shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Wadanohara

    Wadanohara The (129cm) Sea Witch

    Well hello, it's nice to meet you, Kanaya!

    I really like your blouse, it's really cute. Did you design it yourself?
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
  2. Damson

    Damson Bullies get what's coming.

    Hi. I'm bored so I may as well be bored in company.

    *goes and sits down on the floor and pulls embroidery from her satchel*
  3. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    I Did Yes

    Ive Had To Design And Make Most Of My Clothing Because Alternian Fashion Is Sadly Very Limited

    Which Is Honestly Far Nicer A Statement About It Than It Deserves

    Alternian Fashion Standards Deserve Only The Harshest Of Insults And Critiques

    Such Rebukes Worthy Of Making Even The Nameless Circe Of Horror Terrors Quake In Their Entirely Metaphorical Boots

    This Pained Metaphor Aside I Dont Believe I Have Your Name Yet

    Hello Bored Im Kanaya
    • Like x 2
  4. Damson

    Damson Bullies get what's coming.

    I swear, I'd think you were one of those old soldiers around the barracks. Their senses of humor are at about that level. But you don't look that old. Anyway I'm not upset just an observation. *smiles*

    My name is actually Damson. It's like a small, sour plum. It's an apt description, I'm told.
    • Like x 3
  5. Wadanohara

    Wadanohara The (129cm) Sea Witch

    Ah-I'm Wadanohara, the Sea Witch.

    It's a shame that fashion from your planet is so limited. I was hoping the smelly fish troll not-so-great taste in clothes was an exception.

    I've picked up a slight interest in fashion from my tutor. She likes to use her magic to make me a new outfit whenever I grow a little.

    A centimeter or so, to be specific, which may not seem like much, but you'd be surprised how long I take to grow that little.
  6. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    Im Definitely Neither Old Nor A Soldier Nor Would I Have Been Allowed

    To Become A Soldier That Is Not The Getting Old Part

    Anyway That Is A Nice Name Though I Find It Strange That It Means Something

    My Name Is Simply The Mothers Attempts At Transcribing The Horrid Screeches Of My Lusus As She Picked Me Upon The Finishing Of My Trials

    That Is Just How Things Worked On Alternia And I Guess Also Beforus
    • Like x 1
  7. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    He Isnt From My Planet Actually

    And Given What Ive Seen Of Our Dancestors To Use Porrims Word Is That Beforan Fashion Was More Diverse

    Which Is Likely Because They Werent As Utilitarian As We Were

    Fashion Was Believed To Be A Waste Of Time Like Mail And Poetry That Wasnt In Vogue With The Highbloods

    Anyway I Really Like Your Hat As Well As The Blouse

    It Sets The Tone Of Sea Witch Quite Well While Also Being Cute To Boot
    • Like x 3
  8. Damson

    Damson Bullies get what's coming.

    It's a caste type of thing? We have that too but I am Kendar and we are the soldiers and workers, and I in particular am the child of soldiers and thus apt to keep that tradition.

    For Kendar girls, it's traditional to pick names from the growing things of our current homeworld, or things we carried with us. I don't know why it started and probably, after the Fall, neither do our scholars. Too much was lost.

    What's a lusus? Some kind of creature that chose you, is it like a bond type of thing, like some of the Shanir do?
  9. Wadanohara

    Wadanohara The (129cm) Sea Witch

    Oh, that's unfortunate. I'd've thought the Highbloods would have had better taste, since if they had an interest in classy stuff like poetry.

    *she smiles brightly, giggling*

    Hehe, thank you! Tatsumiya's always had a great eye for fashion, and she's good at blending the sailor/witch aesthetic together very well.
  10. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    While Some Of The Castes Have A Bit More Wiggle Room Your Wiggle Room Is Defined By Your Caste Ultimately

    My Caste Has Among The Least Amount And Were Exceptionally Rare Besides

    Said Role Being To Tend To The Mother Grub And Ensure That The Brooding Proceeds As Planned

    Also A Lusus Is A Sort Of Monster From Beneath The Surface That Chooses To Look After A Particular Troll Assuming Said Troll Survives The Trials

    The Closest Equivalent For You Would Be A Parent I Think

    Theyre Our Caretakers And Guardians

    Mine Was A Virgin Mother Grub One Of The Only Lusii Permitted To Choose To Raise A Jadeblooded Troll

    Also What Are Shanir Is That Another Caste
  11. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    Does She Now

    Id Be Interested In Seeing Some Of Her Other Work At Some Point

    Id Also Be Up To Showing You Some Of My Designs As Well

    And No Urgh The Highbloods Have What Is Probably The Worst Taste

    At Least The Lower Castes Are Simple In Their Dullness And Not Gaudy Like A Certain Fish Troll Whose Name Is Also Ampora
    • Like x 2
  12. Wadanohara

    Wadanohara The (129cm) Sea Witch

    I think I'd quite like that, too!

    And oh no, there's more of them? Please tell me this other Ampora is nicer than Crony is.
  13. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    I Might Be A Bit Biased But No Hes Really Not

    I Mean He Might Be A Tiny Bit Less Awful


    If I Was Feeling Especially Generous That Day Which Im Not Right Now So
  14. Wadanohara

    Wadanohara The (129cm) Sea Witch

    I'm also curious about what makes the Highbloods' taste so bad, but I have a foreboding feeling that I probably don't want to know.
  15. Wadanohara

    Wadanohara The (129cm) Sea Witch

    Oh dear. Is he anything like his, er, relative?

    Because his relative is, quite frankly, terrifying.
  16. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    Pointless Amounts Of Quote Unquote Bling

    Also Eridan Worse A Stupid Cape And Striped Pants And Why Did He Put That Stripe In His Hair Why All The Stripes

    And The Less Said About Gamzee The Better
    • Like x 4
  17. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    If You Mean Also A Self Absorbed Idiot Who Treats Others Like They Are Tools Who Should Cater To Him Then Yes

    Yes He Is
  18. Wadanohara

    Wadanohara The (129cm) Sea Witch

    I was referring more to the unwillingness to take no for an answer and urge to kill people who don't let him walk over them, but that's a rather scary thought too.
  19. Kanaya Maryam

    Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space

    Oh No Thats Another Thing He Does

    Which Is Why I Might Be Biased

    You Kind Of Get That Way After Being Murdered Because You Werent Going To Put Up With Someones Stupid Betrayal Scheme That Almost Damned Our Entire Race
    • Like x 2
  20. Damson

    Damson Bullies get what's coming.

    Your kind's reproduction is way complicated. Those mother grubs sound way vulnerable. I bet you guard them well. Still, I bet there's ways in for a good squad. Maybe not ways out after the deed is done.

    Shanir are the God-touched. They have abilities above that of ordinary people. They can do strange and scary things, from seeing through an animal's eyes to destroying others with a touch or a word. We used to revere them more, but after the Fall the Lords became distrustful and they are now shunned, and forced into places where we need their powers like priests and healers. Originally all Shanir were Highborn, but Highborn men can't keep from knocking up Kendar women these days and some Kendar kids are Shanir. Me, both my parents had a Highborn father, and it came out in me.
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