shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    And they love claiming their cultural groups have sole ownership of certain words - just like you do!
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  2. Backdraft

    Backdraft Dead

    *She conspicuously keeps her hands behind her back, leaning in to murmur.*

    Is Iridium okay?
  3. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    Well I'm not ten million years old.
    Don't personally know of anyone that old, but presumably there must be. I'm just a little under seven million.
    • Like x 1
  4. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    To be perfectly fair, etymology that far back is rather lost. Thanks to the wars, and our species' chronic inability to stay on one planet, mainly. Origin of "spark" unknown, and false cognates exist anyways. "Having the word first"... does not matter? The word can mean more than one thing? Does, even in Neocybex, see: spark (organ), spark (energy flare from optics), spark (soul), spark (religious object)...

    Yes? Probably? Was present at last whole-ship briefing, anyway. Haven't... er. Had the time to contact her. Or resources to offer in exchange for wanted information.
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
    • Like x 3
  5. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    It was a joke.
    Do they not do those where you are from?
    • Like x 2
  6. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    Fok ja clenk booze!

    Deed hyu effer try dot schtuff dot snappy hed dot vun time? Hy tought andrej vas goink to ektually catch fire.
    • Like x 2
  7. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Where I'm from, jokes are actually funny.
  8. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Arguably, the translation of 'spark' into other languages doesn't mean that we had it first. BBC just uses the word 'heart' for everything, and would probably call our sparks that despite being very clearly wrong about everything forever.

    Did humans even have a language ten million years ago? I'm pretty sure they didn't. Did they even have a planet?
    • Like x 2
  9. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    Okay Nerd. Though I suppose it's your job to know such things just as it's my job to build large weapons of mass distruction.
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  10. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    -"subtly" elbowing mirrors-- hooooooo, ein older men, goot huntink!
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  11. Backdraft

    Backdraft Dead

    Oh, you don't want to get tangled with the BBC.
    • Like x 1
  12. Backdraft

    Backdraft Dead

    Does she seem happy? Did she seem sick? Is she drinking good energon?
  13. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    ...Thanks. I appreciate the warning.
  14. The Jaeger Mirrors

    The Jaeger Mirrors Has both a literal and a metaphorical hammer

    Ho yez! Hyu must haf learned plenty ov tings een seffen meeleeon yearz! -grins at Nichrome in a blatantly suggestive fashion- Hyu iz vant to share?
    • Like x 4
  15. Tempest Dive

    Tempest Dive DD1-S7 Storm Chaser [18+]

    • Like x 3
  16. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    Pretty sure it doesn't make you more endearing or charming to dump your frustration over Hot Stuff over there on other unsuspecting mechs. Since you were wondering earlier why you don't have friends.
    • Like x 1
  17. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    You don't wanna get Doctor Who cancelled, after all.
  18. Backdraft

    Backdraft Dead

    You okay?
  19. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    No thank you I am strictly attracted to other mechanoids. If you truly need to please return your attentions to Flux who has made it plenty clear he was willing to attempt to spike an organic.
    • Like x 2
  20. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    I assume from context and tone that Backdraft is referring to the Black Box Consortia
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