shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

  2. Max

    Max An Australian Cop

    That grey guy. Who tried to fuck a seagull.
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  3. Rustbucket

    Rustbucket still alive

    Aight. Ain'gonna try'n stop ya, then. [He shrugs.] T'be fair, th'bird was up for it 'tille fucked up 'is courtin'.
    • Like x 3
  4. nascentInterlude

    nascentInterlude Leon Gaspar, Seer of Time [RP Account]

    uh, hey there. can someone tell me where this is -- oh god is that a seagull
  5. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Liminal space between all spaces, not much of a "where" to describe.

    And yes.
  6. crocellsApostate

    crocellsApostate bard of makes you hard

    i nevwer said i vwas going to FUCK the seagull. i dont vwant that beak anyvwhere near my intimates.
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  7. nascentInterlude

    nascentInterlude Leon Gaspar, Seer of Time [RP Account]

    huh. well it's slightly better than i was. what's up?

    also, quick question: is the seagull likely to attack me? like on a scale of 1-10, how much aggression can i expect from the seagull. actually while i'm at it, what's the aggression level here in general?
    • Like x 1
  8. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Up is a relative directional indicator! =P

    Seagull has not yet attacked anyone, but likes screaming. General aggression levels... vary. Personally dislike sticking around for unnecessary conflict unless my dearest are involved, but that says nothing for anyone else.
    • Like x 4
  9. nascentInterlude

    nascentInterlude Leon Gaspar, Seer of Time [RP Account]

    [He relaxes visibly.] damn right it is B)

    aight that's good to know. screaming i can handle. sorry, hope i'm doing this right. it's been a weird day. think my social skills took a hit.
  10. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    c4n 83 4nywh3r3 fr0m 4lm057-n0rm4l l3v3l5 70 '1 w0uld f1gh7 my 0wn 455 1n 7h3 d353r7.' r4p1d fluc7u4710n, l177l3 w4rn1ng. y0u c4n'7 d13 f0r k33p5135 h3r3, 7h0ugh, 50 1 w0uldn'7 w0rry 0v3rmuch.
    • Like x 2
  11. Burt Destroys the World

    Burt Destroys the World DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!|18+

    • Like x 1
  12. Pree Aesma

    Pree Aesma Weeping Aesma rules Want

    I have fought myself before! I can make copies of myself. Sometimes those copies, being such perfect copies of the WONDERFUL AND AMBITIOUS me, do things like setting themselves up as god-queens!
    • Like x 1
  13. saxifragousBrocard

    saxifragousBrocard -0 Suffering.

    -0 A while ago it was quite high.
    -0 Most here were all too willing to fight over nothing.
    -0 May have changed in the meanwhile. Been absent.

    -0 Hello again. I've been busy.
    • Like x 1
  14. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    4nd 7h15 15 4 p05171v3??
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  15. Pree Aesma

    Pree Aesma Weeping Aesma rules Want

    Well, obviously I can't have them pretending to be ME.
    • Like x 1
  16. Burt Destroys the World

    Burt Destroys the World DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!|18+

    • Like x 4
  17. saxifragousBrocard

    saxifragousBrocard -0 Suffering.

    -0 Have we as a group become more nonsensical in my absence?

    -0 I've daymares easier to follow than this conversation.

    -0 ...

    -0 Does fighting yourself only count if it is physical, and can it take place elsewhere?

    -0 Can't say I'm overfond of desert air.
    • Like x 2
  18. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    d035 17 c0un7 45 pr373nd1ng, 7h0ugh?

    y0u c4n f1gh7 y0ur 0wn 455 wh3r3v3r y0u w4n7, 8uddy.
    • Like x 3
  19. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    Please do not fight your own ass in the ruins.
    • Like x 2
  20. Pree Aesma

    Pree Aesma Weeping Aesma rules Want

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