediately defense matrixed away by getting bored and launching my ult into her stupid smug face. Naturally, since I'd just launched it into the little room about point A in Numbani, I got exactly 0 kills. I am not a smart man.