Ryuuga Wagatekiwo Kurau - The Overwatch Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by KingStarscream, May 26, 2016.

  1. bioluminiscence

    bioluminiscence probably not a sword?

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  2. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    ok i gave in to the hype
    i, too, am super bad at fps shooters and also multiplayer games in general, but overwatch looks like so much fun and i wanna understand the jokes i am Weak
    i added everyone in the thread!! if i missed someone, my battletag is Eeriate#2993 !
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  3. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Playing Symmetra is so much fun, goddamn. i like to charge into a group while my teammates are running harassment and just do si do them all to death. d.vas are't fast enough to kill you if you ring around them, Junkrats shoot right past you if you're lucky and caught one that panics, Reapers and Mcrees can't hit you if you nestle in their armpits, etc, etc. Killing peeps with her is just hilarious.
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  4. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    turns out to be a really bad idea with Reinhardt, though, he only has to get lucky once and that hammer's got a really big arc.
  5. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I dunno, you can fuck a Reinhardt up. They're slow. Reapers are more dangerous cause they're fast enough to turn with you, but I just love killing them with support characters, so. Can't be helped. "I've laced this corridor with turrets, and if I just keep sending death balls down this way, i should be able to keep their Reinhardt fro- REAPER KILL KILL MUST KILL."
  6. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Yeah, with Reinhardts you just have to be good at running around behind him. As long as you're approximately behind the spread of his shield, you can kill him.

    All it takes is a Reaper that's good at headshotting though. >:T All it takes is one hit and KABLAMMO you are dead and peeved about it because his ult takes out your turrets too. And he can fuck up your teleporter while ghosting past your turrets.

    (Apparently Symmetra's primary attack, at tier three, does the most DPS out of any character. Which is delightful. THAT'S MY GIRL.)
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  7. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    so a little while back someone mentioned that d.va's shields could nullify a reaper's ult, & i tried it out. ooooohhh man. ooooooooooooooooooooohhhh man. it works. it is the funniest thing, because he just spins there & does no damage with a giant mech sitting beside him while your teammates completely rinse him. this is my new favorite thing to do.
    also one game i ulted as d.va & it was the worst ult in the history of ults. no one was near.
    but then
    the opposing reinhardt tried to charge me. & missed. he hit the mech & took it into the middle of his team. rest in peace rein
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  8. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    i didn't realize that dva's ult didn't charge on its own first time i used her, so i imagine my first attempt might have been worse. i was careful to place it far back enough that it wouldn't charge right through the cluster i was aiming towards, even. - w -
  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    On the deflecting thing, I like to imagine D.va casually blocking all of Reaper's shots and just going 'git gud lol' or somesuch.
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  10. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Reinhardt's sheild can block Reaper's ult, I think. i remember surviving right in the thick of things by backing up slowly. Was funny, Reaper slowly spinning towards me, trying to edge round the sheild. And then he just ran through and slammed me with two shots point blank and i keeled over. i like to think i was super annoying at least.
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  11. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    DVa's shooty-shield can also eat an entire Justice Rains if you time it nicely.
  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    A fully charged Rein shield can eat a D.Va ult too. It can eat a ton of things, which was why the Bastion DPS in open beta was so obscene and obvious in its obscenity.
  13. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    this might have been a "i was trying to hit the voice chat button but accidentally hit the ult button instead" type ult. i'm not admitting anything, but it might have been
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  14. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    i played as mercy for like an hour and a half
    holy shit this is
    so much fun
    even when i suck i feel like im being useful im gonna play mercy forEVER

    i keep misclicking when i wanna use my ultimate though :')
    ((also how close do i need to be for it to work??))
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  15. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Reddit says around 15 in game meters, but when your ult is up, you should get a HUD notif around the center of your screen that shows the number of players in your range you can res. I usually blow mine on singular (or sometimes two) people who need the res and are vital (Bastions on defense, sometimes characters like Pharah on offense, tanks if we're pushing*) because holding it for Huge Damage can lead to being too conservative.

    *Never use your ult on D.Va alone. Sometimes it gives her the option to summon her mech instantly, sometimes it doesn't-- and while you're waiting for that option to pop, she's running around at 150 hp being functionally useless as a tank. It's honestly better to wait for her to res and run back, so you can hold that resurrect in reserve for a different character/group res.
  16. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Also, since someone on tumblr mentioned Symmetra being fake support (fair) and someone else said that Torbjorn has as much right to support as her because they have the exact same skillset (wrong), I'm breaking down their skillsets and why one is classified as support while the other is defense.
    Which, okay, first: Torbjorn's armor and Symmetra's shields are completely different, function differently, and have different gameplay mechanics.
    • Armor halves damage to no less than 5 per hit, and does not regen.
    • Shields do not cut damage, but recharge after 3 seconds of not being hit.
    • Torbjorn requires scrap to give out armor, and can only hold 200 scrap (at 50 scrap per armor) at a time. This gives him a utility of 4 armor on hand at any time, provided he is collecting scrap obsessively, and its primary function is to provide aid to himself, with other characters coming second. You must pick the armor up off the ground like health packs-- it covers limited distance in utility. His armor provides 75 hp, and he can give armor to people again at any time provided they have lost at least 1 hp of armor since the last time he did.
    • Symmetra does not require anything to give out shields. Her shield cast has a limit of around 10-15 meters, and only requires someone be in line of sight. She cannot give herself shields, but can pop 5 shields on friendly players in less than five seconds. Shields must be renewed after respawn. Her shields provide 25 hp, and continuously regen, which means she can't renew them herself unless someone dies.
    Second: The turrets.
    • Torbjorn's turret has a range of 40 meters. At level 1 it does 28 DPS, level 2 it does 56 DPS, and at level 3 it does 126. It's hp is 150/300/800, respectively.
    • Symmetra's turret (using singular for now) has a range of 10 meters. It does not level, does 25 DPS, and has only 1 hp.
    • Torbjorn can only drop one turret, has a cooldown on the drop of 8 seconds, and has a great deal of emphasis on sticking close to repair and upgrade it. While he can be mobile, his mobility should be contained to easy repair range of the turret, since a good Pharah or sniper can take it down in two hits.
    • Symmetra can drop 6 turrets, with a max of 3 at once, and a cooldown of 10 seconds. Though her cooldown is longer, the number of turrets she has makes her more mobile, and she is capable of hiding turrets without regard to whether or not she needs to repair them.
    • Torbjorn's turret must be positioned so that he can stand behind it. This limits the positioning on it, and makes it so that ideal Torbjorn positions are also ideal Bastion positions. The range, positioning, health, and DPS all encourage Torbjorn players to lock down chokepoints, ideally with someone to run defense with him in the event his turret is targeted or he is targeted.
    • Symmetra's turrets can be placed anywhere on any environment, favoring stealth and subterfuge over long hallways and specific chokes. While her turrets can be used to make death hallways (where all six are aimed so that anyone walking into them recieved 300 DPS to the face) her ideal placement is actually scattered, where it becomes harder to locate them, preferably with at least two on an enemy at any time.. The word 'sentry' in 'sentry turret' is important here, because Symmetra's turrets work fabulously as an early warning system to see when people are trying to sneak around on a point.
    Third: Their ults.
    • Torbjorn's ult provides him with 300 armor and an extra 100 hp (to give him 600 hp) and upgrades his turret. It boosts the rate of fire for both, which gives him mad DPS, and is a great panic ult. It works to heal both him and his turret, and is internally focused. Torbjorn's ult is all about Torbjorn.
    • Symmetra's ult is... a teleporter. It has 200 hp, can be destroyed by enemy players, and locks her ult's ability to charge while it is deployed. It has 6 uses. One of those uses could be Symmetra, but ideally it will be used only by friendly players. Symmetra's ult is very much about the team rather than herself.
    Which, I guess, is the point of distinction for me. As Torbjorn, I can play about the same as a Mei or a Junkrat or a Widowmaker-- my ult can be useful for my team, and it's handy when my team is standing by me, but my utility is not for my team specifically. I can jack off in a corner if I really want to. I can hoard my armor for myself and still get a card on the end screen, because I just shat out that many of them. I can spite ult or panic ult when it suits me and only me, regardless of whether or not that will help my team, and be rewarded for it.

    As Symmetra? My shields are for my team. My teleporter is for my team. If I have them on voice chat (and usually I try to) my sentry turrets are a first warning for my team. Mad DPS aside, I actually can't fuck off and jerk it in a corner, because I am playing the neurotic point controller while our Torbjorn yucks it up on a balcony safely away from the mess of combat. I might not be able to heal people as quickly as Mercy or Zenyatta, but my shields do regen, and if my team gets wiped and my teleporter is up, they get to the front of the battle faster than even a Lucio sprinting at max speed.

    (And that's not even getting into the health differences-- Torbjorn has 200 hp, flat. Symmetra has 100, with 100 shields. Shields don't cut incoming damage like armor does-- as a Torbjorn, I can and have powered through by dropping armor in front of myself while charging after a Zarya or Bastion. Symmetra doesn't have that option. She's exceptionally squishy, and I'd say probably the squishiest hero next to Zenyatta.)

    This is.... probably a lot of ranting to people who already knew all this BUT it made me feel better. There is just something incredibly aggravating about having someone say "Torbjorn might as well be support, he's the exact same as Symmetra" and it really tells you that they don't play either hero often. Or well.

    That's like saying Hanzo and Widowmaker are the exact same, because they're snipers. Which. No. Not at all. Stop saying that. Augh.
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  17. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    so in light of the ridiculous potgs i got last night, i thought i'd share some of my favorites & get everyone else to do the same. here we go:
    • me as torbjorn, smacking my turret, while turret murders 3 people that i don't even see (bye tracer)
    • me as symmetra, running at a tracer while other people run into my sentries
    • me as symmetra running through my teleporter
    • not me, but torbjorn falling off the map. there was 1 kill that happened.
    • AN ACTUAL GOOD ONE: me as reinhardt panic charging another reinhardt, then stunning the other team so they all die right at the end of our escort
    • also not me: winston hitting his ult. this was the play. no kills. just ulting.
    share your ridiculous potg stories right here! tell me about the time torbjorn was wanking in a corner while his turret carried his team! or a bastion got potg for the 3000th time in a row!
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  18. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    me as DVa getting shot out of my mech, running away shooting wildly to cover my retreat. Reaper poofs in, starts "Die Die Die", takes a single bolt, turns out to have been super low on health.
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  19. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Me as Torbjorn, running for a health pack as my turret kills like five people.

    And one of my faves, me as Symmetra sitting in a corner, spamming shields on the five teammates who came out of my teleporter. That was it. Me hitting E.
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  20. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    some of the potgs that i've tangentially participated in are always like. "+25 shields from adresca" & i just go 'nice i helped'. or suddenly a healing beam. much help. such accomplish. wow
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