shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I don't...

    You're mad, right?
  2. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    I. Am. Not. My. Father.

    I do not put people out on the street for making mistakes. Even big ones. You will make up for what you did somehow, but you are not leaving.
  3. dumb things forever

    dumb things forever [WT/18+] Stanley F. Pines, Rogue of Light

    ...Sixer? Are you okay?
  4. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    No. Absolutely not.

    ...but thank you for asking.
  5. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I didn't think you were gonna put me out on the street. You're going to call alien child services or something.
  6. Nick Valentine

    Nick Valentine Diamond City Detective|18+

    What kind of father did you have?
    [Nick likes this]
    Well that is nice, I am glad you care for your family, it's rare to see that in people nowadays.
  7. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    Ill Help.
  8. dumb things forever

    dumb things forever [WT/18+] Stanley F. Pines, Rogue of Light

    Our dad threw me outta the house when I was seventeen...but I probably deserved it.
  9. Nick Valentine

    Nick Valentine Diamond City Detective|18+

    I hear that is normal, kids leave the house at 17 or 18, unless you did something you regret.
  10. Starkiller

    Starkiller The Secret Apprentice

    @dumb things forever @the author speaks
    At least you have a dad *crosses his arms* My dad was killed in front of me when I was seven. I'll give you 3 guesses who did it. *lightning sparks on his fingertips with rage*
  11. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    Youre Doing The Thing Where You Try To One Up Peoples Tragic Backstories Again.
    • Like x 1
  12. Starkiller

    Starkiller The Secret Apprentice

  13. Caboose

    Caboose Everybody's friend

    *laughs*PFTPLPH, that rhymes
    • Like x 1
  14. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    I Dont Think PTSD Is The One Where You Shout At People For Disagreeing With You Man. I Think Thats Called Being A Brat.
    • Like x 2
  15. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    It wasn't like that, Dad threw him out over something he did to me, and I was far from okay with it but I didn't want Dad to throw him out in the street with nothing, I'm not even sure if I would have TOLD Dad although I would have had to come up with something to say to explain what happened...

    okay, I probably would've told him but maybe not right away or without him hitting me once or twice...
  16. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    I am really sorry that happened to you, but if our father had died when we were seven, Stanley and I might well have been better off.
  17. Starkiller

    Starkiller The Secret Apprentice

    Well my kind of PTSD is about flashbacks, and I think humans call it Vietnam Flashbacks.

    ((I am so sorry for saying Vietnam Flashbacks. I respect the people that gave their lives to defend our country and others. I know it is not a joking matter, but people often use it as jokes. Recently, I have seen 5 videos where people made fun of it.))
    ((Also, A.I., I love your new icon. Did you draw that? I wish I was that talented))
  18. Starkiller

    Starkiller The Secret Apprentice

    *Scratches his head* I am sorry to hear that. He must have been a real dick.
  19. Nick Valentine

    Nick Valentine Diamond City Detective|18+

    *pulls out a notepad and writes down notes* What is this guy's name? He sounds as if though he was a drinker or a Psycho user.
  20. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)


    I'm just gonna sit in this tree until I decide what to do.
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