I FREAKING LOVE HIS BOOKS. I read Leviathan first, borrowed it from some friends I fell outta touch with and as a result NEVER GAVE IT BACK. I have Goliath from them too. Still gotta finish that series. AND THEN I FOUND THE UGLIES/PRETTIES/etc. QUARTET. Can I say that I love the relationship that the main character (shit I forgot her name. Tally?) has with the wild and the wilderness. Everytime she goes into it, esp. alone, it's a big experience that changes her. There's good symbolism there, and I love how the environmental message is more more of an ever-present theme than a big message hammer the books hit you with. (At least until the end of Extras, I guess?) I wasn't all that into Extras cast and characters but I thought as a sequel/follow-up to the original three it was great. Good closure. How's the manga for this setting?
okay I don't really go here? but please can you change the name of this thread, @emythos. 'cause, uh, it's Scott Westerfeld. no i. and that is really bothering me, for whatever reason. (probably a brainweird one, but.) but yeah, Scott Westerfeld. specifically, the Leviathan trilogy. specifically, Deryn fucking Sharp. I had in retrospect the biggest goddamn crush on her and her overwhelming competence. I was her for Halloween one year, which led to an inept attempt to bind (with Ace bandages; yes, bad, I know.) also I wanted her haircut so bad. again in retrospect this is all pretty hilarious, because it's like. man, Eso, why do you want to look exactly like a character who passes for male?? gee, I don't know, maybe it's because you might be male(ish)??? anyway I have considered writing Scott Westerfeld a letter like, "thanks for helping me discover my gender," but that seems kinda weird. also, I don't know if this comes across exactly, but I was like. really obsessed. like wrote-the-fifth-longest-fanfic-on-FF.net obsessed. and this series was my first foray into fandom, so. thanks, Scott!
my ap exams are doooonneeee this means book reread time (also off-topic @esotericPrognosticator I LOVE UR NEW ICON so cute, is that ur fantroll?)
@rats lmao a lot of my friends are taking APs too! theirs aren't till next week, though, poor dears. congrats on making it through hell. and thanks with regard to the icon! yeah, that's Saikym, my favorite nerd child. just got them drawn by @roach and I am very proud. do you have any suggestions for threads where I can perhaps present them to be cooed over? it is really great art.