finally a event skin! it looks so good too (also i had 6500 coins because fuckin hell blizz so many duplicates)
>spend $20 on loot boxes >start opening >get basically nothing for anyone i play >keep getting nothing >get legendary for someone i don't play >keep getting nothing >get like a player icon and a voice line >keep getting nothing >very last box has the mei skin i want
Me but replace mei with Zenyatta I just hope I can make enough credits to spam buy some of the lower items too (I generally prefer purple skins to legendary ones bc I love the vanilla designs)
Can I just say, I love how Zen is dressed up as the master of the people these three big ass tanks are dressed up as. It makes me think of Zenyatta leading a fucking yoga class with goddamned Roadhog, Winston, and Reinhardt. He's such a tiny little robot man! Next to three of the biggest motherfuckers in the game! ! How cute is that shit?
Also, you guys think Reaper is a viable Symmetra counter? I think he is, just on acounta he outdamages her. If you land your shots, you can have a 200 hp hero down in two hits at the kinda range Sym needs to be at to even start charging up her beam. And Pharah is also a definite counter, and, yunno, anyone with some range to them can just pick her off from a distance. Winston can kill her before she gets the charge she needs to kill him. There's a fuck load of Symmetra counters, actually. Like, I keep seeing people complain that she's OP, but she's so easy to kill if your aim is good and you make her a priority. She's a problem that can rapidly spiral out of control if you don't deal with her, but that's easily remedied. Like, the worst fucking thing about Symmetra is how she stacks with Torbjorn to turn an entire team into tanks.
I'd say Reaper is a pretty good counter, yeah. If the Reaper's dumb it doesn't work, but I pick Symm off pretty easy as Reaper, between his high damage at close range and his ability to drop her locked beam with his wraith form.
I mostly find Mei counters Symmetra pretty well if you don't let yourself get baited into a sentry nest. Unless the Symm player is really good at dodging spray while not letting her beam break, but that's a player skill thing, more than a character thing.
I just saw those, and is it cause they made her waist all narrow so her hips and butt flare out like weirdly dramatically, cause that's what sorta popped to me.
For me it's a combination of that, and I think they designed her head to be in proportion with her parka, because either her body looks too small for her head or her head is too large for her body. Either way me and my friend are calling this her Area 51/Sectoid skin because of that fact
You: Global warming isn't really happening! Mei, an intellectual: actually it is! I studied it for several years, here's the data!
Things seem glitchy with this new patch. I fell through the 3v3 Antarctica map a few times as D.Va, who I guess was hit particularly hard by the glitches? So says randos in chat, anyway.