shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Ulien Helbon

    Ulien Helbon Ain't my fault

    It says it's the Embodiment of Evil. Don't mean it is. Known a sparkling or two who tried to claim the same while their kibble came in, 'edgy tryhard' ain't the same as 'actively hurtin' people'.

    ...That Burt might not be the best gauge of 'is it hurtin' people,' though, I'll give ya that.
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  2. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Okay. Fair. Edgy tryhards are just annoying, not evil. But still... if it actually is evil, we might wanna kick it out.

    And that wasn't what I meant - Bill's the dorito demon, not Burt - but I think you're right.
  3. Ulien Helbon

    Ulien Helbon Ain't my fault

    Well, yeah, if it turns out to be actually dangerous, pit yeah I'll help run it off. Ain't gonna just open fire on what might only be a little bit as only just discovered talkin' themselves up and also 'face jokes, y'know?

    Not what I meant this time, fancy that :) I know what Bill is, he ain't a problem for me-- can't do slag in here and prooobably not a danger where I'm at. Tryna say even if Mara somehow managed to hurt Burt, we might not be able to see it 'cos he's an edgy tryhard as don't like lookin' weak.
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  4. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Yeah, that's a good policy.

    And ah, I get it now. But I don't think Burt's good at hiding weakness. He probably wants to, but that doesn't mean he can. If he could, this thread probably wouldn't universally agree that he's a complete laughingstock.
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  5. Ulien Helbon

    Ulien Helbon Ain't my fault

    Eh, you'd know better'n I do-- I only just joined in :) Seems t'me more like "makin' ridiculous threats he can't follow through on" than "sayin' he got his aft whooped" is what makes Burt a riot to read, though.
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  6. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *laughs* Well, you're not wrong. I just think expecting competency - at anything - out of Burt is ridiculous.
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  7. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    No, but they run on hydraulics.
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  8. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    In the world I came from, they transplant donor organs all the time. You have to take them while they're very fresh; too much ischemia (time without blood flowing through them) will ruin them.

    But if someone's kidneys, liver, lungs, or heart, for example, have stopped working, getting one that someone else is no longer using is better than dying yourself.

    And...would you rather have a donor penis, or NO penis?

    (And I'm very glad we have Sev and Steven around, because just thinking about that is painful.)
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  9. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Hey, Mina--how's life in La Cyr? Or did you find a way to get home?

    Let me know if you didn't. I've got my worldwalking mojo back and I'd be happy to escort you home if you would like.

    Norm, if you want regular medical examinations and help, you probably should stop mentioning Sev and your dick in the same sentence where Sev can hear you talking about it. It makes him very uncomfortable. And his discomfort makes me and Lise uncomfortable.

    And I thought Bill was unsubtle. Look, you are never going to be very successful in the evil business unless you at least pretend you have people's interests at heart.

    The tentacles were a nice touch, though.

    I would've thought you get enough gratuitous loud-mouthed unsubtle evil in your life, Queen of Spades.

    The same way Valiska grew up in a brothel and still has so much innocence?

    Once you go xeno...

    (I may have got the hang of this.)
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  10. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *gulps* Welp. You have a point there.
    ... uh, sorry. Sorry. Didn't realize he'd be able to hear me say that. Thought he wasn't in the rave right then.
  11. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    ...almost sure this was entirely directed at Norm, but in case of general-you rather than specific-you: would much rather not have interface array, if anyone can figure out how to safely detach it without also tearing up the much-more-necessary acetabulofemoral joints, please tell Life Support =| Not having to ground charge every few millennia might almost be worth letting a medic get his hands all over me.
  12. Mara

    Mara The Evil One

    Mwahahahaha! You cannot even hope to censor I, Mara, The Evil One, when Atlus doesn't even censor me in any of the English releases!
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  13. Mara

    Mara The Evil One


    Gawaaargh...I'm not unsuccessful... I nearly tempted the Buddha!

    At the very least, I was probably close...


    I tempted Burt!
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  14. Ulien Helbon

    Ulien Helbon Ain't my fault

    ...somethin' tells me that ain't sayin' much.
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  15. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)

    ... I'm not sure about the limits of Steven's power, but *waves metallic fingers* I haven't seen successful limb regeneration from my kind of psi before. Although, to be fair, I was unconscious at the time.

    I survive primarily on feigned deafness.
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  16. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    I could make it real deafness while you're in here!
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  17. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    I've performed many more successful and tempting array modifications. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the tentacles are one of the tamer touches I've seen.
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  18. The Handmaid

    The Handmaid Friendly Neighborhood Murderer

    First mistake, assuming I was being positive or polite.
  19. Torisen Black Lord

    Torisen Black Lord Wolf-Friend and Highlord

    At least Grimly isn't here to have a laugh about this all. Admittedly it'd be nice to have him around to do so though, even at my expense.
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  20. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)

    Thanks, but not right now. I'll let you know if I get that desperate.
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