Someone's super salty over Oasis, but not for any reason that might be classified as sensible. The thing is, the map actually... looks an awful lot like Baghdad, just a bit more futuristic.
I love the anime girl icon. The very neutral glasses face just makes this explosion that much funnier.
Oh my god Genji fuck off I can't heal you through walls and I'm not going to run up to their spawn just to try and bail you out of the 1v6 fight you decided to do This motherfucker has the audacity to flame me for not healing him! Sorry little sparrow, grandma's not getting her ass kicked because you wanted to headbutt their spawn!
Nope! If you wanna get Nana heals, you fucking stick with Nana. I been playing flankers a bit lately, and if you want heals, you gotta disengage and get back to the fucking group. Or just find a health pack. It sucks sometimes cause you already feel vulnerable with a littler health pool and being alone for going round back and shanking them in the sides purposes, but it's what you signed up for when you picked a flanker. I've never actually played Genji, though, honestly. His damage output doesn't do it for me, yunno? I need a Tracer or a Reaper to make absolutely sure I get my pick before I have to disengage. Sidenote, Reaper chews through tanks, and that's exactly what I need right now, what with everyone running two or three fucking asshole tanks. People say that Reaper's kit is basically a shittier Roadhog, but fuck them, Reaper downs Roadhog in seconds, and I'm shit with the hooks. Also, Tracer does massive damage against tanks too, which is also fucking stellar.
Honestly, I was surprised when Reaper fell out of favor for a while, because the only one who eats tanks as fast as he does is a Pharah with really good aim. I get that his damage drops off really quickly, but when he's on top of you, he's a monster.
"WHERE ARE THE HEALERS," says roadhog, the third tank, while I, the only healer, am doing everything in my power to keep them all alive "HAVEN'T BEEN GETTING HEALED ALL GAME," he says, despite me having healed him plenty of times "38% team damage healed" says my scorecard at the end of the game bc fuck you buddy told you so ((tbh i kinda like being only healer w 3 tanks. so much to do & such quick ults))
Yeh, lots of tanks is real fun when you're the healer. Less so when you're the other team's DPS. Though I've been getting good results solo healing teams with no tanks, too. Get good use out of Zenyatta with that. Mercy and Ana's high heal rate suits nursing tanks through team fights, but Zenyatta is a flanker's best friend, and discord orbs help end fights quickly, which is I guess the strat with high DPS team comps. Heavy tanks + powehouse healers is for outlasting the enemy, heavy DPS and Zen is about ending fights fast as possible.
Tbh I don't get the whole spamming "Need healing as flanker" thing, but I think that's a function of me coming from TF2 again. In 6v6 and highlander it's kind of expected for the scouts to range out and manage their own health, and fighting over the health spawns is like 50% of the scout's job, along with neutralizing the enemy scout or going for the medic. It's understood that you're not the most important target of healing and the medic has better things to do than speed around the map for you.
Genjis are the fucking bane of my existence as Ana. The offensive heroes in general can kind of be a pain about it, but Genjis are just the worst in my experience. I cannot heal you through a wall. I cannot heal you when you keep dodging all my fucking darts and even my god damned grenade even when no one is around to bother us. I am not following you into the nest of evil without backup because you are fucking tissue paper with throwy knives. I am keeping my little granny ass over here. Nice and alive. As little people like Genji or Sombra I tend to just keep care of myself. I'll at times go back to the healer and ask for aid, but generally I view it more as my responsibility to have an exit strategy and to know where the health packs are in the map. Because I'm a squirrely annoying little fuck. Reaper is MONSTROUS. I prefer Pharah though because I'm just...Better at that head feel? Like I can aim decently and keeping my distance and being an annoying flying fuck just makes more sense to me than "HELLO I AM DEATH KNOCK KNOCK MOTHERFUCKER and now i am out FLAPPY CAPE WAVES".
I adore Sombra for the health pack exit strategy. Since I like just dropping the teleporter next to hacked packs. And being a massive shithead who never, ever stops moving. I find this especially handy at the last point in Hanamura. Something about the layout just matches up very well with how I play her and when I do good as Sombra my best good runs tend to be in that area. hacking commonly used health packs makes me so happy
Personally I just let out my healer rage when I play McCree. He's so good for babysitting tanks and healers and his damage is high enough that he does plenty of work at midrange too. Nothing better than shutting down an uppity reaper or genji mid-ult when they try to kill me and granny.
I like sleeping ulting Genjis who come at me. oh wow were you doing something, honey? oh deary me IT IS NAP TIME MOTHERFUCKER. NAAM.
it only works sometimes, but when it does click, playing Mei as a flanker is just a great feeling. you get like three people chasing you and trying to take you down because you really need to be taken down, and meanwhile the rest of their team just got left to deal with the rest of your team. and if you found a good situation and the first thing anyone knew about you flanking was a healer having problems, then everyone's having problems. the times when Ana just sleepdarts you and then a McCree or Reaper moseys over and shoots you a lot, those totally don't count.
Ughhhhhh oh my god its so many months in how do people not get that koth is "get on the fucking point" simulator
Because overwatch player culture is hell and on par with wow battlefield culture. Oh? Capture and hold three points in arathi basin? Nah. Go stables. Camping stables is our path to victory. The priest and the shaman who said hes resto can handle the points.
I wish there was some middle ground between "lol what do you mean don't be our second offense sniper its qp stop trying to win" and "this is comp and if you miss that hook once it's your fault we lost gg cancer" I'm also still bitter that the supposed "fuck around stop being a tryhard" mode has a leaving penalty but whatever it's blizzard's game
The only way I can dealnwith that is i take those games as gonsightseeing or target practice as widowmaker.
Its just so absurd, even the most casual 24/7 2fort TF2 server was never this bad. "Please make an attempt to do the objective" is not a ~tryhard~ thing its "literally playing the game why did you drop 40$ on this game to admire the maps"