shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    Seester, hy vill ebsolutely heff ein dreenk.

    Deez quadrants sound preety goot, ja. Hyu gots enny of dem?
  2. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    "Word. It's fermented dark grain with loamcarpet syrup, boat I got a whole roster of non-alcoholic stuff and syrups as well. Used to run a coffee shop before I ditched Alternia.", you grin.
    (fermented dark grain = vodka; loamcarpet = woodruff)

    (@Frigg was that directed at oneira?)
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  3. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

  4. Mahree Amrrow

    Mahree Amrrow Senior Straterrorgist

    congratulations on Ditching! *he grins* and actually, i Think i'd Prefer coffee, if that's all right?
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  5. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    You mix Frigg up today's special.
    "Got two moirails -- excuse me, one moirail and one slate, and a matesprit. Used to work as pale-for-hire, but I ditched that job for now. Got other things to do", you reply. "Met my moirail when she tried to seize my boat, my slate when she dragged her ass to the coffee shop after she blew her hive up, and my matesprit when reality decided to go cry in a corner. How'd you meet yours?"

    "Shore", you grin, and brew Mahree a cup. When you set it down, you flash the sym69ls.
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  6. Mahree Amrrow

    Mahree Amrrow Senior Straterrorgist

    *flashes the sym69ls back, grinning even brighter, and sips his coffee while listening*
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  7. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    Frigg is totally lost. Are they in some sort of gang? And what is a slate?

    "Erm. Hy've got mine boy pythios, who iz der best vorst ting dot effer heppened to me, und mine gorl ara vhat keeps me out of trouble ez best she ken, tenkless tesk dot eet iz. Und mine Master, who iz mine Master, und mine Mentor who" -gestures at Mirrors- " iz rilly hot und ken peek me op like a keeten und shake me."

    Dey iz all pack. Vell, not mine master obveeously. Bot der odders.
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
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  8. The Jaeger Mirrors

    The Jaeger Mirrors Has both a literal and a metaphorical hammer

    Only ven hyu deserf eet. Vhich iz offen.
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  9. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    Frigg blows a kiss at mirrors. "Ja, hy iz a hendful."
  10. Mahree Amrrow

    Mahree Amrrow Senior Straterrorgist

    it Sounds like you Have a very good clade! or... pack, Is the word i Heard you Use? anyway, congratulations.
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  11. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    Frigg laughs." All der jagerkin iz mine pack! Bot mine luffs iz verra goot too, und mine special."

    "Vhat about hyu, bogfriend? Hyu gots ein o-fee-cial pein in hyu ass. Ennyvun else?"
  12. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Pardon-- define: "slate"?
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  13. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    "Injoke. She was kinda-sorta Loreli's and my moirail, but always responded with </> instead of the classic <>, so I coined the term 'slate' instead."
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  14. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Thanks. Data logged. New words (or new meanings for old words) are lovely! =]
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  15. Mahree Amrrow

    Mahree Amrrow Senior Straterrorgist

    i Do technically Have a kismesis in Yaelth, yes. also a wonderful matesprit, Catriv - she Is absolutely the best, no comparisons possible. and, um, two moirails, Mintuu and Pascel. although that Was kind of an accident. and then more and more good quadrant-corners! it Is really, really good to finally Have some extended clade.

    that Is frankly adorable.
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  16. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    -quietly, to mirrors- "hy heff no hydea vhat iz goink on. Ken hy chust ponch sumvun?"
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  17. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    "I can put my name under that. I met most of my current extended clade during an apocalypse and except us three troll girls they's all aliens, but eh. Fought side by side and kept each other's backs free, that's gotta count for something."
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  18. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -from outside the room/area "Hoy Mirrors, vere der hell iz hyu und vot deed hyu do mit mine pot!"
    "Ho, hallo. Hy zee hyu haff found mine eediot und hees eediot.
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  19. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    If you are going to, please not me.

    Which of them is yours?
  20. The Jaeger Mirrors

    The Jaeger Mirrors Has both a literal and a metaphorical hammer

    ...She tinks iz me. -sniffy noise-
    • Like x 2
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