please look at this it's been like an hour and i'm still so happy ASSHOLE DIDNT EVEN WARN ME BEFORE BOOSTING ME (i now have unrealistic expecations bc no other ana will ever boost me like this. rip </3 ) also i already was but now i've taken a look at my stats and i am officially a support main I've played for nearly 100 hours, and out of those my top three played heroes are Mercy (36), Symmetra (22), and Zenyatta (8). Help.
And Tracers, oh my god. You can't die as a Tracer. It's impossible. And you get the Winston leap in one literal second. This brawl is amazing.
I just got 24k damage done as, and I was just fucking running people over with the charge the whole damn match, this brawl is amazing.
agreed, omg. This brawl is so much fun. LUCIO DOESN'T DIE And last night we played against five D.vas and a Lucio, and it was... there were so many nerfs. All the time. A team of five Winstons is also pretty OP, cuz of the shield. You wanna attack them? NOPE THEY'VE GOT SHIELDS. AND FOUR SHIELDS TO SPARE.
This is the second time I've seen this comic on my dash and it's still so good, so I'm crossposting it here. [mood music] Spoiler: shimada comic [source]
Lucio can't die, Mercy can't die, Mei can't die, Tracer can't die, it's fucking appalling. I have yet to play a Mei-less match. Ana can keep enemies asleep forever, Reinhardt can use only his fire strike to attack and still get gold in kills, everyone's a tank, and Widowmaker's hookshot still doesn't cool down fast enough to be fun. It's the best thing I've ever played. Whatever happens next week can't hope to live up to this.
I'm gonna try to play Mei in regular matches after this and just die constantly. It's letting me practice as characters I don't normally play bc I quit out of frustration in like ten minutes, too. The three Mei's popping ice walls in the defense spawn and preventing anyone from leaving was a little rage-inducing, though.
I've played a couple Mei-less matches and they're just as chaotic, trust me. Mei can be obnoxious but she's far from the only one XD GOD THOUGH IT'S ANNOYING WHEN THERE'S TWO ANAS. Because then they can double-team you into permasleep. They did that to me while I was playing as Winston once. I couldn't even jump away. It was hilarious, I spent like half the game asleep. But hey I didn't mind too much because it meant they were all focused on me and not, say, the objective. So Winston success! :'D
I just did a quick match game as Mercy and got nine kills and bronze in both eliminations and damage. Gold in healing of course.
No, you don't understand. A sleep dart knocks you out for six seconds. The Arcade cooldown time is four seconds. A single Ana can permasleep you on her lonesome. It's fucking beautiful. I watched a video where a group played an all Ana match, and their strat was to each pick one enemy to sleep for the whole match. It was glorious.
holy shit that brawl is crazy fun. ZARYA THOUGH. i think a pair of good zaryas could keep each other permashielded. i am terrible at zarya normally but i was near-constantly at 100% power.
I swear D.Va in the two junker skins has different voice lines. She seems to say "Dragon hop!" instead of "Bunny hop!", for instance. I can't see this documented anywhere though.
ok, so you know how attack on eichenwalde is sort of terrible? i learned a strategy to at least get the first point. Spoiler: boop basically & pharah rein supreme for this. it also works best if you're grouped up, but that's not a requirement! it just means you might not be all by yourself doin this anyway, get a (or two if it's not comp), pharah, & mebe a mercy if you wanna make this your full push & not just distraction. then once the match starts ignore the choke point & go right over the ruined building that's in front of spawn, to the left of the choke (not into it, because that just drops down to the left of the choke). this puts you behind the defense team, close to the point, ready to go shrek some poor unprepared symmetra. go forth & wreck havoc with carefully set up defenses my friends
Yes, do not run up the road, that's a corridor of death and you're in defenders' lines of fire for a long time. Come from the sides of that gateway -- either up from the lower floor of the building on the left of it (from the attacker's POV) or from the other side. The right hand side is better because the ramp from the building lower level is easy for Junkrats and Pharahs to send things down there.
Yeeeh, defense on Eichenwalde is. Ehhhhh. I once got gold damage and elims as Junkrat without ever seeing an enemy face to face. Just spamming grenades through the chokepoint.
I played def as Torbjorn on that map yesterday. Just set up a turret and let it shoot anyone who got through to the point. Racked up 11 kills and never needed repair meanwhile I ran around being an asshole with a rivet gun.