Shipping Gripes Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by furrylatula, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    excuse me while I go fling myself into the trash and look for some Kylux fics
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  2. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    There's some really crazy talented artists and authors sailing the ship, too, so there's some real quality content for it.

    I actually only watched TFA because I'd read some pretty quality Kylux and was like "okay, so maybe I oughta know what the fuck is actually going down." I like Kylux a little less having seen the film, not cause what I like about it ain't still there, but just cause Hux is such a minor character that his outrageous popularity kinda pisses me off nowadays, lol. It's like, Christ it's hard finding quality stuff about Rey and Finn and they are the actual main characters, why do so many people give a Fuck about ginger space Hitler??
    • Witnessed x 8
  3. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    witnessed for the last part, which is. a gripe I imagine I would share if I actually got into TFA and all.
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  4. Kiyarasabel

    Kiyarasabel eats raw coffee grinds; sobs in sexual frustration

    Hux is given a bit more development in the books, and mostly just in a way that asks more questions than gives answers.

    The appeal for me is the way he was Depicted as a Literal Four Year Old being forced into this Imperialist Militaristic Society, abused by his father and terrified, but stepping up to be a commander.

    We also know that he had a close relationship with his mentor Rae Sloane and at some point decided that it is his destiny to be the emperor. He's good with/likes kids and is a true believer in his cause and peerless in control of his organization.

    Don't get me wrong he's an absolute soulless shitheel, but I wish I could live my life with half as much composure and conviction.

    Fandom is mostly just trying to fill in the gaps to see what his actual values are and what his drive is vs ego or good intentions.

    I write him as that scared child pretending to be a man because I'm projecting. Other people just as correctly see him as everything wrong with 80s corporate assholes.

    He's fun as a character because we only see the exterior and not what drives him.

    The Phasma book was a very similar way in that we see a lot of what it looks like from the outside but don't actually see what's going on in the character's head.

    Like don't get me wrong, he's still a bad guy, but I think that if he had gone through the exact same situation but for the Republic/Resistance he would probably still be about the same person but would be praised for his actions.

    And I think that's where a lot of the discourse falls apart is the false dichotomy that bad people are always inherently bad instead of subjectively bad.

    I'm going to be burned for a lot of how I interpret the politics of Star Wars, but I do it with the lens and full awareness that I am living within an evil empire myself.
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  5. warehawker

    warehawker Raptor King Of Kiss My Ass

    There's no way Kylux is ever going to be canon, but I hope that stays true for Reylo as well, partially because 1.) het ships are usually boring to me and 2.) I don't predict their dynamic being written well enough to override that. It would take a lot of plot to make it feasible, and unnecessary romantic subplots have always ruined movies for me.
    • Agree x 2
  6. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I feel like Kylux would take a pretty significant amount of work to set up as a relationship too, to be fair. Like, I dunno, people act like the two of them getting together would be like. Easy or something, but everything canon gives us says the two of them don't like each other on a personal level, nor do they value each other's contributions to their organization. Also, they're bad dudes who have historically had issues treating other humans well. Also also, movie Hux'd have to be given a personality beyond genocide speeches and that snooty face he makes when he tattles on Ren.

    I feel like I've said this before here, but that's like my main gripe with Kylux nowadays. People acting like the two of them wouldn't have to change in any way to form any sort of functional relationship. Like they're on the same page right from the start and would naturally fall into each other's arms, and naw. I'm into the story of two damaged people figuring out how to make something work between them, not. Hux and Kylo are really good at communication and are super good for each other, always and on purpose.
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  7. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I feel like the only reason the above ain't also my main Reylo gripe is cause most people are smart enough to tell that getting from point A to point B takes quite a bit of work when both parties are on opposite sides of a war. People oversimplify the characters and dynamic a bunch, but not in that specific way.
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  8. warehawker

    warehawker Raptor King Of Kiss My Ass

    Yeah, that makes sense.
  9. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    There's been a weird upswing in Reylo shit of people being all uguuu~ what if some hurts Rey bad and she has to be protected, how cuuuuuute, and like, it's not super happy making to see and strikes me as mildly misogynistic to wanna see a girl be hurt so a dude can ~~~prove his love~~~ and protect her or whatever, and normally I just sorta roll my eyes and move on, but someone just made a post about Hux hurting Rey, and fuuuuuck that entirely. Hux is a non-combatant, for fuck's sake. Like, let's afford my girl some goddamned dignity here. Nobody pretends goddamned Tarkin could take Luke in a fight, if they want Daddy Vader to go on a vengeful rampage they gotta pull out the big guns.
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  10. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    The fact that some promising-looking kinkmeme fics with polyshipping never get beyond a couple chapters. I always considered a full-cast orgy to be the best solution to ship wars and in Homestuck I can find reason to ship everyone with everyone in just about any quadrant so I totally want them all piled together. I sort of want to steal one of the aforementioned kinkmeme fills for continuation, but I don't know how its anon author would take to that and I have so much I want to be writing anyway.

    Also the fact that my Homestuck ships don't form a neatly filled grid Herding Cats style. I want them to!
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
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  11. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Homestuck ficcing gripe again; I'm PBJ 4lyfe and the whole story was set up to be Tav<>Eri but Aradia seems to be barging her way in. Herding Cats got round that, but did so by making them both act like douchebags, which I'd rather avoid and which in this fic they have no reason to do. Maybe go poly? I'm having similar issues compulsively shipping everyone else and having difficulty slotting everyone neatly in place.
  12. context-free anon

    context-free anon Well-Known Member

    poly is the way forward

    also how does tav<>eri work?
  13. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Here and here are some reasons I like it, and also what I'm doing is a massive AU.
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  14. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Also I must rant about how all the CroKan out there is either mushy-to-the-point-of-OOC red or one of them doing horrible things to the other. While I am grateful that it's not always Cronus doing the thing to Kankri with the latter (oh god that art piece of Kankri taking Cronus' humankin thing too far and sawing his horns off so amazing) I think they could have an amazingly powerful and yet beyond-fucked-up moirallegiance. Has anyone seen any of that? God, it could be amazing.
  15. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    The Amporacest assumption that Eridan is the only one in serious danger. Adult and child, yes, but we are talking relatively normal adult versus child who has been committing mass murder for possibly several years.
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  16. warehawker

    warehawker Raptor King Of Kiss My Ass

    Are you talking about Cronus, adult-wise? Because Orphaner Dualscar was called that for a reason, and I hesitate to think that he'd be in massive danger from someone whose kills were all following in his footsteps.
  17. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I mean Cronus the player, not his post-Scratch self.
  18. warehawker

    warehawker Raptor King Of Kiss My Ass

    That definitely makes more sense, then.
  19. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    If I meant Dualscar, I'd call him Dualscar.
    • Informative x 2
  20. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I wish I could like Davekat. I agree with the analyses I've read about how it works thematically speaking but I feel like removing the antagonism between them removed all the fun.

    I also really don't feel like human romance is a good analogue to a combination of all the quadrants. If you hate your partner, isn't something horribly wrong? Or, in the contrariwise interpretation, the implication that matespritship would be free of all the minor irritations which Karkat says are signs of kismesissitude is ridiculous (keeping in mind that I am speaking of psychic aliens here).
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
    • Agree x 4
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