shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -nods- "Iz true. Un hy suppose hyu haf less problem mit der blood kindz not likink each odder." -considers- "Say, hyu lot haf clenk medics? Or vould dot be mechanicks?"
    • Like x 2
  2. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    ... that is both very right and very wrong...
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  3. ...Mechanoids?

    remind me to never lose my spike
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  4. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -nods- "Yaz, clenks."
  5. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Energon's all the same unless it's gone absolutely curdled, no problems there. Incompatible sparktypes are a thing I think but those aren't related to energon processing?

    Medics exist! Had several in here upthread.

  6. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Believe clank = mechanoid life, sapient or no.

    Your courted's a medic anyway, am sure he'd help =]]
    • Like x 3
  7. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    "Hy tink hy´d like to meet dem, vould be nize to maybe learn how to feex der ket sum."

    "Vell hy vould say sum mechanics iz chust machinez, not clenks. Iz a beet fuzzy vot iz vot mind."
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
  8. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Maybe it's different for robots, but wouldn't a necro-dick be gross to have? Wouldn't it rot or rust or just... feel weird to have?

    'Cause it's a thing attached to you that used to be attached to a corpse... And just yeah... ew.
  9. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Fix the what?

    Er. That is. Hello, I'm one of the... "clank medics"? Half Life and Life Support are too, I believe.
    • Like x 1
  10. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Other transplants integrate with living systems just fine, don't see why interface array would be any different.
  11. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    I don't care how well it 'integrates.' It's just... gross... The mental images, man, the mental images...
  12. =###/
    i would hope so

    Well we're definitely not just machines!
    • Like x 1
  13. Congessi

    Congessi problem child


    Can understand why it wouldn't work for organic life, but. ??? It's just a body part, who cares where it came from? Would it be better if you removed it from a living donor???
  14. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    @Congessi most of this is true... in emergency situations where a medic doesn't have time or materials to fabricate an entirely new part. I'm thinking that your distrust of medical exams makes more sense now, hearing all this.

    @Cosmina Kastellan Hello! I'm Life Support, I'm a medic as well.

    @Jetski of Lake Depolito should, primus forbid, anything ever happen to you, I promise to fabricate you something new and to your liking, unless it is an emergency, like I said.
    • Like x 2
  15. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Uh. No. Not really. *sighs*
    *laughs* Well, she's certainly making me distrust medical exams.
    • Like x 1
  16. <3 <3 <3 <3
    I bet you'd make the best spikes
    • Like x 5
  17. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider someone whose funereal and mourning traditions involve integrating parts of the deceased's frame into one's own, I must admit some confusion as to what the problem here is.

    Where are you from that you believe just making entirely new parts is an option?
  18. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Please don't! There's enough of that going around as it is.

    I'm from Cybertron. Our mourning traditions involve leaving as much of the deceased intact as possible - we may be having some cultural conflict.
    • Like x 3
  19. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    "No, hy tink hyu iz about az far az eet getz from der fuzzy edge."

    "Pipple iz kind ov touchy about dot sort ov tink hy find, dot iz vy der best ting iz to keep dem from tinkink about eet too moch ven hyu haff no schpark to just mek hyu a new part. Sumtimez we haff clenk parts!"

    "Mit dot, hoy @Silverburst @Life Support of Iacon , hy iz Mina. Also a medic. Maybe ve could swap knowledge? Though." -looks Life Support up and...Up. "Hyu might haff zum trouble mit a lot ov non clenks, ve komm a bit small for hyu."
    • Like x 1
  20. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    "Ho Masters hyu gotz to chase hyu patientz down und sit on dem too?"
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