Shipping Gripes Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by furrylatula, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Also dear guy who got super pissed when I mentioned that polyamory is my solution to this problem,

    The fuck did I ever do to get my relationship preferences deemed a fetish that I am forcing upon poor, innocent, and incredibly fictional Zero from Force of Will.
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  2. knifecentipede

    knifecentipede guillotine-chan

    me: this older responsible character would make such a good par-

    the entire tumblr fandom, suddenly breaking down my door before I can say “partner”: PARENTAL FIGURE!!
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  3. knifecentipede

    knifecentipede guillotine-chan

    in degenerate underage cases like reimob it's understandable even if annoying but the hnk fandom aggressively refers to adamant as :) the gems' dad :) even though in canon they have totally crush-like attitudes towards him. and shiro is not the paladins' father, he's fucking 25. and reyes is not mccree's father either, maybe your headcanon is popular but nobody died and made you boss yet. and connor/hank is the only good thing about detroit, why are you letting david cage fool you into thinking there's no chemistry. why are these people fundamentally incapable of being horny
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018
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  4. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    i feel you there, i can’t express the slightest amount of approval for shidge in even the vicinity of tumblr without risking someone jumping down my throat
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  5. shmeed

    shmeed plant me

    a lot of the davekat fandom has a serious fucking "karkat abuses dave, but it's cute" problem
    and neither dave nor karkat act like people, they're just dead-eyed robots who perform their stock traits (dave is Awkward and Rambly, karkat is Sharp and Bristly) and do couple things and the burden of filling in the emotional connection between them is completely on the audience because why bother digging into why or how these people actually like each other when you could just skip right to the part where karkat crowds and screams at someone who was severely abused [laugh track]
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
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  6. knifecentipede

    knifecentipede guillotine-chan

    I know I, a firm believer in ignoring canon compatibility for the sake of shipping boys with two seconds of screentime who look hot together, am not the one to talk shit. and yet! everybody fawning over super bland f/f ships. your Zarya/Mei or whatever is boring and you suck
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
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  7. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Just remembering Fieth filled Zero with the will to fight on and she couldn't believe she forgot her 'most important partner'. Go fuck yourselves people who think they're always at each other's throats. They are not always at each other's throats and even if they somehow weren't a couple, which I find fucking unlikely given that they're a perfect Blonde-Brunette couple and act like a married couple, they don't hate each other. Zero in particular we know really, really, REALLY likes Fiethsing. A lot. Fieth we're less sure on because her perspective hasn't gotten as much screentime as Zero's.

    ...then again no one in this fucking story has save like Gill maybe.
  8. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    im dont really care about overwatch ships as much as i used to but zarya/sombra.... spicy punk hacker woman and Big Beefy Tank who hate each other but smooch. thanks for coming to my TED talk
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  9. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Other good Zero/Fieth moments these fuckers somehow missed: Zero literally starts to cry when Fiethsing doesn't show up during the war with Altea because she's worried. When Fiethsing literally breaks through a window and does a dramatic pose Zero immediately shouts her name and hugs her so fiercely that she almost knocks the woman over.

    but no

    all they do is argue

    and are never ever kind to each other
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  10. valenstyne

    valenstyne Went out for cigarettes, never came back

    Oh god this is the popular interpretation of so many of my ships in multiple fandoms and it just. hurts me. Relationships can be complex and multifaceted things that involve both conflict and harmony dammit
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  11. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    '“Fieth.” Zero muttered, a tear in her eye. As if in response to her own name, Fiethsing burst through a nearby window, posing rather dramatically as she landed.

    “If you’re looking for Moojdart you’re out of luck, lady. I already saved her. Well...more like I let her turn back to a magic stone. ”

    “Fieth!” Zero practically toppled the woman as they embraced.'

    zero hates this woman clearly
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  12. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I hate how they fucking frame the fighting too. Like it's always hate and annoyance fueled and that they don't work things out ever or come to agree ever. So like Zero blames Kaguya's rowdiness on Fieth's negligence in raising her and Fieth gets pissy about that and declares 'I played with her every day, all day. Is that not proper childcare?' To which Zero contests that, again, it's Fieth's fault for being a negligent parent and Fieth is still pissed about that and outright says that it's also Zero's fucking fault. And you know what Zero does? She stops and takes a step back because wow Fiethsing is right. She admits that she hasn't been around to help raise their daughter because of work. And even Fieth stops and admits that, yes, Zero does have an important job and she does actually have reasons she can't be at home as often anymore.

    Like they actually stop and come to a fucking agreement and understanding with one another in a relatively peaceful manner. Yes it's pointed out earlier that they bicker enough that the people in the nearby village know the area for said bickering but jesus fuck they're capable of coming to agreements on things. On important shit too! This isn't an 'I hate you and all the things you do and think and we can never agree!' fight. It's a 'Our kid is growing up and I'm worried about her behavior why aren't you fucking doing more to help her, dammit!' fight.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
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  13. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    actually i wish homestuck were more accessible so the concept of healthy <3< was more widespread
    as it is, it's either unhealthy relationships (not really my cup of tea, for the most part) or flanderized versions of the characters which ignore any reason for true conflict beyond mild snark
    and i prefer fluff almost overwhemingly but come on, i hateship characters so i can see them yell at each other and then screw. <3</<> is my favorite kind of relationship in fiction. Let Relationships Be Complex And Interesting
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  14. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Sombra is really good for spades ships; Zayra<3<Sombra has a lot more canon support to it but I've seen some tasty Sombra<3<Symmetra versions too. (Also, like Symm<3<Lucio is absolutely right there, More Lucio Spades Ships 2k18.)
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  15. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Rant about my own preferences; I wish I could pinpoint why I hate the bicker-bicker-twuwub trope so much in most circs but like it in others. I can't be sure, but I think the problem is partly because with most portrayals of these pairings, once they hook up, they stop all conflict. I would be much more likely to buy the snark as a sign of affection if it continued after they were together - I mean, not massive disagreements on major aspects of life by that point, but you see what I mean. Probably it's just me; when I argue with people I like it's stressful and unpleasant for me, and if I'm seeking out fights it's a sign I DON'T like the person I'm arguing with.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
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  16. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I like it a lot but like it does depend. Depending on tone I will forgive a lot more behavior than I would otherwise. Comedic settings like Ranma 1/2 I don't mind the constant the bickering at all because everyone's just a bickering, ridiculous asshole in that series and people get hit by buses and shit. The humor is based around pain and because the entire thing is built around that I don't mind that Ranma and Akane spend most of their time bitching at each other despite being the obvious canon couple that I ship.

    Then there's the bickering married couple thing. This one is probably the nearest and dearest form to me. Portrayals of this...I vary on how I like it? But typically I do like it best when there's some degree of not constantly arguing and some degree of actually healthily working through disputes. Like if one partner can see that they fucked up, back off, and sincerely apologize like with Zero/Fieth then that means a lot. Otherwise I like it to be something definitely unhealthy a lot of the time. Or something that needs to be worked past and which over hard work is worked past. Granted one might ask 'why would you bother with someone that you fight with that much' and my answer is 'abuse histories result in complicated bullshit relationships a lot of the time ok'. It means a lot to me to see people that fight A LOT because of what's been done to them and how they act now due to trauma and being able to work past that and stubbornly cling to the fact that they love each other. And they make it out with the relationship in tact, or formed at all, and it's better than before.

    In general though something about the idea of people bickering but still being in love reads as 'love' to me. Probably because of the sorts of relationships I grew up witnessing irl as a child.
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  17. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Like, Ron and Hermione I liked better after this.
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  18. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Been reading through Touhou fic lately because I am obsessing. I got a complaint and the complaint is entitled 'Why in the fuck would Sakuya be afraid of Remilia hitting her?' Like, yes, I know Touhou canon is incredibly fucking sparse but nowhere in what little we have did I ever get the impression that like Sakuya would be actively terrified of that sort of thing. Like what? Why?


    At least make her afraid of being fed on instead if you must make her afraid of anything!

    though really her being scared of remilia at all is bizarre to me

    She chastises her openly on a number of occasions and is repeatedly shown to be fairly laid back but very sincere in her absolute devotion to Remilia. Like she's never afraid.
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  19. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    The fact that no one can just dislike a ship anymore. I don't think this ship is abusive and I don't think it came completely out of nowhere. I just find the dynamic boring beyond all measure! No one would care if I ranted about how boring I thought a canon het ship was.

    Also my own weird guilt over shipping pairings contradicted by canon. It feels stupid that that feeling should apply even for AUs. I go "well, I think the canon ship is super boring/I just want to write a different one here, but in canon they at least met the bare minimum of being content together, so breaking them up is mean, and what if they run into each other in this fic while they're with other people?" And it's silly! I know! I still have a child's understanding of how relationships work :(
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  20. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I feel like I need a solid reason to hate a ship, I think is the problem. I feel like there needs to be something more than "I don't like how they interact". It's another of those standards I'd never hold anyone else to... Should take that to the vent thread.

    This one is mostly implied rather than stated by fans, but the whole "Karkat can only feel the quadrants smushed together" thing being used to claim he never felt pale for Gamzee and faked it to stop Murderstuck and this being used as a reason GAMZEE is bad both angers and puzzles me.
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