I've just played post-nerf D.Va and you know, it's not as bad as the whiners say. Yes, she's not quite so tough, but if you're used to playing low-HP characters you already know how to play that. You just can't rely on the mech to soak huge amounts of damage anymore. Using the shield projector properly becomes much more important, as does using cover, surprise and movement. This is more than countered by the IMO nice buff to her damage at close range. I always thought D.Va was not strong enough up close as she was supposed to be. Now in this patch we have target-shredding damage at melee range trading off for less effectiveness at long range, which fits the intended role of D.Va much better.
I can't say I'm really upset about the changes. Her ability to weather damage that is explicitly made to crack tanks was aggravating. Her shield still eats ults and she pretty much negates torbjorn without his whole team's help, so I'm happy on both sides of the equation.
D.Va was harder to kill than Roadhog before, and that didn't seem right, given her mobility. All that armor plus the shield equates to really hard to kill if played right, and made her OP. The nerf, to me, puts her more even with other characters PLUS rewards intelligent play more.
I like her! I've always been more of a cautious player anyways, so getting up close, getting your kill, then nyooming away suits me a lot more than the whole shebang of heavily armored D.va. On the other hand, I've been trying to use my defense matrix to cover other people's retreats more often, but not a once has someone noticed I'm covering them and not immediately turned back around to rejoin the fight. Like, motherfucker. You're at 30 hp. I will escort you to a health pack. Fucking, please take care of yourself.
i love it when a Reaper or 76 or Pharah ults and I can just be like no. no you are not shooting people, i am shooting your shooting.
I like how D.va's utility as a tank really shines against ults, while Rein is better against sustained damage over time, but shatters easily when a Pharah or Hog comes a calling. D.va is so good at neutralizing burst damage, and that's really fun to play with.
Nothing brings me more fear when I'm playing Junkrat than an aggressive D.va that has noticed me, given that she can block all of my attacks and burn me down in a few seconds.
pff, opposing team's Mercy tells me i'm bad at Mei after she survived a fight with me because two of her teammates came back and bailed her out. guess who got a card at the end and who didn't :D
If you angle it right, they do. You used to be able to catch the tire too, but I think it's no longer classed as a projectile.
His mines? Yeah, she swallows them if he throws them at her. Doesn't do anything of they're already placed. I don't know if you can eat a trap in flight, though....
yeah! Poor Symmetra. I think pretty much everyone has an event skin that's more than a recolor by now...
Not really? Hanzo and Genii don't for sure, neither does 76. Sombra doesn't count cause she's new, but I wanna complain about how she still doesn't have a sit emote. Zarya has a Christmas recolor, but she also got the Best Taunt so I guess that counts as a legendary. Bastion also doesn't have a new legendary, but they have the most recolors and also their lunar new year skin has a little rooster friend, so. Widow hasn't got a new legadary, and I think she's light on recolors. Think that's everyone who hasn't gotten a new legendary.