Vent Sad Thread for A Cry Girl (venting)

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by Delilah, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    ahhh I'm sorry I didn't respnd sooner I fell asleep and then I played minecraft and didn't check back here. I'm feeling better now b/c calming nothingness and also a friend is roleplaying w/ me but thank you v v much it's always nice to know that people like. read this thread. I'm such a baby I know but it helps
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  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    I don't think you're a baby! It's nice to know people care. :)
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  3. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    thank you ouo
  4. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    People have liked a post responding to my post that was basically "this is a good post!" but didn't like my post what does it meeaannnnnn:psyduck:
  5. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    I think that was the first time I ever used a Kinstugi emote. a milestone.
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  6. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    i feel like a bad fake lesbian bc I don't rlly have any f/f fandom ships like. So many of them are so boring and I just can't care but I should care but like. There is barely anything there it's just uwu look at the precious lesbians!!!! But like why should a ship have to be angsty and fucked up for me to be into it i'm just a disgusting person
  7. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    People: Use words
    Me: what does it mean
    People: use likes
    Me: what does it mean
    People: anything
    Me: explain please???????
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  8. cyborgism

    cyborgism they/them

    that's a relatable

    if you want an explanation: likes from me mean i'm interested in the content

    also, i hope you're feeling alright in general!
    • Like x 1
  9. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    Thank you! I was too sick all last week have feelings lol, the hole where all my depression goes was filled with mucus
    (I hope ur feeling alright too)
    And tbh its like.....if ur liking something in this thread that was funny but never responding to anything else its...wierd. I have zero place to judge because I also lurk vent threads to make sure people are alright w/o ever talking but I don't leave a trace so when people are like. liking the funny things and ignoring the rest in my breakdown thread its. wierd. idk i'm being a fuck
  10. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    Me: Responds a week late on the fucking dot
    Also Me: Gets super mad if someone stops paying attention to me
    Also Me: Oh Wait I'm The Worst Time For Crying And Suicidal Ideation
  11. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    Fuck i cant even do shit like play video games by myself. I cant even do dumb fucking shit. I just sit around and wallow and make everyone around me more miserable
  12. Petra

    Petra space case

    • Like x 1
  13. Key

    Key never make a triangle

    I tend to like posts in vent threads where people seem to be happy/doing well because I'm bad at words and it seems like a decent way to let them know that I like when they're happy, (implied that I want them to be happy rather than sad) and trying to help/interact with people who are struggling is very hard for me so I rarely do it when I'm not full energy. If that makes sense.
  14. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    That makes sense, and I think the reason it bothers me when someone just...likes one thing, never engages with anything else is mostly paranoia reasons, like they are monitoring me for something or want me to die or something. idk
  15. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    God I just wish I could do a single fucking thing. I can't draw, like, at the best of times, and especially not right now, I am trying to do worldbuilding stuff and I can't even do that. Conversations are hard, moving is hard, thinking is hard, I jsut wanna be able to do one thing
  16. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    Going to worldbuilding ramble bc i know nothing will ever come from this
    there have been three previous eons, each ending with the death of a god
    The first eon ended when two of the original five gods killed a third so that they could be together. Her body became the mortal realm, her blood congealed and became the lands upon the infinite waters of her corpse.
    The second eon ended when the goddess of the infinite killed herself and her body gave birth to the beasts, monsters, and mortals.
    The third eon ended when, near the beginning of the godly war, the god of the stars was killed. The stars disappeared from the sky and mortals gained souls and the ability to use magic, reincarnate, and, possibly, become gods themselves.
    The godly war was waged throughout the fourth eon in ebbs and flows. Over this time 101 mortals became gods through various means. The fourth eon and the war were finished when the god of fate was killed, and the gods had to band together to make sure that time/the universe didn't destabilize, tying themselves to mortal time in the meantime and loosing their non chronological connection to time. No new
    Gods, mortalborn or divineborn, have been made after this.
    The war is technically over in the fifth eon but there is still a lot of strife and rage.
    The war was fought between different factions who had different ideas of what to do with the mortal world.
    There is a mortalborn trickster god who became a god by tricking enough people into worshipping him as one. The mortalborn goddess of familial love destroyed an empire, killed a demigod, and stole a ring for her sisters happiness. She is despised in all nations but one.
    Demigods are the children of gods through physical repoduction. Gods can only be created through a merging of souls. Demigods can be killed but are usually immortal. Gods can be killed, but the world always changes when they die.
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  17. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    reincarnation used to be nonlinear, until it wasn't after the death of the god of fate
    It used to be that all souls gradually travelled inward through the rings of fate as it got reincarnated, until it arrived at the moment of the beginning when the goddess of the infinite was born. Now they all move forward in time, to some different goal
    There is a god who is the fusion of a divineborn and a mortalborn due to shenanigans
    Magic is both finite and infinite, because it is an expression of the energy of the goddess of the infinite and the birth/death of the universe
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  18. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    the mortals know the fourth eon as the age of legends. It lasted around 6k years.
    In the eon of legends gods were constantly messing in mortal lives bc they found that mortal souls gave their prayers, in masse, the ability to make gods more powerful. In the fifth eon gods have an uneasy peace and fuck around with mortals a lot less.
    Each god has a cosmic realm that is the expression of their own soul. These realms connect the divine plane with the mortal one. The gods simultaniously exist in the divone plane and their own realm, and can visit the mortal realm
    The goddess of sorrow's cosmic plane and therefore soul was destroyed in the war. She now has a castle at the bottom of the sea in the mortal world that houses a 24/7 party for any immortal or mortal that can find it
    The gods became far weaker after fixing time
    It used to be that the gods would each have areas of the mortal realm that they claimed as their own, defending the mortals within from beasts and monsters in return for the mortals adulation. However, they stopped after the end of the war- accounts conflict if this is because they don't want to reignite tensions or aren't powerful enough anymore. After the death of the god of fate ~75% of all mortals died.
    Now most mortals live in giant walled cities. One wall holds the majority of the population, the next holds farmland and other areas.
    Mercenaries are people who travel between the cities, killing monsters and securing areas for temporary occupation and resouce removal. Its extremely dangerous and usually taken by those with few options, like the extremely poor or those who are misfits/taboo. Most mercenaries are young, but if they survive long enough they are inducted into a city guard, who patrol between the walls and destroy any monsters that manage to get in. The guard is a position that gets you a lot of status no matter who you are, so its highly coveted.
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  19. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    The Eternal Party Palace Of The Queen Of Sorrow has strobe lights that are actively damaging to a mortal soul. It plays a constant loop of a song that is distinct from, but infantissimally similar to, Take On Me. It never gets tiring.
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  20. Delilah

    Delilah Active Member

    Man i wish i could sleep but mom is throwing a loud tantrum over not being able to fond a bra at midnight
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