Ryuuga Wagatekiwo Kurau - The Overwatch Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by KingStarscream, May 26, 2016.

  1. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    is the PTR farting out for anyone else? it won't log me in and i'm wondering if a patch didn't install correctly or something
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  2. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    update: SHE'S SO GOOD I LOVE HER
    super good damage, excellent harass ability (teleporting all over the dang map) & also making healthpacks appear rull quick? pair her with a genji or tracer & she'll be an unstoppable gank machine
  3. Aqua Vitae

    Aqua Vitae put some honey and sea water by your bed.

    I finally got into the PTR! Now to see if I can get a game.
  4. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

  5. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    try to log in once it tells you there was an error maybe? that's what it did for me, & that seemed to fix it
    e. whoops i can't read, consider this terrible advice you should disregard on account of you literally saying it won't log you in
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
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  6. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

  7. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Oh. Noooo. But I love hero stacking. Why would they get rid of that in casual mode?
  8. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    So I got into the PTR right after it updated, played a round in No Limits with a team of six Sombras, played a round of 1v1, then dicked in Custom Mode with spouse while we checked some things wrt hero counters (and noncounters).

    -Sombra is very mobile, and could probably do with a tick down on her damage. It's not quite to "obscene" but it's close enough that I do have concerns. I might mention this on the forums, see if anyone else agrees.
    -Can teleport out of Mei's shit if your cooldown is up, can't hack her while she's Ice Blocked
    -The teleporter is a physical object that bounces off of walls and other objects including other players; however, D.Va's field can't eat it, because it doesn't count as a projectile
    -Hacking Symmetra is a futile attempt to evade death and will not be tolerated
    -No, but seriously: you can't hack her turrets (as far as we could tell) and you can't hack her teleporter and if she's got all her turrets up + all of her team's shields, hacking her does absolutely nothing to slow her powerhouse of a main fire
    -Overload can knock Pharah out of ult; can't knock Junkrat's tire out; can hack ulted Torb turrets; can fuck up Winston obv; does nothing to Symmetra's teleporter or turrets as far as we can tell
    -Hacking Bastion pulls him out of turret mode
    -You can throw that teleporter far. Really far. Far enough that the hacking + the very quiet teleport should give Bastions a reason to fear. You can also throw it while invisible, for max trolling.

    Also 1v1 mode is really fun, both surprisingly difficult and surprisingly fair.

    Also the "No Limits" arcade mode is essentially Quick Play with hero stacking available, so it's not gone forever, it's just pulled from the main Quick Play utility. Arcade mode is fantastic and easy to parse, and I'm super hype for whenever the main game updates.
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  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Ok but this makes me ship sombra <3 < Symmetra more. How are you doing that, what are these things made of.
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  10. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    That said, Symm's main fire won't lock on if Sombra is invisible. However, Sombra can't go invisible while Symm is locked on, because the ticking damage instantly knocks her out again.

    Also Sombra is completely invisible until about two in-game feet from opposing characters, at which point she gets the red outline and then a level of visibility comparable to how her teammates see her. So try not to run into people while invis.
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  11. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    i was watching a commentary thing with a dev (someone was doing gameplay & he was commentating on things), & the dev said her damage will likely go down for the official release in game.
  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Yeah, I know @Morven mentioned that they usually start off overpowered and then tweak downwards, which makes sense. I think with a slight reduction in damage, she'll still be fun to play and really good for breaking sentry nests and spawncamping shitholes.
  13. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    God though, I am not kidding about how fun the 1v1 mode is. Like, when you lose that's it, round over, next round, so you don't get to feel like you're being beaten unfairly. When you win, you know it's half luck, half skill. And there's no voice chat to have screaming over the line, and because you're not having to get matched to 11 other people, the queue pops really fast.

    I am really looking forward to Arcade in the main game. I adore 1v1, I'd like to try 3v3, and the understood nature of hero stacking in No Limits keeps people from raging super hard or feeling unfairly targeted when hero stacking happens. It really feels like a way to try and appease everyone, at least a little bit.
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  14. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    lost a quickplay match and holy moly someone on the enemy team was desperate to type gg ez and didn't....seem to get that there was a reason their messages were coming out wonky
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  15. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Seriously I'm imagining Sombra stealing turrets and trying to break them open and figure out how they work and it's slow going because as soon as she moves from a blind spot she gets shot at.
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  16. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Your days are fucking numbered Mei and Junkratstacks in quickplay.



    -glares at the turrets too-
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  17. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Did Sym ever get that buff people were talking about?
  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    She hasn't been tweaked at all, as far as I can see. They might be holding off on adjusting her until they get everyone else settled.
  19. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    finally got into the PTR and i have discovered things

    namely, that i am bad enough at 1V1 that the people feel like they have to apologize for winning 5-0 :/
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  20. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    i had a game today where i got several 4(-5?) person resurrections
    because the other team had a zarya and i have learnt to keep my distance
    and whenever their genji ulted i hid like hell
    we're talking they wiped our team out like. 4 times? 5??? 2nd point on anubis, we lost the 1st one like 30 seconds in so they had so much time to regroup and attack us lmao
    (we won)
    i did ~37% healing, 10 people who weren't me voted for me in the scorecards, and two people on the opposing team was like "great mercy!!" and i am so sad i don't have the footage from that match because. oh man. oh man
    it was such a great game too tensions high all the way through they got really close to getting it and overtime went on forever
    now if only i played like that every game lmao

    in other news i downloaded ptr just to try out the new game modes and oh man!!! 3v3 is great
    i don't play offense heroes enough to be any good at 1v1 (though i manage) but 3v3 is so much fun.
    it also might be the only gamemode ever where zenyatta is not only an acceptable solo healer, but a good one.
    • Like x 8
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