symmetra is so good i'm going to cry you can block so many things with judicious use of the barrier, like mcree stuns (and then shove your photon gun into his face) also having 6 turrets at once... is so useful... i crei
YOU CAN BLOCK D.VA ULTS its so good. I love her so much. I just chased down and ate two healers, a McCree, and a Widowmaker after demolishing a tank. You can set up killfields so quickly. Oh, you wanna fuck some people up? Stick all six turrets on a wall around a corner, wait for the team to move up, have Zarya ult them in front of the turrets. Add shield for max insult. Point at laugh as they leave the game.
Okay shit I definitely need that Winston skin right now, and also that Hog. Also, what the fuck does GAMF stand for?
I can't believe Blizzard dared to give me the new Winston legendary in the free lootbox I got when I've been getting 3 whites/1 blue/all duplicates boxes near fuckin' constantly this past month.
WHAT, you lucky fuck. I mean, yunno, congrats on your super sweet new skin that's like really so fucking sweet holy shit.
I have seen "Grumpy Ass Mother Fucker", "Grinch Ass Mother Fucker", "Greedy Ass Mother Fucker" and of course the wildly popular "Gay Ass Mother Fucker".
i just got a SO MANY PEOPLE kill with symmetra and proceeded to forget to record it ;__; why i did though remember to record two murdervideos w mercy - one play of the game i'm actually proud of bc it was so funny (i think there was a roadhog ult helping me along? something sure did) and then 1v1 with mcree where neither of us can aim worth shit. mcree (please observe the "what" in the chat right after lmao): potg: eta ah whoops it automatically did the inbedding thing sorry
Ughrhgh don't blame me for losing when you're our only healer and you refuse to heal anyone but your buddy, even when they're dead.
What is it about competitive that makes people so stingy about their card votes? I do love the "vote to stay with this team" option. Got a good team last night and we won again and again.