shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    *hugs Sev* Don't worry about it. He's being an ass. I don't think he even realises Sunshine's mad at him.
  2. Stentato of Devisiun

    Stentato of Devisiun NO INDOOR VOICE (18+)

    Gross, dude.
  3. Stentato of Devisiun

    Stentato of Devisiun NO INDOOR VOICE (18+)

    Aw, man. What was it like? What do you mean, tinkered with? How young was young?
  4. Dali Langrael

    Dali Langrael [WT/18+] Sylph of Doom

    Pleased to meet you too! Mint, that sounds tasty! *winks*
  5. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)

    *hugs back with a relieved sigh*
  6. Dali Langrael

    Dali Langrael [WT/18+] Sylph of Doom

    Being a dick is not the way to get dick. Or anything else you might want, Norm. Grow the fuck up now. You're lucky my xeno kink runs deep enough that I might excuse this once you're sober if you promise never to be this much of an asshole again in my presence.
    • Like x 1
  7. Mint Knorth

    Mint Knorth Heart-breaker, Vixen of Victory

    *winks at Dali* So I've been told. Though I should warn you. My attractiveness isn't ... purely natural. It's a Shanir gift, or curse. The Knorth glamour. I can't turn it off.
  8. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    -unceremoniously hands norm more cloudwater-
  9. Dali Langrael

    Dali Langrael [WT/18+] Sylph of Doom

    Don't worry about it. I've never actually been "in love" (and it doesn't bother me) so I am probably immune. I like flirting, I like sex when I'm in the mood for it. And I love my friends.
  10. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Not gross. Hot. Sev is hot.
    *drinks it*
  11. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    I resent that remark from anyone who's not of my species, and even most of them.
    That aside, Yes, 240 is easier to imagine. You were born after the Summoner revolution, come to think of it! Ever since then, there's been no one older than 8 sweeps, 17-ish earth years, on Alternia.
    Wonder what I'll be like when I'm 240.
  12. Mint Knorth

    Mint Knorth Heart-breaker, Vixen of Victory

    I ... have never been in love either. I've just a history of people falling in love with me, or so they think. And not taking no for an answer. I wish there were more people like you in the world. And those who aren't falling in love with me too often are instead judging me for it. The Knorth slut. That bitch. Much worse.
  13. Sunshine

    Sunshine [WT/18+] Kn1ght of Rage

    You're an 1d1ot 1s what you are. Be1ng 1mmortal doesn't mean that you can't be hurt, 1t means that no matter how badly you are hurt, no matter how long you are hurt, you do not get out of 1t by dy1ng.

    1 don't want you to d1e but 1 also don't, you know, want you to be 1n eternal pa1n.

    And no, the th1ngs that happen when mult1ple people are too comprom1sed to g1ve good consent are frequently NOT fun.

    D1d 1t sound to you l1ke Ford was happy about the th1ngs that happened when we were both possessed and party1ng?

    Do you think 1 cont1nued to be fond of the memor1es after he told me how he exper1enced those 1nc1dents?

    Don't put yourself 1n the pos1t1on to hurt someone as badly as 1 hurt h1m and have to l1ve w1th that.

    Also 1 strongly suggest not 1mpress1ng Dal1 w1th how much of an 1d1ot you can be 1f you want to h1t that. 1 don't th1nk Cereut1 exper1ence p1ty as a sexy emot1on.

    Vakla1 and Atbash are not surnames 1n the sense of the word you are th1nk1ng of (to the degree that you are th1nk1ng at all). They are hatchnames. You are not a yellow grub, so you w1ll never be Norm Vakla1, and 1 am not Tyr1on Vakla1 (or Tyr1on Atbash) any more, though 1 somet1mes perm1t persons w1th whom 1 have been very 1nt1mate to call me Tyr1on anyway.
    • Like x 1
  14. Damson

    Damson Bullies get what's coming.

    Fortunately, Mint darling, you've got me now. I love you but not like that. Just more like a friend who wants to protect you and get in trouble with you and be best friends and comrades who hug and stuff.
  15. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    First... Century or two. I think. I barely remember what it was like! It's been a while. I wanted to keep them safe! Safe and fed and happy. But it had to get turned off, or covered up, I'm not sure.
  16. Dali Langrael

    Dali Langrael [WT/18+] Sylph of Doom

    People suck sometimes. Anyone who doesn't take no for an answer deserves to lose their balls, or local equivalent thereof.
    • Like x 1
  17. Mint Knorth

    Mint Knorth Heart-breaker, Vixen of Victory

    Why do you think I trained to be a soldier? At least that way I have a knife and a sword to tell them no with.
    • Like x 1
  18. Dali Langrael

    Dali Langrael [WT/18+] Sylph of Doom

    Good for you!
  19. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    I am still boggled by societies in which you aren't expected to be able to fight before your first pupation.
    How does one survive without a specibus at hand from the moment you can hold one? Your lusus can only do so much for you...
  20. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Because otherwise MTOs wouldn't work, right? I know all about that bullshit.
    • Like x 1
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