Ryuuga Wagatekiwo Kurau - The Overwatch Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by KingStarscream, May 26, 2016.

  1. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    Check your refresh rate and make sure it is around 60 or 90 also check your field of view (fov)

    On phone atm so I can't check but I think overwatch has a fov slider
  2. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    That was further back than I thought it was, oops
  3. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

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  4. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Carnival Lucio.
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  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Just had someone try to mansplain Symm strats to me in a match and then follow it up with a "I have an 87% winrate :)" like that means fuckall. I've had a 100% winrate on characters who I played once, won, and then never played again. When I first started playing Symm, I had a pretty consistent 90% winrate, because it was back before anyone even realized she was a goddamn character. All things considered, I'd say a 75% winrate with 200 games is pretty fucking good and I'd like it if people didn't try and tell their granny how to goddamn suck eggs.
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  6. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I just wanted to share with you all the highly effective 76 ultie counter that is just standing behind him. I cannot believe I got away with that one more than once.

    Less effective; missing the crouch button and instead rocketing up 50 feet in the air at 10 hp.
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  7. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I think I might be getting kind of decent at Pharah, but goddamned if I can get off an effective ultie half the time. I once sneaked behind the defending team on the payload during overtime and was fully prepared to clutch victory this mof with a well placed rocket barrage on their unsuspecting backsides. And I missed the q button. Landed basically on top of their Reinhardt, panicked for a second, did a stupid little hop, then launched the ultie. It killed two people and then a Hanzo got me. Fuck me.
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  8. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    holy shit look at this dialogue i just got
    zarya: d.va, have you seen the [i didn't hear the word here]? now that is what i call a mech!
    d.va: size isn't everything!
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  9. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    I still love the Mei/Zarya interaction where Mei is like "how can you stand this cold when you're wearing so little" and Zarya is just like "I'll tell you my secret if you take off your coat".
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  10. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Welllll, the Russians do have fucking huge ass mechs, huh? I guess Zarya would see Hana's little eggwalker as just a bit adorable. Good line, good line.
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  11. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ...petition for Zarya to see a propaganda video of D.va and her team fucking up a kaiju mech and gets a good look at what an eagle being mobbed by crows through the medium of mecha looks like.
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  12. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    what really stood out to me was how flirty d.va sounded in response
    aka "inna has a new ship"
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  13. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    haha more dialogue i haven't heard before

    rein: i'm... cooking... alive.. in here... [dying noises]

    (said in oasis, which does look a Lil Warm to be wearing full armor in)
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  14. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    This is the thing that finally convinced me to ship Mchanzo.
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  15. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji


    ana (on killing an enemy): age and beauty? i have you on both
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  16. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    I love a bunch of the kill lines. Mercy's are amusing. And when in one of the Valkyrie skins they include "I am the chooser of the slain," which I just love.

    (Which also hints that it's not meant to be just any old Valkyrie, but their leader; that's one of Freyja's kennings).
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  17. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

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  18. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    Ahem, ultranerd.
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  19. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    I had a good comp night yesterday (on of which involved 53 fucking % healing god I love teams that stay together and in places i can actually reach them) so here's a good res
    (i'm hiding at the start bc I saw zarya ult and planned to sneak through the building so i could res them
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  20. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    Good play there, @Erica!

    There's a lot of skill in playing Mercy well, I find. She's easy to pick up but to get good is work. Lots of learning to anticipate ults. Using cover. Moving erratically and constantly.

    Learning to use the pistol I think is necessary too. And when to. I especially try to put enemy healers on the defensive, and it's easy to be not noticed as a threat. I have a pretty good record in 1:1 situations when cornered, and using the pistol for suppressive fire is handy. (Basically, encouraging one's enemy to take cover. Especially great against Widowmakers. Most back down if they're drawing fire.)
    • Like x 2
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