Even pre-buff, Symmetra was never trash. She was situational and easy to counter, but so is every flanker (Mei-ling Zhou apply directly to the flanker. Mei-ling Zhou apply directly to the flanker) and sniper (Oh no a tank with a shield. Merde.)
GOD the number of YOLOhardts we got in comp who would just. Fly away. Die. As I'm sitting back here healing the Roadhog or D.Va like ??????????? DUDE WHY I WOULD HAVE DAMAGE BOOSTED YOUR HAMMER AND YOU COULD HAVE DONE SO MUCH MORE No, but it can block a D.Va ult if you time it right and doesn't disappear until it's a) killed or b) the core device runs into an object. I assume it can also block McCree and 76 ults, and presumably any ult that requires a line of sight. That + the turret buff is going to be fantastic for the attack utility of Symm. She was already beastly before, but she was pretty situational, and without being able to set up fast, I would end up being one of those people who switched to Torb or Bastion because I flat wouldn't have time to set up a proper nest. The shield generator has a pretty sizable range too, which is nice. Really gonna force people to look for it, rather than just relying on the fact that Symm has to drop it close to the objective. We're talking half a Control Point map kind of range.
That feel when you and your Mercy counterpart on the other team look at each other and I'm all: I feel your pain. Feel my bullets.
There is nothing more satisfying than leaving the other healer to handle the tanks for a bit while you fill the other Mercy with bullets. On the other hand, there's nothing more enraging then realizing your team was so concentrated on the DPS/tanks that they let the enemy Mercy fill you with bullets.
My tenth placement match was a fucking doozy, holy shit. On Eichenwalde, capped the first point easy enough, but then someone switched to Mei and kept flanking behind us for easy kills. We were a mess, couldn't get anyone on the cart for ages. Barely had it out the little door like six meters from the starting point by the time the clock ran down, but goddamn, we pushed that fucking thing all the way from there to the second point on Overtime. Rolled through to the final point easy peasy pudding pie. They also capped, so we had to play third round on defense after a dude quit. Five people, one afk for the first twenty seconds or so, and we still managed to hold them till overtime, when a Bastion Ult busted us wide open. Good round! Pretty proud of that one.
Also, I 1v1-ed a D.va as Mercy to save a Roadhog, and I'm still not entirely certain why I did that. I mighta got swept up in the moment. Was healing him through, but she outdamages him at close range, so he turned tail and ran and I was like "Okay, I guess I'll take this one, babe." Kicked her ass out of the bot and had her nearabout dead before a Lucio showed up and punched me to death. D.vas and Roadhogs. Those are the tanks I get weirdly protective of when I'm a healer. I have no idea why. I don't encounter Zaryas or Winstons enough to get worked up over them, and Reinhardts annoy me. D.vas and Hogs are solid tanks and fuck you you don't get to kill them.
Roadies are so nice as Mercy because you can build up your ult like that. I mean, Roadhog in general is just a fantastic meatbag to build up ults on. I love Roadhog whether I'm healing or shooting him.
Mercy vs the world is definitely a survival-horror scenario, yes. Sneaking, evasion, keeping them at range
Fun game in which the enemy roadhog tried hooking and killing me about half a dozen times and every time he got popgunned to death by Killer Mercy.
To be fair, sometimes that one person rez is what saves the game, but ohhh I feel it. (Tag urself I'm The Medic and huff damage boosts like its the kritz.)
Speaking of which, there is something so good about switching to damage after your team gets heal-locked by an Ana. Oh no, I can't heal the Reinhardt anymore. Oh dead. Oh shame. I just have to damage boost him and watch him maul you now. No choice. Oh dear. How could this have happened.
Most of my rezes end up being two or three man ones, just cause nobody dies close to one another. = w = I don't think I'm actually any good at Mercy.
God, Ana was fun to play. I miss playing Ana. I oughta play people who aren't Mercy or Winston for a change. I should learn how to DPS, maybe.
I love putting winstons to sleep. They jusy bound on over to harass me and they are such big targets. Good ape. Nap. While I run away. Also. Dear teammates, Do not immediately wake up someone if you dont have to. Please.