shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Dreamscape, you say? That explains quite a bit, though it opens many more questions. Ones that perhaps we could explore together? You've the air of a scholar about you.
    • Like x 1
  2. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    You're a curious one. Even through just the notes there is a certain aura to you. That you've gained the ire of the others here to such a degree makes you even more curious.
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  3. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    You know how I mentioned the Cipher Wheel earlier?

    That's the spell that gets that guy to piss off back into his own dimension.
  4. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Curioser and curiouser.
  5. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    I'm always interested in an interesting question.
  6. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Bill is an asshole.
  7. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Oh, where to even start. Let's start with what's most familiar to me, I suppose. Is there any sort of significance to the ocean in your part of the dreamscape? Assuming we are referring to the same thing, of course. We might well not be, even if they are similar in function. The ocean appears to be the source of the gods. Or perhaps they are simply drawn to the ocean? Or perhaps the ocean is in fact a Great One? It is not quite clear, but they do speak of it quite often. Both in the waking world and the dreaming. I've looked up at the sky to sea an endless sea above me before in a dream while speaking with Ebrietas, as an example. I laid back and watched the waves ebb and flow as I listened to a trickling of water that felt as if it were in my head. There was a pressure too. Tight, but not unpleasant. Yet still distinctly overwhelming. It's left quite the impression on me, but I digress.

    To return to the original question, have you noted any sign of the ocean in the dreamscape? Any significance to it?
  8. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Of course there are oceans in the dreamscape.

    The ocean is where most forms of sapient carbon-based life evolved, and our deep selves, the parts of our minds that dream, remember it. Most of us are drawn to the ocean. (I grew up on the seashore and I live on a different seashore.) The ocean often symbolises our Mother, the matrix in which we were formed, and yet it can also destroy us; it is deep and full of hidden things that air-breathing beings will never see without technology -- mundane or arcane -- because not only can we not breathe the water, we can't see without light nor can we withstand the pressures.

    Unfortunately there are many different sorts of beings which in different dimensions are referred to as gods. I can't say whether your gods came out of the ocean or not. "God" is not a very meaningful term outside of a given cultural context--some beings that are worshipped as gods can't survive without their worshippers' feeding them with their psychic energy; some of them are minor local spirits that have nothing to do with people generally, but are willing to accept gifts or worship in return for favours; some are actually capable of creating life...
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  9. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    I see. I don't have any parallel to this Mother you've mentioned. Not that I have noticed at least. The closest I might come to that is my relation to the Great One I have mentioned, Ebrietas. She's hardly the mother of the human race, though. It's a personal matter. Unless you are being metaphorical?

    You do have quite the point about the arbitrary nature of the word "god". Apologies there, it's simply habit to refer to them that way. A clearer term for our purposes could be "Great One", perhaps? To distinguish between other meanings of the word god and the beings I am referring to. That doesn't solve the issue of you not being able to say where they have come from, but at least it will help keep things distinct.

    You're also on point with our being incapable of exploring the ocean's depths to their fullest. At the moment anyway. I'm not at all content to leave it this way.
  10. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Things in the ocean, in no particular order:
    • Fishtrolls
    • Fishtroll Lusii
    • Currently Fishtroll-less Lusii waiting for the next hatchings
    • More mundane beasts and fish that are easier to hunt than the aforementioned fishtroll and fishtroll lusii
    • Ships and sunken ruins
    • Plantlife (only partially edible)
    • the Carbuncle
    Now the Carbuncle gives me a reminder of what you're talking aboat -- ancient, frankly fucking ginormous, beast made of tentacles. Lusus Naturae of the Heiress, she's the only being standing between us and that thing speaking. Its voice is a psychic shockwave that kills everything. If it actually glubs, the entirety of our species dies. (Her name is Gl'b-golyb, if that rings a bell. Tiny Horrorterror of the Furthest Ring who watched over the Fuchsia caste since the dawn of our species)

    On the topic of dreamscape, the trollish dreamscape is an ocean of stars and colours and oil and tentacles. I'm, honestly, pretty glad I'm in this part of the dreamscape. Much nicer.
    • Like x 4
  11. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    So you are entirely inhuman then? Naturally? No unusual mutations caused by the abuse of blood or the ascension of the self through insight?
  12. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Naturally-hatched Alternian Troll, grey skin, candy-corn horns, and blood colour some shade of the rainbow (in my case almost jade) and all.
    By value of spoilers, I know I will reveal a mutation during second pupation, that mutation being ingrown wings. Wings sometimes happen among our species.
  13. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Fascinating. Creatures with blood that is neither red nor white. Wings and horns as well? You mentioned being hatched as well. Are you some manner of insect then? Or general arthropod, I suppose.

    Also, Gl'b-goylb isn't a name familiar me to me, no. I know of Ebrietas, Kos, Oedon and the Amygdalae. You might also know Kos as Kosm, though honestly that is a silly thing to call her.
  14. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    None of those ring a bell, shorey. But I tend to do the sensible thing and keep awave from the inhabitants of the Furthest Ring, generally. Safer for sanity, yknow. Your people seam to be a bit moore close to them, though.

    I've heard Alternian trolls described as "what happens if you put bees, locusts, butterflies, sea slugs, and a grade schooler's watercolour box into a blender, and poured the result into a humanoid shape", but I suspect there's a few ingredients missing there.
    We're actshorely knot arthropods, our skeleton is internal, probably because we're aboat human-sized, give or take, don't think an exoskeleton could support that.
    • Like x 2
  15. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Have never heard any of these names, though only meaning is have not found your worlds yet.

    Would suggest different names for same gods if symbology is similar enough? But cannot say without examining religious references. (Can journal send drawings or other images? Is there even any religious structure nearby in hostile territory Rom is trapped in, assuming from same or similar world?)

    No Licentan Shade is ocean (though tentacles and slime are... familiar, maybe Axij's?), but then do not believe there are "oceans" on home planet. Big lakes maybe.
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
  16. Merc With A Mouth

    Merc With A Mouth Will Make Out With Fourth Wall For Sequel | +18

    A dreamscape fuckery place full of trolls and no one mentions the occassion?
    You mean I get to do the honours?
    *deep breath*
    • Like x 4
  17. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    ... Our arc number is 612
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  18. Merc With A Mouth

    Merc With A Mouth Will Make Out With Fourth Wall For Sequel | +18

    Oh right, I'll be back in 199 pages then. Gotta do this shit right after all.

    • Like x 3
  19. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Well...they are from Dimension 418.
  20. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    Fixed That For You Dad. Coffee First, Dreamscape Bullshit After.
    • Like x 3
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