Shaking Trees, Snooty Giraffes, and Highway Robbery: The Animal Crossing New Leaf thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kaylotta, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    :U!!! Yes pls!
  2. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    I also want to note that I royally fucking suck at Puzzle League, and am dreading that I need to be good at it for all the items.
  3. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    omg. I'm so sorry.

    also i realize i hadn't asked: which one of us is goin' where?
  4. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    uh, dunno? i'm gonna check if your town is open and if it isnt im gonna open mine, k?
  5. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    :o ok. lemme hop into the game, i hadn't been on is the reason i was asking ahaha
  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Anyone with not dropping turnip prices this week? preferably above 102, but honestly i'll take anything above 60
  7. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    I thought I lost my new leaf cartridge, and I found it in the very very very back of a drawer! Glad to have it back so I don't burn out on the pokemans. However I had to restart my town because I no longer had any idea wtf I'm doing. So I'm being a filthy cheater and doing some activities > move the day forward, etc etc. Will set it back once I'm back up to the previous level of progress.
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  8. Savriti

    Savriti Professional Lurker

    If anyone needs a certain dream villager, quote me and let me know? I have a lot of the cards, and I'd love for everyone to have their perfect little village.

    Also, as soon as I can find an extra cartridge, I'm going to start stocking up on puzzle league items. My family used to hardcore play it back in ye old N64 days, and I have a few on my main,
    • Like x 1
  9. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    If Merengue and Julian were an option, perhaps Marshall, I would actually consider doing the labor of moving my items to another town and starting over fresh lmfao. As it is though, those two are so hard to find and I'm so in love, it's just. .. Not an option for me. ;v;
  10. Savriti

    Savriti Professional Lurker

  11. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich




  12. Savriti

    Savriti Professional Lurker

    Basically, I get them in my village via Wisp, tell our ghosty friend that I want them out, they immediately get set into boxes, you come visit and tell them the wonders of your lovely town, and they move away nice and swift~
  13. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    8U!!!!! I will indeed need to make with the moving of items tonight and get back to you soon then! Because holy christ I am tired of my janky map but I stayed because of those precious dweebs ;v;
  14. Savriti

    Savriti Professional Lurker

    No rush, and no worries. Just shoot me a PM or @ me when you're ready and I'll get one of the three going for you. Otherwise it's at the mercy of my horribly forgetful brain whether or not I check in on the thread.

    Also, I made a > spreadsheet < with the animals I can currently send to people (Or, for the NPCs, their photos). Camper villagers (Card values >=401) are a bit trickier since I need to be below capacity before I can invite them, but all others can be requested multiple times, at any time. Still needs a lot of love, but it'll be a constant WIP.
  15. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    I finally Did The Thing, and remade my town. Didn't get quite as much as I'd hoped for it but SHRUGGALO. Kept my catalog and took my unorderable items that I wanted to keep over to my spouses's town to rest overnight. Wound up with... Literally no villagers I'm attached to rn lmfao. I might come to like the mouse or Rory, but. atm I'm not wild about everyone here.
  16. Savriti

    Savriti Professional Lurker

    Well, if you see anyone in my town that grabs your interest, chances are you can have them. (Except maybe Blaire. On the fence about her)

    My friend code's 0791 - 2779 - 7257, and I'll have Merengue up in boxes first.
  17. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    ouo can we set up a time to do the exchange? My sleep schedule is shit lately and I'm trying to fix it, but I'm in Ohio far as timezones go.
  18. Savriti

    Savriti Professional Lurker

    By all means. My town's actually open now, but I'm off all of Wendesday and I'd be home about 6PM EST Thursday/Friday.
  19. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    fjdslk I was about to add you and get this exchange done, but then I realized my battery was Just About To Die so I have to wait.. ;7; I'm so sorry..
  20. Savriti

    Savriti Professional Lurker

    It's all good. I'll keep it open all night, because hooray late shift tomorrow.
    • Like x 1
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